3/4 Powell’s WWE Raw TV Review: Triple H’s response to Batista attacking Ric Flair, Charlotte Flair wants Vince McMahon to name her the Raw Women’s Champion, SNL Weekend Update hosts appear, final hype for WWE Fastlane

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE Raw on the USA Network
Aired live on March 4, 2019 from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Wells Fargo Center

[Hour One] Michael Cole welcomed viewers to Raw. He was joined on commentary by Corey Graves and Renee Young… Roman Reigns made his entrance. As Reigns walked to the ring, a video recapped his remission announcement from last week, and Reigns and Seth Rollins saving Dean Ambrose.

Reigns stood silently in the ring and smiled at the crowd. A loud “Roman” chant broke out. Reigns said last week in Atlanta was his comeback. “This week in Philly, we take our yard back,” Reigns said. Roman said he had to think about his future and what he wants. Reigns said the man standing in the way of what he wants is Seth Rollins, who he called to the ring.

Rollins made his entrance and hugged Reigns once he was in the ring. Rollins said that seeing Reigns stand in the ring last week was one of the highlights of his own life. Rollins said it made him feel like he could do anything. He said he would take that inspiration and that motivation to WrestleMania and slay The Beast. Rollins said he would bring the WWE Universal Championship back to Raw every single week.

Rollins said he knows where Roman’s head is at. He said that he understands what it’s like to vacate a title he never lost. Rollins said that if anyone deserves a shot against Lesnar as much as he does it’s Reigns. “So if that’s where you’re at, man, let’s talk about it,” Rollins said. Reigns said he thought Seth knew everything, but Rollins was wrong.

Reigns credited Rollins with keeping the place in line while he was away. He said no one has more confidence in Rollins than he does. Reigns wished Rollins good luck in the match against Lesnar. “But I need a favor,” Reigns said. Rollins said anything at all. “I want to get the band back together one last time,” Reigns replied. Rollins said anything but that while recalling what Ambrose did on the night Reigns announced his leukemia diagnosis.

Reigns said he wants the reunion and asked the fans if they wanted it. Fans cheered. Reigns said he looked at things from a new perspective while he was out. Roman said he wants one more moment with his brothers “before we might not be around anymore.” Rollins turned and stood against the ropes before turning around and saying that he put that part of his life behind him. “But you’re right,” Rollins said. “Life is too short. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. You want The Shield one last time, then for you, my brother, I’m in.” Reigns said they had their two and they needed their third.

Dean Ambrose made his entrance and stood on the stage with a mic. Before Ambrose could speak, Elias came out and broke a guitar over his back. Elias ran backstage while Reigns and Rollins ran to the stage and stood over Ambrose as he sold the guitar shot. Ambrose got to his feet and shoved the hand of Rollins away before going backstage…

Cole hyped an update on the Raw Women’s Championship after Ronda Rousey laid the belt down in front of Stephanie McMahon. Young said Triple H would respond to Batista’s attack on Ric Flair…

Charly Caruso interviewed Drew McIntyre, Baron Corbin, and Bobby Lashley while Lio Rush stood by. McIntyre said he broke The Shield months ago and said they make him six. Corbin said they were taking on Braun Strowman, Finn Balor, and Kurt Angle and would show where the power lies. Lashley said Balor is on borrowed time as the Intercontinental Champion… Finn Balor made his entrance… [C]

Powell’s POV: A good opening segment with solid logic from Reigns in terms of explaining why he wants the Shield to reunite, which also explained why Rollins would agree to it despite his issues with Ambrose. I assume that the trio will reunite for a match against McIntyre, Corbin, Lashley, and Elias at Fastlane. The fact that Reigns didn’t ask for a spot in the WWE Universal Championship match leaves the door open for my prediction that Ambrose will end up turning on Reigns again, which will lead to Reigns taking out Ambrose at WrestleMania. It gives Reigns a grudge match that sends off Ambrose, and the company wisely avoids risking backlash by racing Reigns back into the title picture.

1. Drew McIntyre, Baron Corbin, and Bobby Lashley (w/Lio Rush) vs. Braun Strowman, Finn Balor, and Kurt Angle. Only Strowman’s entrance was televised coming out of the break. Balor performed a flip dive onto Lashley and Corbin heading into an early break. [C]

The heel trio isolated Balor coming out of the break. Angle took a hot tag and performed three German suplexes on McIntyre. Angle applied the ankle lock, but he released the hold when Lashley ran in to break it up. Angle performed a German suplex on Lashley, only to have McIntyre deliver a headbutt that knocked Angle down going into a break. [C]

Strowman performed a running powerslam on Corbin. Balor followed up with the Coup de Grace and had the win, but Rush put Corbin’s feet on the ropes. Lashley took out Balor at ringside. Strowman charged at Lashley, who moved, and Strowman ran into Rush, causing both men to crash into the timekeepers area. Lashley returned to the apron and tagged in, then speared and pinned Balor to win the match.

Drew McIntyre, Baron Corbin, and Bobby Lashley defeated Braun Strowman, Finn Balor, and Kurt Angle in 14:40.

After the match, the heel trio worked over Angle and Balor. They closed the segment by performing a Shield powerbomb on Balor onto a portion of the ring steps…

Powell’s POV: It was logical to put the heel trio over strong given that they will presumably be facing The Shield on Sunday. The match was laid out in a way that protected Strowman in that he essentially took himself out, leaving Balor and Angle shorthanded.

The broadcast team hyped The Revival vs. Aleister Black and Ricochet for the Raw Tag Titles coming up later in the show…

Caruso interviewed Heavy Machinery backstage and showed them footage of The Ascension complaining to B-Team and Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder about the NXT call-ups getting opportunities instead of them. The Ascension duo mocked Otis. Back on the interview set, Otis calmly stated that it hurt his feelings. Tucker said they would take on each team, and they would find out that Otis has a tendency to hurt those who hurt his feelings…

Natalya made her entrance. Cole hyped Natalya vs. Ruby Riott for after the break… [C]

2. Natalya vs. Ruby Riott (w/Liv Morgan, Sarah Logan). Natalya put Riott in the Sharpshooter. Riott rolled out of it and countered into an inside cradle, which Natalya reversed and scored the pin. After the match, Lacey Evans did her runway walk past Natalya…

Natalya pinned Ruby Riott in 2:05.

Powell’s POV: A match that seemed to exist only because they wanted Evans to do her runway walk past Natalya.

The broadcast team set up a video package that recapped last week’s show closing angle involving Batista, Ric Flair, and Triple H…

Backstage, Stephanie McMahon welcomed Saturday Night Live “Weekend Update” hosts Colin Jost and Michael Che and said they are special correspondents for WrestleMania. Che played to the Philly crowd, while Jost was booed for saying New York is the greatest city in the world. Stephanie warned them that the wrestlers can be more aggressive than the celebrities they are used to working with. Jost said he wrestled in high school and still had his singlet. Che rushed him out of the room and Stephanie was left jaw dropped…

Triple H made his entrance heading into a break… [C]

A Batista video aired from Instagram. He said he didn’t have other obligations, but he wouldn’t be at Raw because he just doesn’t like Philadelphia. He said they were going to play by his rules and the game is over.

[Hour Two] Triple H stood in the ring and said he was there last week for Richard Fliehr the man, not Ric Flair the wrestler. He spoke about how they have been there for each other at their best and worst times, including when Flair buried his son. Hunter recalled Flair being hospitalized with health issues. He got emotional as he said he feared whenever his phone rang that someone would tell him that Flair was gone.

Hunter said he wanted to see Richard Fliehr get to be the Nature Boy one more time on his 70th birthday because it’s what he lived for. “And it didn’t happen because that piece of…” Hunter said. “Dave, you wanted my attention. We all know why. You cried about it online for the last two years.” Hunter said Batista wouldn’t quit like he did when he was in WWE. “You attacked a 70 year-old man, lucky to be alive, who was just trying to be out here one more time to live his dream in front of all these people to have one more moment and you took that away from him?”

Triple H mocked Batista’s Instagram video. “I don’t really care where you want to go, what you want to do,” he said. I’ll come to your frickin’ house, Dave. I’ll invite you to come to mine. Does that work for you?” Hunter said he will be waiting for Batista at every building they go to. “Have some balls, show up,” he said. Hunter stated that Batista wanted his attention and it’s not a game. “It’s not something we’re selling, it’s not something we’re putting out there. This is not characters. This isn’t a name on a marquee.” Hunter said that when Batista looks at him he will be looking at the man. “Stand up to me and tell me what you want and I will give you everything you want,” he said. “You want my attention, Dave, you’ve got it.” Hunter dropped the mic and left the ring”…

Powell’s POV: An intense promo with Triple H trying to make his program feel real. We’re supposed to believe that it’s personal between him and Batista and that’s fine, but I’m not a fan of how Hunter’s pursuit of realism always seems to make everything else feel less genuine.

The broadcast team hyped the Raw Tag Title match and announced Dean Ambrose vs. Elias for later in the show. They also set up a video package on Becky Lynch and Ronda Rousey…

Caruso interviewed Stephanie McMahon backstage. Stephanie said Charlotte was presumptuous in assuming it would be her coronation, but she felt it was blasphemy for Ronda Rousey to lay the title down in front of her. Stephanie said the company was dropping all charges against Becky Lynch and lifting her 60-day suspension. Stephanie said Lynch was still injured and would need to sign a “hold harmless agreement” in order to face Charlotte Flair for the “currently vacant” Raw Women’s Championship at Fastlane…

Powell’s POV: How about they just have a Lynch vs. Flair match at Fastlane to determine who gets the singles match with Rousey at WrestleMania? Too simple. Instead, they are having Rousey vacate a title and apparently intend to crown a new champion on Sunday to set the stage for a Triple Threat match at WrestleMania. Can anyone explain why two Smackdown wrestlers are first in line for a vacant Raw title?

Dean Ambrose was shown looking fidgety backstage when he was approached by Roman Reigns, who said they could talk about anything. Ambrose said he had to get ready for his match…

3. “Heavy Machinery” Otis and Tucker vs. Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas, Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins, and “The Ascension” Konnor & Viktor in a gauntlet match. Axel and Dallas were the first team up. Heavy Machinery hit their finisher on Dallas and pinned him to the sound of silence. The Ascension were the next team to enter the match. Otis performed a Vader Bomb on Viktor and pinned him. Ryder & Hawkins were the final entrants. Otis performed a pop-up powerslam on Ryder, then performed the caterpillar and an elbow drop for the win…

Heavy Machinery defeated B-Team, The Ascension, and Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder in a gauntlet match.

Powell’s POV: The fans were nearly silent during the early portion of the match, but they did get some cheers for Otis’s big moves and the final pinfall. Even so, I don’t really understand why they felt the need to burn through three momentum building matches for Heavy Machinery all in one night.

The broadcast team hyped WWE Fastlane. Graves said the Raw Women’s Championship match between Lynch and Flair would only happen if Lynch signed the hold harmless agreement. They also noted that Torrie Wilson was added to the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2019, then set up a Captain Marvel movie promotional clip… [C]

Graves said he had it on good authority that Batista would appear in Pittsburgh next week. A graphic teased Triple H and Batista in a face-to-face segment for next week’s Raw…

Backstage, Che had Jost take off his New York Mets hat and told him to take their role as official correspondents for WrestleMania seriously. Jost said he knows WWE and is up to date. He mentioned the Bushwhackers, Koko B Ware, Razor Ramon, and The Rock. Che said they have to get him a TV. Jost said they work in live TV and asked what could surprise them. They walked past EC3, who was spraying himself. Titus O’Neil encountered the duo next and had Jost take a photo of him and Che. No Way Jose and his goof troop did a conga dance through the SNL duo. Che wanted to join the dance line, but Jost told him they have to remain unbiased. Fans booed…

Powell’s POV: The fans didn’t boo loudly enough. I like Jost and Che, but this was painfully awful.

The broadcast team set up a video package on Torrie Wilson for her HOF entry…

Caruso interviewed Charlotte Flair on the backstage interview set. Flair said she had no doubt that Lynch would sign the hold harmless agreement, but she said that even at her best The Man doesn’t compare to The Queen. Flair said she would put Lynch on the shelf for good. “She is a one-legged competitor in an ass kicking contest,” Flair said. She said the WWE Universe could bask in her glory when she becomes the Raw Women’s Champion…

Rollins found Ambrose in another backstage area. Rollins said bothers fight and he’d like to think that through everything there has been a little mutual respect between them. Rollins said Ambrose has always been his wrestling soul mate and always will be. “So let’s put The Shield together one last time?” Ambrose asked. “Yeah, no can do.” Ambrose said he appreciated the help last week, but he had business in the ring that he has to handle on his own… Elias was shown seated on a stool in the ring… [C]

Elias played his guitar and sang a song asking how he knows he’s in Philly. He took jabs at the Flyers, Eagles fans, Philadelphia mothers, Philly kids, and Bryce Harper going to the city where his career will die. Ambrose made his entrance for their match…

4. Dean Ambrose vs. Elias. Ambrose jumped out to a fast start and clotheslined Elias to ringside heading into a break. [C] Elias did his version of Undertaker’s Old School coming out of the break. Ambrose came back with a suicide dive. Back inside the ring, Ambrose performed a neckbreaker and then went to the ropes. Ambrose winced and sold back pain, then leapt into a high knee from Elias, who followed up with Drift Away and scored the pin.

Elias beat Dean Ambrose in 8:00.

After the match, Reigns and Rollins walked onto the stage. Graves said they hadn’t given up on reuniting The Shield… [C]

Powell’s POV: It was logical for Elias to go over on multiple levels. Obviously, Ambrose is putting people over on his way out of the company, and it also makes sense for Ambrose to be struggling at a time when Reigns and Rollins are extending the olive branch, particularly if Ambrose is going to stab them in the back again.

Reigns and Rollins were in the ring with Ambrose coming out of the break. Rollins told them they had to do it together and said they only have one more shot to do it the right way. Ambrose paced back and forth. He pushed through the duo and left the ring, then exited through the crowd while walking up the same section where the trio would normally make their Shield entrance. Ambrose stopped walking when Baron Corbin’s entrance music played.

Corbin, McIntyre, and Lashley walked onto the stage. Corbin told them to spare us the broken record and called the scene pathetic. McIntyre said the Hounds of Justice are three broken stray dogs fighting for the scraps at “our table.” The trio walked to ringside. McIntyre knelt down and said this wasn’t the return that Reigns envisioned. He said they were going to offer them an epic match at Fastlane, but they don’t deserve it. Instead, McIntyre said they would end it on the spot.

[Hour Three] McIntyre, Corbin, and Lashley used their numbers advantage while working over Reigns and Rollins. Ambrose acted anguished before rushing to the ring and throwing punches at all three heels. The Shield trio cleared the ring and a “Shield” chant broke out. Reigns put his fist out. Rollins put his fist out. Ambrose paced in the ring and finally put his fist out. The Shield trio played to the crowd and then mocked the heels from a distance. Graves hyped that The Shield would ride on Sunday “one last time”…

Powell’s POV: A good segment. They are doing a good job of playing this up the “last time” factor of the reunion. They have never acknowledged on television that Ambrose is leaving the company once his deal expires, but it was confirmed on the WWE website, so it’s not like the only people who know are the hardcore fans.

The broadcast team hyped The Shield vs. McIntyre, Lashley, and Corbin and said the match is official for Fastlane. Graves once again stated that The Shield “will ride one last time.” During introductions for the next match, Cole noted that they were saying “one last time” for The Shield because Ambrose decided not to renew his WWE contract…

Powell’s POV: And there it is. I like it. Why not make it clear to everyone that this could be the last time The Shield team together? Makes sense to me.

5. Sasha Banks (w/Bayley) vs. Tamina (w/Nia Jax). The heel entrances were not televised. Banks applied her finishing hold, but Jax pulled Tamina to ringside. Bayley went after Jax, who threw her down. Banks performed a meteora on Jax. Nia recovered and grabbed the foot of Banks as she was entering the ring, allowing Tamina to catch her with a superkick, which led to the pin…

Tamina defeated Sasha Banks in 3:25.

Powell’s POV: Bayley defeated Jax last week, so Tamina had to get the win this week heading into the WWE Women’s Tag Title match at Fastlane.

Backstage, Che told Jost he was going to use the bathroom. Jost offered to watch his back. Che said it’s WWE, not a prison. Jost said he’s not really scared of any of the wrestlers. Braun Strowman showed up and told him he’s a funny guy. Strowman took his Mets hat off and threw it on the ground. Jost told Strowman that he saw his match and it was a tough loss, but he’d see him next time. Strowman stared at Jost, who asked him if any of this stuff is real. Strowman grabbed him by the neck and picked him up… [C]

Strowman let Jost down after Che, agents, and referees pleaded with him. Jost was fine and said he was sorry. He added that it was a misunderstanding. Che said Jost is dumb. Strowman said he would see them at WrestleMania. Che said they would go to the bathroom together from now on. Jost asked if they were really going to WrestleMania…

Powell’s POV: So the celebrity doesn’t sell a wrestler picking him up by the neck? Jost just answered his own question about whether it’s real without meaning to. I don’t blame the celebrity, I blame the people in charge of this segment for letting that come off so poorly.

The Revival were shown in the ring. Caruso interviewed Aleister Black and Ricochet backstage and said some critics feel they are not worthy of the tag title match. Black said people fear what they can’t comprehend. Ricochet said they are hungry and ready. Ricochet and Black made separate entrances…

6. “The Revival” Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder vs. Aleister Black and Ricochet for the Raw Tag Titles. Chad Gable and Bobby Roode walked to ringside early in the match. [C] Ricochet cleared the champions from the ring. Gable and Roode put the boots to The Revival for the DQ.

The Revival defeated Aleister Black and Ricochet by DQ.

After the match, Gable and Roode entered the ring and bickered with Black and Ricochet, who cleared them from the ring…

Powell’s POV: Does this mean Roode and Gable are heels? Will The Revival ever win a televised match by pinfall during their tag title reign?

The broadcast team hyped a Roman Reigns piece that will air on WWE Network after the show. They also noted that it is Women’s History Month and set up a video that featured Alexa Bliss speaking with someone from the Girl Up Coalition about Ida B Wells and Malala Yousafzai… [C]

Stephanie McMahon made her entrance while holding up the Raw Women’s Championship belt. Stephanie set up footage of Ronda Rousey lying the belt down in front of her on last week’s show. Stephanie introduced Charlotte and Becky Lynch, who made separate entrances. Lynch hobbled to the ring using a single crutch. Cole said he suspected that the McMahons are trying to cover their backsides because they were blindsided by Rousey’s move last week, so they brought back the fan favorite in Lynch.

Stephanie presented Lynch with the hold harmless agreement paperwork. “Go ahead, Beck, sign it,” Flair said. “Unless, of course, you want to go ahead and hand the title to your queen.” Lynch said she beat Flair on one good leg in the Royal Rumble match and she said she could do it again right now. Stephanie said that couldn’t happen because she needed the hold harmless agreement to be signed and notarized. Lynch signed the contract.

Ronda Rousey was shown entering the building and walking with intent. [C] Rousey’s music played and she made her entrance while making her mean face. “What are you doing, Steph?” Rousey asked. Stephanie said Rousey vacated the title and gave her no choice. Rousey said she didn’t vacate anything. She said she gave Stephanie a week to think about it and doesn’t like what Stephanie came up with. “Now give me my title back,” Rousey said.

Stephanie handed Rousey the title belt. “Here you go, champ,” Stephanie said. Steph announced that Flair vs. Lynch will still take place at Fastlane with the new stipulation being that Lynch is done if she loses, but she will be added to the Raw Women’s Championship match at WrestleMania if she wins. Stephanie asked Rousey if that’s what she wanted, then asked the fans if that’s what they want to see.

Rousey said everyone knows that Stephanie values her wallet over her pride. Rousey said she makes too much money for Stephanie to fire her. She said she has free reign to do anything she wants because Stephanie values her bank account over Flair and Lynch’s frail little bodies.

Rousey turned on the fans and said she did everything she could to respect the business. She said she worked her ass off and poured her heart out, and the fans booed her at Staples Center. She said she’s done pretending. She said she would break Lynch and Flair if she so much as sneezed in their direction. “I’m no dancing monkey, not anymore. Damn your fantasies, damn the man, screw the wooo, and no more Mrs. Nice Bitch,” Rouse said.

Rousey kicked Fair and then punched Lynch. Rousey punched Lynch and threw knees at her in the corner, then took her down and put her in an armbar. Flair started to get back in the ring, but thought better of it when Rousey spotted her. Rousey worked over Lynch with punches to the abdomen and then applied an armbar.

Flair watched from the apron and then dropped off once Rousey released the hold and walked toward her. Rousey picked up her title belt, put her foot on the face of Lynch, and held up the belt while looking at Flair. Lynch tried to fight back, but Rousey took her down and threw more punches at her. Rousey applied the armbar again. She released the hold and glared at Flair again. Rousey posed over Lynch while holding up her title belt. Highlights aired from the segment and Rousey posed with the belt again.

Backstage, Caruso said it seemed like Stephanie did Rousey a favor. Stephanie said that wasn’t true. She said Rousey proved that she’s the animal that she believed her to be. She said Rousey has no regard for her, her opponents, the fans, or WWE. Stephanie said she feels bad for Lynch. Stephanie asked who Rousey thinks she is to do what she did. Stephanie said Rousey will get what she has coming to her at WrestleMania whether it’s a singles match or a Triple Threat.

Caruso asked if she regrets her decision. Stephanie said they will get one hell of a singles match or one hell of a Triple Threat. Stephanie said Rousey is a loose cannon and she might think she won’t make a decision that will impact her career, but she might find out differently. They cut back to the ring where a trainer was tending to Lynch while Rousey posed and pointed at the WrestleMania sign…

Powell’s POV: The angle was odd and it feels like WWE is changing course too frequently, but I am happy that they’ve decided to have Rousey become the heel. She was coming off flat ever since Charlotte was introduced as the heel of the feud. I still feel that Rousey vs. Lynch was the best direction this could have taken, and Flair’s involvement has thrown things off course. They still have time to bring it all together and throwing in the towel on Rousey as a babyface could turn out to be a good start regardless of how chaotic everything seems right now. I will have more to say in my members’ exclusive audio review later tonight, and in my WWE Raw Hit List on Tuesday.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and Davey Boy Smith Jr. discussing what led to the Hart Foundation vs. Lucha Brothers match at MLW SuperFight getting physical, training at a young age, and much more.


Readers Comments (16)

  1. They need to just do it make the WWE universal a triple threat match to add to the other triple threat match for the women’s Raw title… Throw Sonya DeVille in the mix with Mandy Rose and Asuka for Smackdown women’s title… Seeing as how it looks like Kofi, Kevin Owens and Daniel Bryan for WWE title… It’ll be triple threat-a-mania… I’m sure they can squeeze in a triple threat tag match for Bayley and Sasha Banks belts…

  2. Patrick Peralta March 4, 2019 @ 8:53 pm

    “Can anyone explain why two Smackdown wrestlers are first in line for a vacant Raw title?”

    Because that is what Vince wants. simple and to the point

    • Because it’s nice when works of fiction are coherent. Is this even a real question? Are your standards really so low?

  3. Patrick Peralta March 4, 2019 @ 9:46 pm

    ” Will The Revival ever win a televised match by pinfall during their tag title reign?”

    No I doubt it untill Vince feels he is done punishing the Revival for even think about leaveing WWE. Vince can be so petty for the stupidest things.

    wasn’t to long ago the Revival wanted to leave WWE and the fact they have the titles shows Vince talked them out of leaveing… and if they signed new contracts Vince is punishing them making them look like fools as champions.

  4. Somehow this will be Ronda’s plan to get Becky

  5. Ronda could kill them, love it, stiff shots. Becky gets humbled and Ronda sells tickets

  6. Patrick Peralta March 4, 2019 @ 10:16 pm

    About time Ronda showed some guts. she will be a better heel.

  7. WwE probably wanted Becky to face Rousey in Survivor and Charlotte at Mania, since Becky has been popular and missed Survivor they just bringing her to Mania. Charlotte anyway was gonna face Rhonda regardless I think…

  8. Damm!! Charlie lookin like a snack again tonight

  9. Damm!!! Charlie lookin like a snack again tonight

  10. kind of felt that having Rollins and Reigns begging, nagging and pleading with Ambrose to reform the Shield and refusing to take no for an answer (Ambrose pretty much told them to “piss off” in not so many words a few times) made them appear weak and desperate. Not a good look heading into WrestleMania. And until McIntyre, Lashley and Corbin came out and started talking trash/challenged the Shield to a match at Fastlane there really didn’t seem to be any reason or purpose for the Shield to reunite aside from it’s something that Reigns apparently wanted.

  11. The Hunter-Batista match at Mania could be a great brawl! Looking forward to it.

  12. Michael Hayes Chesthair March 5, 2019 @ 1:50 pm

    Lets not forget that Sasha flashed the four fingers sign to Rousey at the Rumble. If Rhonda is turning heel, then can Baszler, Duke and Shaffir be far behind?

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