WWE Main Event TV taping spoilers and Raw notes

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Dot Net reader BP attended WWE Raw in Cleveland, Ohio on Monday and sent the following report on the WWE Main Event television taping.

1. The Revival defeated Apollo and Titus O’Neil in 5:00. A very basic match.

2. Lince Dorado, Gran Metalik, and Kalisto over Jack Gallagher, Ariya Daivari, and Tony Nese in 7:00. Good action.

Notes: It was the fullest the arena has been in several years. A packed house except for the nosebleeds on one side of the arena.

There was not an eight-man tag team dark match that was advertised for over a month. Many unhappy kids. I was almost happy since the last hour plus of Raw was so bad. I assumed they were setting up for Undertaker.

The show peaked with Miz TV and then cratered from there. Is this WrestleMania season or not?

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