3/30 Impact Wrestling TV results: Powell’s review of the live edition featuring Josh Alexander vs. Kenta for the Impact World Championship, Will Ospreay vs. Homicide, Miyu Yamashita’s debut, final hype for the Impact and NJPW Multiverse United event

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Impact Wrestling TV
Live from Anthem’s Studios in Los Angeles, California

Aired March 30, 2023 on AXS TV

[Hour One] The Impact opening aired… The broadcast team of Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt stood behind a desk in the studio and ran through the lineup for the Multiverse United show that will stream later tonight on FITE.TV. Santino Marella joined the broadcast team…

Powell’s POV: I will be covering the Multiverse United event live as it airs later tonight at 10CT/11ET. We don’t normally have live Impact coverage, but I’m jumping in tonight since this is a live edition that leads into the pay-per-view.

A video package aired on the Mike Bailey vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi match that will take place later tonight…

Rehwoldt noted that Bailey was originally scheduled to face Will Ospreay, who is out due to injury. The trio spoke about how it’s a dramatic change in styles for Bailey to prepare for. They set up the first match and noted that it had never aired on Impact before…

1. Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Lance Archer. The match was taped at NJPW Resurgence on August 14, 2021 in Los Angeles, California. Jon Moxley sat at ringside with a beer in hand. They cut to a break during the match. [C] In the end, Tanahashi hit High Fly Flow top rope splashes and scored the pin.

Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Lance Archer.

Powell’s POV: Mark it down, Jon Moxley appeared on the Impact Wrestling television show. It’s going to be a long weekend, folks. I’m not going to go into the usual match coverage detail that we normally would for this episode’s taped matches. Things will get back to normal for the Multiverse show.

Back at the desk, Santino predicted that Tanahashi will defeat Bailey. Hannifan said they would dive into the NJPW Strong Openweight Title match after the break… [C]

Gia Miller interviewed Rocky Romero while backstage at the Globe Theatre, which his hosting Multiverse United. Miller asked about the sentiment in the locker room from the New Japan side. Romero said there would be fireworks due to the interpromotional matches. Romero got flustered while trying to say he would win the X Division Title…

The studio crew spoke about the X Division Title match… A video package aired on Kenta vs. Minoru Suzuki for the NJPW Strong Openweight Title… Hannifan said Fred Rosser would be in studio after the break and added that they would discuss the Impact Tag Title match… [C]

Fred Rosser replaced Santino at the desk and discussed the eight-man tag team match. Rosser spoke about his issues with Tom Lawlor… Hannifan set up footage of Ace Austin and Chris Bey beating the Motor City Machine Guns to win the Impact Tag Titles… Hannifan and Rehwoldt recapped footage of Austin and Bey losing matches before they went to NJPW, and then they were shown winning a more recent match. Rosser predicted Austin and Bey would retain…

Hannifan said Knockouts Champion Mickie James would join them in studio… [C] A vignette aired to hype Jodie Threat’s debut for next week… Hannifan explained the situation with the Knockouts Title and the various scenarios that are possible due to James’ rib injury..

Knockouts Champion Mickie James joined Hannifan and Rehwoldt in the studio. She said she feels worse for Josh Alexander due to his injury. She said she’s feeling better than she was and expressed disappointment over not being able to compete on the Multiverse United show.

Hannifan showed the cover of the new Pro Wrestling Illustrated cover that features the Knockouts. James sang the praises of the Knockouts Division and spoke about how Impact has one of the most diverse and well-rounded locker rooms…

2. Miyu Yamashita vs Killer Kelly. The match was taped in Windsor, Ontario on March 25.

[Hour Two] The match spilled over to ringside where the wrestlers traded strikes. Yamashita pushed off the apron and threw a kick. Kelly came right back with a light kick from the apron. Back inside the ring, Kelly performed a fisherman’s suplex and got a two count. Yamashita threw a big kick. Kelly caught Yamashita in a submission hold, but she escaped and performed a nice suplex. Yamashita threw another high kick to the head and then pinned Kelly…

Miyu Yamashita beat Killer Kelly.

Powell’s POV: There wasn’t much mystery regarding the outcome when the hype was for Yamashita’s Impact debut and they never even mentioned that Kelly was her opponent. Even so, it was a competitive match with Kelly getting plenty of offense before she took the loss.

Rehwoldt hyped Josh Alexander vs. Kenta for later in the show… [C] Kevin Kelly checked in to hype the New Japan show that follows Impact…

Tommy Dreamer joined Hannifan and Rehwoldt. Dreamer spoke about getting revenge on Bully Ray. Footage aired of former NHL player Darren McCarty being put through a table by Bully Ray at Sacrifice. They also showed footage of Scott D’Amore making his return and performing a Canadian Destroyer on Jason Hotch. Dreamer said it brought a smile to his face to see D’Amore perform the move and it set the internet on fire. They played up a Hardcore War between Team Bully and Team Dreamer…

A video package spotlighted Moose vs. Jeff Cobb for the Multiverse United show…

Moose was interviewed by Gia Miller backstage at the Globe Theatre. Moose said he faced Cobb a long time ago and he knows that Cobb will bring it. Moose said he’s been in a lot of hard hitting matches and knows what it takes to win them. Moose told Cobb to bring his A-Game and added that he’d find out why he’s the Wrestling God…

Hannifan said Scott D’Amore would join them and the main event would air… [C] D’Amore joined Hannifan, Rehwoldt, and Dreamer at the desk. Dreamer invited D’Amore to be on his team. D’Amore said it was fun to get his hands dirty, but that’s not what he does as the Impact President. He said he was sure that Dreamer could find other teammates. Dreamer said he was going to do that and left the desk.

D’Amore spoke about Josh Alexander’s injury and said he had surgery and the surgeon said it was a complete success. Hannifan mentioned Lio Rush stepping in and facing Kushida at the Multiverse United event. Footage aired of Kushida putting Alexander in the Hoverboard Lock. The trio at the desk speculated that it may have played a part in Alexander’s injury. Hannifan said Steve Maclin tapped out to the same move during the Sacrifice main event and questioned whether he did it to preserve himself. D’Amore said Maclin is cerebral…

3. Josh Alexander vs. NJPW Strong Openweight Champion Kenta for the Impact World Championship. The match was taped in Las Vegas, Nevada at Sam’s Town Live. There was a break early in the match. [C]

Powell’s POV: My apologies to anyone who happens to be reading live tonight. I was delayed by an important call, but I’m back to finish up the report now.

Alexander and Kenta traded strikes in the middle of the ring. Kenta put Alexander down with a Draping DDT. Hannifan played up the idea that Kent was targeting the surgically repaired neck of Alexander. Kenta threw a couple of running kicks at Alexander, who was in the corner. Kenta performed a top rope double stomp and covered Alexander for a near fall.

Kenta signaled for his GTS finisher, but Alexander avoided it. Kenta fired away with a series of strikes and then went for the GTS again, but Alexander blocked it and then applied an ankle lock. Kenta rolled out of the hold, which sent Alexander into the corner. Kenta rolled up Alexander for another two count. Hannifan noted that Alexander went face first into an exposed turnbuckle.

Kenta hit Alexander with a running knee strike and got another two count. Kenta went for a GTS, but Alexander blocked it. Kenta hit him with a spinning back fist. Kenta threw a kick, but Alexander caught his foot and applied the ankle lock. Kenta rolled out again. Kenta charged Alexander, who dropped him on the exposed turnbuckle. Moments later, Alexander hit his finisher and scored the pin…

Josh Alexander defeated Kenta to retain the Impact World Championship.

Powell’s POV: A really good match that left me selfishly disappointed that it will be several months before we see Alexander in the ring again. Here’s wishing him the best in his recovery.

D’Amore announced that Alexander would appear on next week’s show to relinquish the Impact World Championship. Alexander said he had to get to the venue and made his exit. Hannifan hyped Yuya Uemura vs. Gabriel Kidd for the Multiverse United pre-show, and then he and Rehwoldt ran through the main show card…

Join me for my live review of the Multiverse United event at the top of the hour.


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