3/13 Powell’s NXT UK TV Review: Pete Dunne and Walter vs. Mark Coffey and Joe Coffey, Kay Lee Ray vs. Candy Floss, Flash Morgan Webster vs. Wolfgang, Kenny Williams and Amir Jordan vs. Tyson T-Bone and Saxon Huxley

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

NXT UK Television Series
Taped February 22-23 in Coventry, England at SkyDome Arena
Aired on March 13, 2019 on WWE Network

The show opened with Johnny Saint and Sid Scala arriving at the building. They hyped the main event and touted the debut of Kay Lee Ray… The NXT UK opening aired… The broadcast team was Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness…

1. Flash Morgan Webster vs. Wolfgang. Late in the match, Webster went for a move from the apron, but Wolfgang caught him and ran him into the ring post. Wolfgang picked up Webster in powerbomb position and ran him into the post, then performed a powerbomb on the apron. Wolfgang rolled Webster back inside the ring and hit his Caber Toss finisher for the win.

Wolfgang defeated Flash Morgan Webster.

Wolfgang roughed up Webster after the match. The referee pointed to the back and Wolfgang shoved his hand aside before leaving…

Powell’s POV: A good opening match with babyface Webster getting some offense in before the powerhouse put him away. My apologies for falling a day behind with the report. Darren Gutteridge had a scheduling issue. On the bright side, Haydn Gleed will return with a members’ exclusive audio review of this show later today.

A Kassius Ohno video aired. He spoke about how it’s crazy that he as an American is bringing an authentic European style to NXT UK. Ohno said he stood toe to toe with the likes of William Regal, Johnny Saint, and Robbie Brookside. He said some of the NXT UK wrestlers are good, but they are copycats. He said if they want authentic British wrestling then they should step into the ring with “wrestling genius”…

2. Kenny Williams and Amir Jordan vs. Tyson T-Bone and Saxon Huxley. Jordan was isolated before he made a hot tag to Williams, who worked over the heels. Williams and Jordan performed stereo suicide dives on opposite sides of the ring. Williams spiked Huxley with a move, then Williams followed up with a Swanton and scored the pin. Williams and Jordan were ecstatic afterward. McGuinness questioned how many times lightning can strike before it becomes a storm…

Kenny Williams and Amir Jordan vs. Tyson T-Bone and Saxon Huxley.

Powell’s POV: I’m late to the party on NXT UK, so I can’t say that I got the significance of the big post match celebration. Based on the broadcast team’s comments, it seems like Williams and Jordan are an underdog tag team who have been winning their matches. They crowd seemed to like them, but they seemed giddier about their win than the crowd was.

After a break, Jinny was featured in a press conference setting. She said she’s tired of it always being about Toni Storm. She said she doesn’t care about Storm, she only cares about the NXT UK Women’s Championship. She cut off a question from one of the “reporters”…

The broadcast team set up an Eddie Dennis promo. Dennis sat in seat in the stands of the empty arena and spoke about returning next week to face Ligero. Dennis said he respects Ligero, but he’s at the wrong place at the wrong time. He recalled saying he would take down the roster one by one. He said Ligero will be his first victim…

Noam Dar came to the ring for a promo. The crowd was behind him until he said they were finally taking NXT UK to the most beautiful place in the UK, Glasgow, Scotland. Fans booed. Dar mocked them for booing because someone mentioned a place they’re not from. He said NXT UK isn’t ready to handle the blinding light of the Scottish Supernova. Mark Andrews made his entrance and confronted Dar, who tried to offer him a handshake. Dar went for a cheap shot, but Andrews ducked it and cleared Dar from the ring with a kick…

The broadcast team set up Xia Brookside talking backstage. She said she learned as a child to stand up for herself. She said she hates bullies and the biggest bully in NXT UK is Rhea Ripley. Brookside said Ripley has taken advantage of her and she’s not going to take it anymore…

Powell’s POV: Some good mic work from Dar and Brookeside in those segments. Dar carries himself like a star and I’m happy to see him on this brand rather than spinning his wheels on 205 Live. Brookside has a girl next door charm and I’m looking forward to seeing her continue to improve.

3. Kay Lee Ray vs. Candy Floss. Ray controlled the majority of the match and hit the Widow’s Peak before pinning Floss…

Kay Lee Ray beat Candy Floss.

Powell’s POV: A solid showcase match for Ray in her NXT UK debut.

Tyler Bate and Trent Seven delivered a promo and discussed their performance in the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. Bate also said he was going to talk to Johnny Saint about getting a match against James Drake since Zack Gibson isn’t cleared to wrestle… After a commercial break, Scala and Saint announced Bate vs. Drake for next week…

4. Pete Dunne and Walter vs. Mark Coffey and Joe Coffey. Wolfgang walked onto the stage with the Coffeys, but he headed backstage rather than accompany them to the ring. Walter performed an impressive double German suplex on both opponents at one point. Late in the match, Walter threw a big kick that Dunne avoided and ended up hitting Mark, who was trying to hit Dunne with the WWE UK Title belt. Walter performed a powerbomb on Mark and pinned him to win the match.

Pete Dunne and Walter defeated Mark Coffey and Joe Coffey.

After the match, Dunne and Walter looked at one another while the WWE UK Title belt was on the mat between them. Dunne reached down to pick up his title belt, but Walter stepped on it. Walter picked up the belt, looked at it, and handed it to Dunne. Walter said something to Dunne that the mics didn’t pick up, then he left the ring and headed to the back to end the show…

Powell’s POV: A good tag team main event that made the champion and his next challenger look strong while also making the Coffeys look good in defeat. Joseph was good about putting over the toughness of the heel duo on commentary. Joseph also played up the question of whether Walter intended to kick Dunne during the finishing sequence. It didn’t really come off that way because you could see Walter nod to give Dunne his cue. Overall, a good main event to a good show that ran a little longer than the usual one-hour slot. Haydn Gleed’s audio review of this show will be available for members within the next hour.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and guest Ian Riccaboni discussing his decision to re-sign with Ring of Honor, getting emotionally invested in matches, Friday’s ROH 17th Anniversary show, the G1 Supercard at MSG, and much more.


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