Gleed’s NXT UK Hit List: Trent Seven and Tyler Bate vs. Wolfgang and Mark Coffey, Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel vs. Amir Jordan and Kenny Williams, Toni Storm and Deonna Purrazzo match build

By Haydn Gleed, Staffer (@haydngleed)


Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel vs. Amir Jordan and Kenny Williams: This was the best match of the night between the two shows (Darren Gutteridge disagreed with this on our Dot Net Members’ audio review – cheap plug). The in-ring work was great with the “European Union” duo already having good chemistry together but there was also some little potential storyline moments between Jordan and Williams. The announcers are continuously talking about the disagreements in life philosophies between the British duo. I suspect it’s only a matter of time before one turns on the other given how they lose their matches due to Jordan’s over enthusiasm leading to the finish. With matches like this and storyline material sprinkled in, it’s something that can be referred back to when/if they have a feud in the future.

Trent Seven and Tyler Bate vs. Wolfgang and Mark Coffey: This was Darren’s favourite match of the two shows and I will admit it’s a close second for me, but the first half of the match was far too formulaic for what had been built as a grudge match with a spot in the tag tournament final on the line. As much as I like Trent, the formula of him being beaten down for a good 7-8 minutes in a Moustache Mountain match before getting the hot tag is starting to get predictable, and I would have liked for it to have been shaken up here. However, when Bate got the hot tag the action picked up big time and I thoroughly enjoyed the match from that point forward.

Travis Banks Slice Of Heaven finisher: A minor Hit because I adore when wrestlers have more than one finisher they can use depending on their opponents. Banks is not realistically going to hit the Kiwi Crusher (a fisherman driver type move) on someone like Dave Mastiff, so having a move like the Slice Of Heaven that can be performed on anyone established as a finisher is smart.

Nigel McGuiness’s dad joke: A minor minor Hit, simply for Vic Joseph not selling it. Nigel said he talked to Marcel and asked if anyone was on his level in NXT UK and he replied Nein, so Nigel said he replied, “Wow, that many?” The uncomfortable silence for about four seconds too long before Joseph carried on calling the match had me giggling through the rest of the show.

NXT UK Misses

Toni Storm and Deonna Purrazzo: This was like someone scratching nails down a chalkboard. The setup was essentially the backstage interviewer Radzi doing a piece to camera before the doors opened to the venue and talking about the history of the place when he noticed Storm and Purrazzo having a nearby conversation. That part I don’t have a problem with as at least they made an effort to explain how they managed to have a camera to record the confrontation even if it didn’t make a lot of sense. But the conversation between Toni and Deonna was so badly acted and so wooden that I actually did a “that’s cringe” face while watching. Both women hugely hugely talented in the ring, but Deonna especially needs to get comfortable talking in front of a TV camera.

Dot Net Members have access to the weekly NXT UK audio reviews hosted by Haydn Gleed and Darren Gutteridge. For more information, visit If you wish to get in touch with Haydn, do so via twitter (see above) or via email

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