08/11 Powell’s MLW Fusion audio review: Alex Hammerstone vs. Savio Vega for the MLW National Openweight Championship, Bestia 666 vs. Rey Horus, more details on Contra Unit’s newest member, Josef Samael and Simon Gotch vs. Ariel Dominguez and Jay Sky

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Jason Powell reviews the latest MLW Fusion television show: Alex Hammerstone vs. Savio Vega for the MLW National Openweight Championship, Bestia 666 vs. Rey Horus, more details on Contra Unit’s newest member, Josef Samael and Simon Gotch vs. Ariel Dominguez and Jay Sky (24:27)…

Click here for the August 11 MLW Fusion television show audio review. 

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