WOW on AXS review: The Beast vs. Azteca, Keta Rush vs. The Dagger, Princess Aussie vs. Holidead, Nikki Krumpus vs. Stephy Slays

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WOW (Women Of Wrestling)
Taped in October 10-11, 2018 in Los Angeles, California at Belasco Theater
Aired February 22, 2019 on on AXS-TV

A recap video showcased on Tessa Blanchard winning the WOW Championship last week. The narrator noted that Blanchard is the youngest champion in WOW history, and that it was the first time Jungle Grrrl had been pinned…

A woman named Enjay Rima was in the ring. A graphic listed her name and labeled her a rapper. She rapped in the ring. Jeanie Buss was shown in the crowd and graphic listed her as “The Boss” first and then identified her. Buss was all smiles and into Rima’s rap… The broadcast team was Stephen Dickey, David McLane, and EZ Rider…

Tessa Blanchard made her entrance. David McLane was waiting for her in the ring and recapped Blanchard’s odd road to the WOW Championship. Blanchard ripped the mic from his hand and said she’s a Blanchard and no matter where she goes she finds gold. She boasted that she put Santana Garrett’s father in ICU and ended the 18-year undefeated streak of Jungle Grrrl. They inserted some obnoxiously loud canned boos and cut to the crowd sitting on their hands. Ugh. Blanchard said she is a born legend and the WOW Champion… The first match was hyped as coming up after the break… [C]

A video package focused on Dagger, who spoke about graduating college for physical therapy. She said she got married and there was a lot of lying and cheating. She said her dad died of stage four cancer, which made her realize that life is short. She said it was her WOW moment in that she realized she had to live life for her. She said the Dagger was born. She spoke about getting black belts in multiple forms of martial arts. She also played arena football. She said knives and weapons are a part of who she is. She said the best thing that came out of her marriage was her children and spoke about her son and daughter’s athletic accomplishments. She said she doesn’t care if people see her as a hero or a heel, but she just wants to be the best her that she can be…

1. “The Norwegian Nightmare” Nikki Krumpus vs. Stephy Slays. Shaul Guerrero was the ring announcer. Krumpus came out wearing a dead animal on her head with a long fake tongue. Krumpus removed her headdress before the match. McLane said Slays works two jobs in order to pay for college. Krumpus used kicks and a legdrop to get a two count. Slays came back and went for a kick in the corner, but Krumpus pulled her off by the feet and dropped her on her back. A short time later, Slays went for a move from the corner, but Krumpus caught her and performed a Sidewalk Slam for the win.

Nikki Krumpus defeated Stephy Slays.

After the match, Krumpus spoke in Norwegian to start as subtitles were shown. She said all the WOW girls will suffer one by one. She said that making people suffer is what she does… The next match was hyped going into the break… [C]

Powell’s POV: It appears as though they are building up to Slays getting her first win, as the broadcast team went out of their way after the match to point that she was still looking for her first win. That could be fun, as Slays is a likable performer. Krumpus didn’t show much in the ring and her post match promo was pretty weak. By the way, they the graphic showed Nikki Krumpus, but she is listed as Nikki Krampus on social media.

2. Princess Aussie vs. Holidead. Aussie was accompanied to the ring by her New Zealand tribesman again while McLane recapped her story of being left with the tribe at a young age. Aussie performed a nice hurcanrana from the middle rope, then hesitated, and finally covered Holidead for a two count. Aussie went to the ropes and dove, but Holidead caught her and put her down with a spinebuster for a two count. Holidead went for a top rope leg drop, but Aussie moved. Aussie clotheslined Holidead and then overshot a frogsplash before getting the pin.

Princess Aussie defeated Holidead.

After the match, the lights went out and the Voodoo Doll was in the ring when they came back on. Doll pie-faced Aussie, then stared at Holidead while backing out of the ring…

Powell’s POV: A solid match. Holidead is very good. Aussie had a couple of odd moments, but she’s athletic and has potential. The Voodoo Doll has been a bit silly, but they haven’t gone ridiculously over the top with it yet.

An emotional Stephy Slays told a cameraman that she isn’t going anywhere and she is a winner regardless of what happens in the ring Abilene Maverick showed up and taunted her. Slays asked for a match, but Maverick big timed her… The broadcast team hyped a potential two against one scenario for after the break… [C]

A personality profile aired on Keta Rush. The narrator stated that she had a loving family, but she was not immune to bullying. She was attacked by a group of girls in high school and suffered four broken ribs, her right shoulder blade, and she said her pancreas and liver were obliterated due to being stomped on. They showed pictures of her in the hospital. She said she was tired of living scared. The narrator said she founded the Bully Buster Foundation and educated kids on bullying and how to deal with it. She also launched a Bully Busters gym where she teaches kids self defense. She said she empowers people for a living.

Footage aired McLane telling her a match was canceled, and Slays offering to face her. Rush won the match. Footage aired of Slays suffering an injury, which prevented them from challenging for the tag titles in a tournament. Footage aired of Rush being upset with Slays for being manipulated by Abilene Maverick. Rush then vented to McLane about having another match pulled. Rush told McLane she was done with it. They showed footage of her leaving the arena and being attacked by “two fiends.” The footage aired from last week of McLane showing her security footage that showed the face of one of her attackers. The narrator said she would face The Dagger…

Powell’s POV: I really like the feature on Rush. They lost me when she came across selfish for being mad at Slays for suffering an injury. The footage from last week was silly. You could see the faces of both women, but they focused on one, then they never bothered to say the name of the woman. Pronouns, pal! Meanwhile, they aired the Dagger profile earlier and now we’re supposed to dislike a proud mother of two? This had the makings of a good storyline and obviously they are playing on Rush being attacked in high school, but it’s played out completely out of sequence on television.

The Beast was shown backstage. She recalled saying she would make her mark on WOW and she didn’t have to rough up an old man like Tessa Blanchard in order to do it. She said she took out Jungle Grrrl on her own and didn’t do it for Blanchard. She said she has earned a shot at the championship because she’s the biggest and baddest. She said she’s coming for what’s hers…

3. Keta Rush vs. The Dagger (w/The Temptress). Rush attacked both women prior to the match. Rush performed a head scissors takedown and Dagger landed awkwardly. McLane started yelling about how she nearly broke her neck. Rush applied an armbar, but Dagger reached the ropes. Temptress tripped Rush as she was running the ropes, which put Dagger on the offensive. Dagger applied a Boston crab and then Rush reached the ropes to break it. Rush put Dagger in an armbar. Dagger tapped, but The Temptress distracted the referee. Rush released the hold and bickered with the referee. Rush rolled up Dagger and knocked Temptress off the apron in the process, then reapplied the armbar for the win.

Keta Rush defeated The Dagger.

After the match, Temptress and Dagger double teamed Rush, but Fire ran out and made the quick save and ran off both heels. McLane entered the ring with a mic. Fire and Rush hugged… [C]

Powell’s POV: McLane was right to express concern over the way Dagger landed, as it did look frightening. Dagger appeared dazed for a moment, but she seemed fine going forward. The Temptress is Katarina Waters, who is best known as Katie Lea Burchill. I don’t really understand the idea of giving Rush the win here. I guess now we move to a tag team match even though Rush has already avenged the oddball attack storyline.

Shaul Guerrero introduced the main event. The Beast made her entrance McLane actually said The Beast is changing the face of pro wrestling just as Fabulous Moolah, Judy Martin Wendi Richter, Trish Stratus, and Joyce Grable once did. Wow.

4. The Beast vs. Azteca. Azteca set her headdress down in her corner. When she turned around, The Beast speared her as the referee was calling for the bell to start the match. The Beast speared Azteca again a short time later, then powerbombed her and pinned her…

The Beast defeated Azteca.

After the match, Jungle Grrrl entered the ring and took down The Beast, who quickly rolled her over and slammed her head into the mat a few tims. Several referees pulled them apart to close the show…

A graphic acknowledged the death of Keny Garrett, who died on December 9, 2018…

Powell’s POV: A brief main event. McLane went gaga over The Beast when I interviewed him for the Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast. He envisioned pushing her as a heel, but he said they called an audible once she got over with the crowd. It appears as though this was the turning point given how thick he laid it on prior to the match. As over the top as that was, I like the idea of the dominant win for The Beast. We haven’t seen that in WOW yet, so it helped her stand out as a powerhouse. On a far more important note, I was unaware that Santana Garrett’s father Keny died after these episodes were filmed. My heartfelt condolences to Santana and her family on their loss.

Check below for the new Pro Wrestling Boom Podcast with Jason Powell and former WWE Smackdown lead writer Alex Greenfield discussing the NXT call-ups, Stephanie McMahon’s past contributions to WWE creative, the growth of MLW, and much more.


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