1/26 MLW Fusion results: Powell’s review of Richard Holliday addressing his cancer battle, Taya Valkyrie vs. Trish Adora for the MLW Featherweight Championship, Sam Adonis vs. Johnny Patch, and a classic Dragon Gate title match

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 164)
Taped October 30, 2022 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Streamed January 26, 2023 on Pro Wrestling TV

The Fusion opening aired… Cesar Duran made his entrance and said he was giving a gift to the fans even though they didn’t deserve it. Duran said he signed the nastiest and most violent fighter in Mexico. After a big buildup, Duran introduced Sam Adonis, who made his entrance. The broadcast team of Joe Dombrowski and Matt Striker checked in and put over Duran’s signing of Adonis…

1. Sam Adonis vs. Johnny Patch. Patch’s entrance was not televised. Adonis made quick work of Patch and finished him off with the Orange Blossom Thunder Driver…

Sam Adonis defeated Johnny Patch.

The broadcast team said Richard Holliday would speak after the break and also hyped the show’s other two matches…

On the stage, Sam Laterna interviewed Adonis and Duran. Duran took issue with Laterna asking why Adonis signed with Duran. Adonis calmed down Duran and then told the crowd to shut their mouths. Adonis said he spent five years of his life beating up lucadores in Mexico City. He said he doesn’t flip around the ring like an idiot, he beats people up…

A brief video aired for Alex Hammerstone vs. EJ Nduka in a Last Man Standing match for MLW Underground’s February 7 debut on Reelz… A brief video showcased Trish Adora and then a graphic hyped her title main as the show’s main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: Adonis is the younger brother of WWE’s Corey Graves. Adonis hasn’t had a standout run in the United States, but he has had successful international runs. I’m looking forward to seeing more of him in MLW.

An ad aired for the February 4 MLW SuperFight event for February 4 in Philadelphia… A teaser video aired for Lio Rush making his return to MLW…

Alex Kane delivered a backstage promo while Mr. Thomas stood by. Kane said spoke about rebranding the Opera Cup as the Oprah Cup. He said he would win the cup and the Battle Riot and the MLW Heavyweight Championship…

A cameraman caught up with Davey Boy Smith Jr. and the Billington Bulldogs in the parking lot. Smith laughed at the idea of Opera Cup being renamed the Oprah Cup. Smith said damaging the cup is a different story. Smith said he would dish out some serious payback to Kane for damaging the cup. Smith said he wouldn’t wrestle Kane, he would hurt him…

2. Shun Skywalker vs. Yamato for the Open the Dream Gate Championship. The match was listed as being courtesy of Dragon Gate. It appears to be the match that was held on August 1, 2021 in Kobe, Japan at Kobe World Hall.

Yamato defeated Shun Skywalker to win the Open the Dream Gate Championship.

Powell’s POV: Well, this was random and I didn’t see any reason to do a traditional rundown of a match that was held well over a year ago. MLW aired the original Dragon Gate footage complete with the English broadcast team that called the match live. I don’t mind giving viewers a glimpse of the Dragon Gate talent at their best, but the presentation left a lot to be desired, as this was simply advertised by MLW as “Yamato in action.” I suspect that MLW is running short on taped content due to some of the matches from the Blood & Thunder tapings being shifted to the MLW Underground debut on Reelz. If so, that’s an understandable issue and things should get better coming out of the SuperFight tapings.

Richard Holliday sat in a studio and addressed the viewers as “consumers.” Holliday said he wanted to speak candidly because not everyone pays attention to social media. He said for those wondering why he hasn’t been wrestling lately. Holliday said that in September 2022, he was diagnosed with cancer in the form of Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Holliday said it was a shock, but he’s been telling himself that it’s not the news that you get that defines you as a person, it’s how your react to it. Holliday said he has been in the gym five to six days per week and is training his ass off. He said his doctors have been shocked by how well he’s handled chemotherapy. He said he is doing better each and every day.

Holliday said he doesn’t know when he will be able to return to the world of pro wrestling that he misses so dearly. He said that he will miss the fans until then. He said this is not goodbye or a see you later. Holliday said he considers it a see you soon and said he can’t wait for that day. Holliday closed by saying that when you breathe rarified air, you fight…

The broadcast team hyped the main event… [C]

Powell’s POV: Holliday’s appearance was noticeably different from the last time he appeared on Fusion, which is to be expected given the battle that he’s going through. It was great to see him. He originally announced the news of his cancer battle in early December, but this was the first time that it’s been addressed on MLW television. Here’s wishing him the very best in his ongoing battle. I’m a fan of his work and I can’t wait to see him back in the ring when the time is right.

The upcoming fights graphic listed the same events as last week… Lince Dorado and Microman vs. Delirious and Mini Abismo Negro was announced for next week’s Fusion…

Microman was backstage eating when Cesar Duran and Sam Adonis approached him. Adonis picked up a trashcan and dumped it on Microman, then put the can over his body. Lince Dorado showed up and took issue with what the heels did…

Footage aired of Jacob Fatu defeating Ben-K in last week’s main event…

Jacob Fatu, Juicy Finau, and Lance Anoa’i were shown talking in an outdoor area. Fatu mentioned his recent wins, while Finau pointed out that he and Anoa’i remain unbeaten. Anoa’i said they are about to be dripping in gold. They all did an SST chant…

Dombrowski hyped the Hammerstone vs. Nduka match for MLW Underground on Reelz. He also announced that Real 1 (f/k/a Enzo Amore) will “shoot” on the Reelz premiere episode on February 7…

Ring announcer Tim Barr handled the introductions for the main event…

3. Taya Valkyrie (w/Cesar Duran) vs. Trish Adora for the MLW Featherweight Championship. The cut to break early in the match. [C] Valkyrie distracted the referee while Duran tripped Adora from the floor. Valkyrie dove at Adora, who caught her. Duran reached in from the floor tripped Adora, causing Valkyrie to fall on top of her, which resulted in the three count…

Taya Valkyrie defeated Trish Adora to retain the MLW Featherweight Championship.

Powell’s POV: A forgettable match, though the finish helped establish Valkyrie as a heel now that she’s aligned with Duran. The women’s division is suffering from a lack of storytelling, which may be the result of the company simply not knowing which wrestlers they will have access to from month to month. Ideally, they can do more with Adora given that she was cheated in this match, but they really need to give viewers a reason to invest in her character.

Overall, the highlight was clearly seeing Richard Holliday again. I am looking forward to the Reelz debut, as well as MLW picking up the pace and having more timely television coming out of the MLW SuperFight taping on February 4. I will have more to say about this episode in my weekly Fusion audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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