Cesaro on his long wait for a WWE Universal Championship match, looks back on being paired with Paul Heyman

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

DAZN interview with Cesaro
Interviewer: Steven Muehlhausen
Available at DAZN.com

DAZN: I’ve been a fan of you for such a long time, back to the Ring of Honor and PWG days. And everyone’s like, ‘Well, why isn’t he getting his opportunity? Why do you feel it took so long to finally break through and get to this point where you are challenging Roman Reigns for the Universal title on Sunday at WrestleMania Backlash?

Cesaro: “I spent many sleepless nights asking myself that question, to be honest. And, you know, I didn’t really find the answer. It’s just for certain people, it takes longer. I remember, when I first got to WWE after a year or two, somebody told me was like, ‘You’ll get there, it will just take a while. That’s just your path’. You don’t want to hear that when you just started. You don’t want to hear it will take a while, and you just see other people just jumping the line or getting the opportunity, and you’re just there working day in and day out. You don’t really want to hear that. But then if you look back at it, you think like, ‘Well, the journey was worth it because you took all those people that watched you over the past nine years, or like you even longer you took them on the journey with you.’

“So when you finally arrive, and that journey is not over this Sunday, I tell you that much just starts with a nice shiny title belt. So if you take those people on that journey, it just means so much more. I feel when I talk about that I deliver all the time or working hard and dedicating myself to wrestling, it’s not just, who’s this new guy just saying that stuff? It’s like, ‘No, you’ve seen me for nine years and live by the words that I’m saying’. I feel like they all happen for a reason, and I’ve finally arrived where I want to be now. Looking back, I can say that I took the hard road. I did, and it means so much more.”

DAZN: [Paul Heyman] said something interesting that caught my attention was when you guys got paired together after you won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at WrestleMania 30. Paul doesn’t go with anybody. You win the Battle Royal, and here comes the monster push. Then it didn’t happen. I asked Paul, and he gave me an interesting answer. He felt like it wasn’t the right time, and it just didn’t click, and it wasn’t the right time because they were coming off the stuff with Brock breaking The Undertaker’s, and it felt like the destination was still going to be Brock and The Undertaker, and you were more of like the placeholder at the time. You feel that same assessment, and that just wasn’t the right place, the right time, or do you feel like you guys were put together, and it’s just you guys really just didn’t click very well?

Cesaro: “I’ll say this much. I learned a whole lot from Paul, and I still do. But I agree 100 percent with Paul’s assessment because that’s 100 percent right. Paul used that opportunity to talk about Brock Lesnar and, I was second fiddle at that point. He even said that in the Talking Smack interview that he did. He said that he knows that alliance was more beneficial to him than it was for me. But you know what, despite that, I’m here today, challenging Roman Reigns on Sunday. I’m here despite not being picked, not being ‘The Guy’ chosen by powers that be. I’m still here because of what I bring to the table. I feel that speaks for itself.”

Other topics include the influence of John Cena and Daniel Bryan and what it would mean to become the WWE Universal Champion.


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