Lutz’s Blog: There’s no reason for Cody to worry about perception of his AEW wrestler/executive status

By Jeff Lutz, Staffer (@JLutz82)

When 4,000 fans at Charlotte’s Bojangles Coliseum began chanting “Dusty! Dusty!” during an epic promo from Cody on Wednesday’s AEW Dynamite, I got the feeling that they were celebrating Dusty Rhodes for being Cody’s father – not for being a legendary wrestler who happened to produce two outstanding wrestling sons.

Fans don’t seem to care that Cody may have received more opportunities in wrestling – he debuted in WWE as Cody Rhodes just after turning 22 – because of his Hall of Fame lineage. My guess is they care even less about Cody wrestling in main event matches while also serving as an AEW executive vice president charged with determining who competes at the top of the card.

I barely followed Cody’s independent-wrestling plight. His WWE career fizzled with the unimaginative Stardust gimmick and I regrettably didn’t have him pegged as someone who could make a difference outside WWE. I didn’t take him seriously as he crossed off opponents on his list of dream matches or even, sadly, when he helped sell out Chicago’s Sears Centre for All In last year.

Then AEW became an idea and soon after, a reality. Cody began the media push and was interviewed by seemingly every outlet that had a stake in wrestling. I was surprised to find out that Cody oozed with charisma and the ability to convincingly and emotionally promote that his dad, Dusty, so famously possessed.

Where had this been? It was always there, if only I had been paying attention.

Failing to recognize Cody’s obvious intangibles was my mistake. Unfortunately – or fortunately, depending on how you look at it – WWE made the same miscalculation. Its failures seem more egregious, though, considering he spent a decade in the company and never elevated beyond mid-card status.

How could WWE so blatantly miss what was right in front of it for 10 years? How did Vince McMahon fail to discover and present Cody’s skills on the microphone, his true personality, and his passion for the business? How was he not completely invested in finding out whether Dusty Rhodes’ son had some of the traits that made Dusty so beloved?

In WWE, that happens far too often. Check out any unscripted WWE Network series – Table for 3, Ride Along, etc. – or watch when a current wrestler inducts a past star into the Hall of Fame, and you’ll see elements of performers’ personalities that WWE’s scripted promos and one-dimensional character development can never tap into.

That hasn’t been a problem in AEW, where the only shortcomings in promos and character development are related to quantity, not quality. Cody is one of several who have thrived, masterfully selling his upcoming pay-per-view championship match against Chris Jericho with intense physical confrontations and with Wednesday’s emotionally charged promo.

Cody’s interview with Tony Schiavone should alleviate, if not erase, any doubts that Cody is looking out more for himself than for the company. It’s obvious to those watching AEW that Cody deserves a top spot, and it’s no sin for him to recognize the passionate reactions he receives weekly and reward the tireless work he’s done to earn them.

In Wednesday’s promo, Cody addressed criticism from people who he says claim he is using AEW as a platform for personal stardom and recognition. But I don’t see it that way. I think people are leery of the possibility of Cody receiving backlash, but I’m not sure much exists yet because it’s so evident that he is a worthy cornerstone for the fledgling promotion.

Cody has managed to separate himself from Dusty by incorporating many elements of what made his father a star and by adding a unique, updated, for-the-times element to the tried and true. Writing himself into high-profile segments and matches didn’t outweigh what Dusty achieved on his own, and it’s well on its way to becoming nothing more than a footnote in Cody’s career, too.


Readers Comments (6)

  1. Where were you to make excuses for Triple H and Jeff Jarrett when they needed you?

  2. Cody has been phenomenal, and he’s using the flippy midgets to get himself a position that he’s actually capable of living up to.

    I’ll give AEW this, they’ve quickly realized that their main event scene is 2 guys deep (Cody/Jericho) with 3-4 (Page/Pac/Moxley/MJF) who might be able to get there in the near future, and they’re loading up on those guys carrying key segments (except MJF).

    • Moxley “might be able to get there in the near future”? That’s your take? He’s headlined arenas and shows across the world! He’s there. Now.

      Despite your protests, Omega is a main event talent too. He’s headlined huge shows in Japan. He’s been the face of one of the most influential factions of this era.

      What are you judging any of this on?

      • 40% drop in ratings in 6 weeks along with shows drawing 4,000 fans. That’s what I’m drawing this on. Moxley is over with the pecker puller neckbeard crowd, but he’s not a mainstream star yet (especially with how poorly he’s been pushed in AEW so far).

        Olivier is terrible.

        Anyone outside of braindead chimp AEW fantards is well aware of this.

        • How many episodes of the show you absolutely hate have you missed so far?

          • I watched the first one. I’ve watched highlights/recommended matches and segments only since then. It’s a shitshow, but there’s still usually 1 or 2 things that are really good and worth seeing (which is what I expect out of the massively overpriced PPV tonight as well).

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