09/18 World Of Sport Audio Review: Will Ospreay and Bea Priestley vs. Stevie Boy and Kay Lee Ray, Robbie X vs. Crater in a mask vs. mask match, Viper vs. Ayesha, Iestyn Rees vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr.

By Haydn Gleed, ProWrestling.net Staffer (@haydngleed)

Haydn Gleed reviews the World of Sport Wrestling show featuring Will Ospreay and Bea Priestley vs. Stevie Boy and Kay Lee Ray, Robbie X vs. Crater in a mask vs. mask match, Viper vs. Ayesha, Iestyn Rees vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr. (20:53)…

Click here for the September 18 WOS TV audio review.

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