11/7 NXT UK TV results: Gleed’s review of Zack Gibson and James Drake vs. Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster, Isla Dawn vs. Killer Kelly, Tyson T-Bone vs. Joe Coffey

By Haydn Gleed, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@haydngleed)

Taped October 5-6, 2019 in Brentwood, England at Brentwood Centre
Streamed November 7, 2019 on WWE Network

The usual opening video opened the show and then Tom Phillips, who was accompanied by Nigel McGuinness on commentary, checked in and hyped the main event as Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews against Grizzled Young Veterans. Yep, we are getting the same main event as we did six weeks ago…

1. Joe Coffey defeated Tyson T-Bone.

Gleed’s Ramblings: Two of the biggest men on the roster had hybrid boxing/brawling/wrestling match and it was okay. This was all about Joe Coffey making his comeback after the last man standing match with Dave Mastiff and it was what it was. The crowd was really quiet which could be a combination of fatigue after many hours of tapings and the fact that technically both of these guys are heels. The highlight of the match for me was McGuinness having to explain a Glasgow firm to Phillips.

Alisha Taylor was with Xia Brookside backstage. She said Kay Lee Ray had some strong words for her. Xia said she wouldn’t expect anything else from her. She said she outsmarted her once but now she’s ready to truly show Ray what she’s really made of. Taylor nodded proudly in an awkwardly long pause shot. Ugh…

An advertisement hyped that Ridge Holland is coming soon. Ridge Holland is Luke Mendez, who’s a former professional rugby league (a/k/a fake rugby….I’m kidding before some of you hunt me down) player…

A video package on Piper Niven was shown. She spoke about her early years and her family.

Gleed’s Ramblings: A great package to get to know Niven. Where has this been for the last six months?!

2. Isla Dawn defeated Killer Kelly.

Gleed’s Ramblings: A bit of a strange build for this match. We saw Kelly interviewed last week where she said that you only seem to get a match in NXT UK if you attack someone. She saw Isla Dawn and followed her into a dressing room straight after saying that, so it was implied that she was going to attack Isla but we never saw it or the fallout. Weird. Speaking of weird, they gave Kelly promo time last week and it seemed they were going to get behind her, however she lost this match and Isla pretty much dominated this match. I don’t get it, but we’ll see what happens next.

A graphic hyped Tyler Bate as facing Kassius Ohno. Ohno was shown and talked about British Strong Style and how they are not authentic and he’s here to show what it really means. He said BSS are only out there doing things that they think are cool, not true British Strong Style. He said now Pete Dunne’s gone, Trent Seven is a shambles, and Tyler got involved in his business. He said he’s going to do what Imperium failed to do and that is extinguish Tyler Bate and British Strong Style for good.

Gleed’s Ramblings: Good buildup for a TV main event next week.

A graphic listed Kay Lee Ray vs. Xia Brookside and Travis Banks vs. Ligero next week (they are really stacking the matches up)…

3. “Grizzled Young Veterans” Zack Gibson and James Drake fought “South Wales Society” Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster to an apparent no contest. After a long match, Gallus came out to watch, followed by Imperium. Both teams cleared the wrestlers involved in the match and Imperium were joined by Alexander Wolfe and Walter while Joe Coffey joined Gallus. As both teams faced each other in the ring. Ilja Dragunov’s music played and out he came. He acted like he was joining Imperium before crossing the divide and standing with Gallus to a HUGE reaction. Both teams charged at each other and the crowd went crazy as the show went off the air.

Gleed’s Ramblings: The first half of this show was ho-hum and I found myself looking forward to next week rather than the rest of the show, especially with a repeat main event from six weeks ago. However, the main event was excellent and the show closing angle with Imperium/Gallus/Ilja Dragunov was outstanding and got a great reaction from a clearly tired crowd. They really are starting to weave storylines and wrestlers together in a great way and is a great approach.

You have Gallus and Imperium with issues along with Ilja Draganov and Alexander Wolfe with a readymade singles feud. You also have the Grizzled Young Vets and SWS angry at both factions at being attacked and not being able to finish their match. You have Kassius Ohno mocking Imperium for not being able to kill British Strong Style while Tyler Bate is having issues with Kassius for his attack on A-Kid, as well as still having unresolved issues with Walter, and that’s all on the male side of the roster. I’ve complained for the longest time that there’s too many wrestlers outside the top feud that feel like they are lost in the shuffle and, although there are still characters that fall into that category we have more than fifteen wrestlers in interlaced logical feuds.


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