12/22 MLW Fusion results: Taya Valkyrie vs. Lady Flammer for the MLW Featherweight Championship, Mads Krugger vs. Mance Warner in a tables match, Alex Kane’s Peach State Prize Fight

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Major League Wrestling Fusion (Episode 160)
Taped September 18, 2022 in Norcross, Georgia at Space Event Center
Streamed December 22, 2022 on Pro Wrestling TV

The Fusion opening aired… Rich Bocchini and Joe Dombrowski checked in from ringside and then ran through the show’s lineup… Ring announcer Tim Barr delivered the introductions for the opening match. Mads Krugger made his entrance first. Footage aired of Mance Warner delivering a promo about getting a David Allen Coe autographed guitar from Conrad Thompson. Warner made his entrance…

1. Mads Krugger vs. Mance Warner in a tables match. Bocchini said this was Warner’s first singles match in MLW in over three years. Krugger and Warner brawled at ringside to start. Krugger no-sold Warner’s chops. Warner grabbed a stick from the crowd and hit Krugger, who no-sold that as well.

Krugger ran Warner over the barricade and then joined him in the crowd where the brawl continued. Krugger pulled out door boards from underneath the ring and tossed them into the ring heading into a break. [C]

Footage aired from during the break of Krugger running Warner into the ring post. Warner bled from the forehead. Krugger jabbed a screwdriver into Warner’s head at ringside. Back in the ring, Krugger leaned the door boards in opposite corners.

Warner picked up a chair and slammed it over the head of Krugger twice (awful). Krugger ended up with the chair and threw it at Warner, who put his hand up. Krugger slammed Warner onto two chairs that were set up in the middle of the ring.

Warner avoided a charging Krugger, who crashed through one of the door boards. Warner slammed a door board over Krugger’s head. Krugger speared Warner through a door board that was set up in the corner.

The wrestlers fought to the apron. Warner poked Krugger’s eye and then tossed him off the apron through a table that was set up on the floor to win the match.

Mance Warner defeated Mads Krugger in a tables match.

Afterward, Warner rolled to ringside and celebrated with the fans. He returned to the ring and spoke about how everyone in MLW fights and then has a tall beer. Warner told the crowd that he was going to get drunk…

Powell’s POV: Shame on MLW for allowing unprotected chair shots to the head. I know Warner does this in other promotions and I just don’t understand why given everything we’ve learned about head trauma. For that matter, Warner is a fun brawler, a strong personality, and a good talker. He has a lot going for him and I have no idea why he feels the need to do this shit in his matches or why the promotions he works for continue to allow it.

Mister Saint Laurent and Microman stood outside of the 2300 Arena and collected donations for Microman. A man told him to leave. The broadcast team called MSL a carny…

The upcoming fights schedule graphic was shown… Juicy Finau delivered a promo backstage. He said he and Jacob Fatu were heading to a buffet. He said the MLW locker room is an all you can eat buffet and the SST are hungry…

A cameraman caught up with MLW Featherweight Champion Taya Valkyrie, who took issue with Lady Flammer claiming that she would take her title belt back to Mexico. Valkyrie said Flammer has a lot of potential and is cute and young, “but you ain’t me”…

Alex Kane delivered a backstage promo about getting everyone to chant Bomaye… [C]

The Bomaye Fight Club made their entrance. A pre-taped Kane promo aired. He revealed that he had stolen Davey Richards’ jacket. Kane delivered an in-ring promo.

2. Alex Kane vs. D3 in a Peach State Prize Fight Challenge. Myron Reed sat in on commentary and had the Opera Cup with him. Kane toyed with D3 before putting him away after a variety of suplexes.

Alex Kane beat D3.

After the match, Reed handed Kane a peach, which he shoved in his opponent’s face before throwing him out of the ring. Kane delivered a brief promo. Davey Richards ran out to go after Kane, but a group of referees and security stopped him. Reed performed a flip dive onto the pile at ringside. Kane and Reed worked over Richards. Kane put his foot on Richards while holding up the Opera Cup…

Powell’s POV: A dominant win for Kane followed by a solid heat generating angle with Richards.

Highlights aired of Shun Skywalker defeating Myron Reed to win the MLW Middleweight Championship. A Skywalker promo aired. He spoke mostly in Japanese…

EJ Nduka delivered a backstage promo. He told Alex Hammerstone that he’s built for this. He pointed out his diamonds and said that a lot of pressure makes diamonds. Nduka said Hammerstone wouldn’t even have the title if it wasn’t for him. Nduka spoke about the times he had Hammerstone’s back and then accused Hammerstone of ducking him…

Bocchini said there was breaking news regarding Hammerstone and Nduka that would be revealed after a break… [C] A brief video touted the return of Davey Boy Smith Jr. to MLW…

Jacob Fatu, Lance Anoai, and Microman were shown drinking at a bar. Lince Dorado brought Microman a gift. Anoai had Dorado put a Santa hat on. Fatu said they should all team up and then they toasted…

MLW Heavyweight Champion Alex Hammerstone delivered a promo in front of the MLW backdrop. He said he’s happy he put EJ Nduka through the stage despite the cut that he suffered. Hammerstone spoke about moments like this that make him ask himself why he still does this. Hammerstone it’s because this is what he does and what he’s programmed to do. He said it’s what gets him out of the bed in the morning and keeps him up at night.

Hammerstone asked what it is for Nduka. Hammerstone said he thinks it’s just a chance for Nduka to play superstar and make quick money. Hammerstone said he’s heard about Nduka’s athletic background and said he’s star in football and bodybuilding. Hammerstone said all he heard was that Nduka was kind of successful in a lot of things and couldn’t get to the top of anything. Hammerstone said he would be the guy to make Nduka ask himself why he does this…

Hammerstone vs. Nduka in a Last Man Standing match for the MLW Heavyweight Championship was announced for the January 5 edition of Fusion…

Powell’s POV: Hammerstone’s promo went on a little longer than it needed to, but it was one of his best promos to date. He definitely put some thought into that one and delivered it nicely.

Entrances for the main event took place. Ring announcer Tim Barr asked the crowd to stand for the playing of the Canadian and Mexican national anthems. Time stood still as Valkyrie was shown facing the camera and mouthing the words. The largely Hispanic crowd sang along with the Mexican anthem. Barr delivered in-ring introductions for the title match…

3. Taya Valkyrie vs. Lady Flammer for the MLW Featherweight Championship. They cut to a break during the opening minute. [C] Late in the match, Valkyrie clotheslined Flammer and then followed up with a spinning Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.

Flammer came back with a clothesline in the corner and then placed Valkyrie on the ropes and dropkicked her. Flammer covered Valkyrie for a two count. Both wrestlers traded forearms in the middle of the ring. Valkyrie kicked Flammer. They both ran the ropes and then Valkyrie speared Flammer for a two count.

Valkyrie set up on the ropes for a move, but Flammer cut her off. Flammer went to the ropes, but Valkyrie fought her off, slipped under her, and then performed a sit-out powerbomb for a two count. Flammer came right back with a Canadian Destroyer for a near fall. Flammer threw a kick at Valkyrie and covered her for another two count. Valkyrie fired up and hit her Road to Valhalla finisher and then scored the clean pin…

Taya Valkyrie beat Lady Flammer to retain the MLW Featherweight Championship.

A brief video package touted Alex Hammerstone vs. EJ Nduka as the next main event…

Powell’s POV: A solid match. It was nice to see Valkyrie work a longer singles match again, as she’s been working tag team matches in Impact. They never really convinced me that Flammer was a threat to win the match, but it still felt like a good win for Valkyrie and it was nice to see the Featherweight Title defended in the main event.

Overall, this was a solid one-hour show. It appears MLW will be taking off next week for the holidays given that no matches were announced for next week, and the closing video spotlighted the January 5 main event. I will have more to say about this episode in my weekly audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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