4/17 NXT TV results: Moore’s live review of Velveteen Dream vs. Buddy Murphy for the NXT North American Championship, Shayna Baszler vs. Kairi Sane for the NXT Women’s Championship, Johnny Gargano appears as NXT Champion

By John Moore, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@liljohnm)

NXT TV Live Review
Taped April 10, 2019 in Winter Park, Florida at Full Sail University
Streamed April 17, 2019 on WWE Network

NXT started out with it’s new Slipknot theme…

Mauro Ranallo, Nigel McGuinness, and Percy Watson were on commentary. Mauro hyped this as a “new era” of NXT with Johnny Gargano giving a few words as new NXT champ. Mauro also noted that Shayna Baszler will be defending her title against Kairi Sane where if Kairi loses, she doesn’t get another title shot…

Kayla Braxton handled the formal ring introductions for the NXT North American Championship match…

1. Velveteen Dream vs. Buddy Murphy for the NXT North American Championship. Mauro also congratulated the IIconics for winning the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship because they are from Buddy’s home country of Australia. The match started off with both men soaking in “both these guys” chants. Murphy dominated Dream early on with a drag down headlock. Dream escaped a a stalemate sequence ensued with plenty of counters. A handful of fans started some sort of Australian chant that included a lot of “oi”. Murphy then took down Dream with a headscissors.

Dream stopped Murphy with a crawling pose. Murphy responded with his signature shortarm knee. Dream and Murphy traded offense in the corners. Murphy sent Dream into the corner and slammed his head on the ringpost. Dream went to ringside and Murphy hit him with a flip dive. Murphy then hit Dream with a top rope meteora. Dream dodged a PK from Murphy. Murphy caught Dream and grounded him with a sleeper hold. Murphy kept hold despite Dream getting to a vertical base. Murphy staggered Dream further by slamming his head into the second rope. Dream fought Murphy away but Murphy remained in control.

Dream gained a window of opportunity by getting some recovery time off a superkick that knocked out Murphy. Nigel noted that Murphy might have been going for a Running Nese on Dream because Nese beat him for the title and is still on his mind. Dream had a rally of offense on Murphy topped off with a few axe handle strikes. Dream hit Murphy with a single leg codebreaker for a nearfall. Murphy escaped a Dream Valley Driver attempt. Murphy hit Dream with a rope tornado DDT. Dream used a right hand to stop Murphy from high flying.

Murphy and Dream slugged each other on the top rope until both men fell to the floor. Both men beat the ten count at nine. Dream tried to pummel Murphy with strikes but Murphy caught Dream with a DDT for a nearfall. Murphy caught Dream on the top rope and hit him with a top rope front superplex. Dream reversed a sunset flip into a Dream Valley Driver for a nearfall. Murphy caught Dream on the top rope with Cheeky Nandos into a power bomb for a nearfall. Murphy caught Dream with a cool looking running knee strike on the apron.

Murphy slipped in and out of the ring because he can’t win via countout. Dream caught Murphy with a Fameasser, Dream Valley Driver, and Purple Rainmaker all in sequence to pick up the win in the end.

Velveteen Dream defeated Buddy Murphy via pinfall in 14:56 to retain the NXT North American Championship. 

John’s Thoughts: A really fun spotfest between two great athletes. This was better for non-205-live viewers to show them how Murphy has grown since his bland Blake and Murphy days. A good win for Dream. Murphy may not be long for NXT since they’re already hyping up his Smackdown debut.

Nigel hyped Dominik Dijakovic “in action” for after the break… [c]

The ad aired for WWE’s Performance Center YouTube page. Clips of Tommaso Ciampa’s injury, Xavier Woods’s DnD, and more were added…

An edition of the Street Profits’ “Street Talk” aired. Ford talked about how they are about to go to Regal’s office to ask for opportunity. Ford and Dawkins went to knock on Regal’s door. “War Raiders” (it said it on their shirts) came out of Regal’s office. Rowe told the Profits that they already requested a match. Hanson said to “be careful what you wish for”. War Raiders/The Experience left. Ford and Dawkins joked around about getting tag title shots and then walked away with a serious demeanor…

Johnny Gargano made his entrance in a t-shirt and slacks. Johnny soaked in “Johnny Champion” chants. Johnny said “we’ve” been waiting for a long time for this moment. Johnny recapped his last in-ring promo where he talked about his career journey and he said him being champion is a result of not taking no for an answer. Johnny said he stands here as “Johnny Champion”. Johnny said NXT Takeover New York was his hardest match ever. Adam Cole interrupted. Cole said he wasn’t standing around for Gargano’s love fest with the NXT universe. Cole said Gargano was lucky.

Cole talked about how he pinned Johnny Gargano and if it was a regular match Cole would be champion (because Gargano lost the first fall). A “you tapped out” chant ensued. Cole called Gargano an idiot for having a victory parade. Cole called himself a uncrowned champion while Gargano is a punk. Gargano said there must be a trouble in Cole’s boy band and things in the UE might not be “N’Sync”. Gargano talked about how Gargano is justified because he made Cole tap out twice in a row in the end. Gargano said that result isn’t just definitive, it’s undisputed. Cole told Gargano to shut up. Gargano cut up Cole and called Cole a spoiled little bay bay. Gargano said if the bay bay wants to grow a pair and enter the ring, then Gargano isn’t afraid to pick up a few more points on the win scoreboard.

Cole then teased walking to the ring. Roderick Strong came out of nowhere and put the boots to Gargano. I didn’t notice that only O’Reilly and Fish were flanking Cole. The Undisputed Era held Gargano in place while Cole held the NXT Championship in front of Gargano. Cole gave Gargano a superkick…

John’s Thoughts: A good promo exchange. A few of Gargano’s lines may come of as cheesy, but they come off as natural and charming when he’s delivering them. Adam Cole is so great at being a chickens–t heel, he may be WWE’s best chickens–t heel with his promo ability. The guy is so good at being a worm it’s ridiculous. The sneak attack by Strong was well done too as it caught me off guard.

Nigel McGuinness hyped KUSHIDA debuting in a few weeks. Kushida is still doing his Marty McFly act…

Nigel McGuinness then ran through the NXT callups to the main roster and wished them the best of luck…

2. Dominik Dijakovic vs. Aaron Frye. Of course Frye is the enhancement victim of the night. Dijak ended the match after twelve seconds with just one cyclone kick.

Dominik Dijakovic defeated Aaron Frye via pinfall in 0:12.

Dominik grabbed a mic and then talked about his family’s journey to the United States (he’s Croatian). Dijak talked about how that spirit runs through his veins. Dijak said he’s coming after the North American Championship and he told Velveteen Dream to “feast your eyes”…

Cathy Kelley into Undisputed Era backstage. Cole said we’ve just witnessed the difference between Cole and Gargano. Cole said Gargano got caught up in his emotions, so much that he fell into Cole’s trap. William Regal then walked up to Adam Cole. Cole expected a title match. Regal said Gargano requested a match, but not against Cole. Regal said Johnny Gargano vs. Roderick Strong will happen next week…

Nigel hyped Shayna Baszler vs. Kairi Sane for the Women’s Championship. The video used some new video production techniques… [c]

Aliyah and Vanessa Borne cut a selfie promo. Borne and Aliyah blamed their loss to LeRae on partying in New York. Borne told LeRae to find a “lower” tag partner to face them in the ring…

Kayla Braxton handled the formal ring introductions for the NXT Women’s Championship match…

3. Shayna Baszler (w/Jessamyn Duke, Marina Shafir) vs. Kairi Sane for the NXT Women’s Championship where if Kairi loses, she won’t receive another title shot. Mauro noted that Duke and Shafir caused Kairi Sane to lose the title at WWE Evolution. Baszler and Sane traded strikes in the corner. Sane gained the upper hand and hit her sliding elbow on Baszler. Sane followed up with a running lariat from the apron. Sane hit a top rope forearm for a two count. Baszler and Sane traded strong forearms. Baszler ducked a forearm and took down Sane with a cool CQC combo on Sane for a two count. Nigel noted the injury tape on Sane’s shoulder.

Baszler gave Sane a bicycle knee for a two count. Baszler got a two count and Mauro noted that it was a bit of a cocky cover. Sane eluded Baszler and hit Baszler with her signature spear for a moment of respite. Nigel noted that Sane was favoring her jaw. Sane took down Baszler with a Dragon Screw and Blockbuster. Sane rolled under Baszler and hit her with “The Anchor”. Baszler made it to the bottom rope for the rope break. Sane hit Baszler with an elbow drop. Sane went for another but Baszler went up the the top rope with her. Sane fought Baszler and put her in the Tree of Woe. Sane hit Baszler with the Del Rio footstomp.

Baszler went for the Kabuki Elbow at ringside but Baszler sidestepped. Mauro noted that Sane gave an elbow to the metal guardrail. Baszler dragged Sane into the ring and worked on Sane’s elbow with joint manipulation. Baszler hit Sane with the sacrifice armbreaker. Mauro noted that this offense from Baszler is what put Dakota Kai on the shelf. Sane kicked out of a pin attampt after a Baszler side slam. Baszler locked Sane in a half nelson with joint manipulation on Sane’s injured Shoulder. Sane rolled to ringside. Referee Drake Younger called for a medic who ran out.

Io Shirai also ran out to check on Kairi. Sane didn’t want any help. Baszler pulled Sane in the ring. Baszler then trapped Sane’s elbow for her signature elbow stomp move. Io Shirai shoved Baszler away for the DQ.

Shayna Baszler defeated Kairi Sane via DQ in 8:21 to retain the NXT Women’s Championship. 

Marina Shafir and Jessamyn Duke pulled Shirai to ringside and forced Shirai to watch as Baszler completed her stomp on Sane’s elbow. They released Io to let her enter the ring and mourn over her friend’s loss and exile from the NXT Women’s Championship title scene. Baszler and her goons gloated up the ramp. Shirai yelled some words in Japanese (presumably talking about revenge) to close out the show…

John’s Thoughts: So I actually like the flukey finish on one hand, but I don’t like it as Kairi Sane’s farewell to NXT because it was a bit anticlimactic. As for the match, the first part of the match was good, but nothing to write home about. We’ve definitely seen better from these two. That said, the second part of the match was really good. I really like the intricate fight stories that Baszler’s matches evolve into. There’s a bit of realism to Baszler’s matches. Even then, they’re different from Ronda Rousey’s realistic matches. So as for my mixed thoughts. I would be fine with the finish if this would lead to another match. Either that, or I would have just had Baszler go over strong and ruthless because her ruthlessness keeps her heel over the beloved Sane. I will give Io Shirai some props in her last few showings for showing good emotion.

Not the hottest NXT, but not a waste of time either. We got two championship matches that were solid. They weren’t barnburners, but they were highly entertaining. Another fun week of NXT TV…




Readers Comments (2)

  1. Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi. might have been the chant you heard.

    • Ah yes! That was probably it. It’s a little tough sometimes remembering details when I’m doing these live reviews.

      That and there’s a local tag team in my neck of the woods called Reno Scum that starts up random Oi chants at every indie show in northern california. So I get to hear a lot of random Oi around here.

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