Pruett’s Lucha Underground Hit List: Drago and Aerostar steal the show, El Dragon Azteca Jr vs. Killshot, Trios Championship action, and more death!

By Will Pruett, Senior Staffer (@itswilltime)

Lucha Underground Hits

Return of the Cinematic Scenes: This episode featured an opening office cinematic, an interesting locker room cinematic, a great rooftop cinematic with Drago and Aerostar, and a closing cinematic with Mack and Antonio. This is the joy of Lucha Underground. Anytime a person picks up a microphone in The Temple I get annoyed. Say it backstage in interesting lighting with some good editing. The Temple is not for talking and this episode tried to remember that.

Aerostar and Drago: Yeah, I’m basically double hitting this one. These two characters have been tied together for the whole series and this was another interesting chapter. Aerostar the time traveler is always wonderful. Drago disappearing in fire has been done better (budget CGI fire makes me sad), but this was great. More of this, please!

El Dragon Azteca Jr vs. Killshot: This was a fun match. The Killshot story on this episode was enjoyable. Azteca filling the role of every week defending champion is working really well for me. This is making me believe in Azteca, which has to be the goal at this point in the season.

Killshot, Son of Havoc, and Mack lose the Trios Titles: This is a minor Hit. I feel like we’ve been waiting since episode one for something to happen with this team. It finally did. It wasn’t perfect, but it was more interesting than the fight they’ve been having.

Lucha Underground Misses

Antonio Cueto: What is the point of this character? We’re ten episodes into the season and he has yet to do much. While it’s the same actor, the character of Antonio doesn’t have the same joy or mystery that Dario Cueto did. It’s not working for me, but I’m unsure of how Lucha Underground can fix it.

Cage and Pentagon brawl: This went on for a long time and it felt lifeless to me. It did what it needed to, but was missing a spark. Cage and Pentagon were going through the big brawl motions.

Matanza’s Sacrifices to the Gods: Maybe I just have an issue with the Cueto family. Matanza is beating up and killing lesser opponents. We’ve seen this, aside from the actual murder, before. I sincerely hope this is going somewhere interesting, but the history of Matanza tells me it is not. At least there were no silly sound effects!

In-ring Promos: Look, these just don’t belong here. That’s all.

Will Pruett writes about wrestling and popular culture at Of interest to him are diversity in wrestling and wrestling as a theatrical art form. To see his video content subscribe to his YouTube channel. To contact, check him out on Twitter @itswilltime, leave a comment, or email him at


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