1/26 House of Hardcore 37 results: Tommy Dreamer and Billy Gunn vs. Joey Mercury and Nick Aldis with ECW wrestlers in both corners, Twitch TV Title tournament first round matches

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

House of Hardcore 37 (Houseofhardcore.net/)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena (aired live on Twitch)
Report by Dot Net reader Shin-Blade (Twitter: @shinsationalone Instagram: @shinsationalone)

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1. Swoggle defeated Mike Mondo of The Squad to advance in the Twitch TV Title tournament.

2. Kenn Doane of The Squad beat Lisa Marie Varon (WWE’s Victoria, TNA’s Tara) to advance in the Twitch TV Title tournament.

3. Bull James over Eddie Kingston to advance in the Twitch TV Title tournament.

4. Alex Reynolds beat Super Crazy to advance in the Twitch TV Title tournament.

5. Crazzy Steve defeated Maxwell Jacob Friedman to advance in the Twitch TV Title tournament.

6. Killer Kross beat Little Guido to advance in the Twitch TV Title tournament.

7. Dan Maff beat Ace Romero to advance in the Twitch TV Title tournament.

8. Tommy Dreamer and Billy Gunn (w/Bully Ray, Blue Meanie, Sandman) defeated Joey Mercury and Nick Aldis (w/Shane Douglas).

9. Austin Aries beat Matt Riddle to advance in the Twitch TV Title tournament. The match first went to two draw periods and then Aries pinned Riddle via the Brainbuster right after the third overtime opening bell.

10. Willie Mack defeated Luchasaurus and Matt Cross in a Triple Threat.

11. Brian Cage defeated mystery opponent Sami Callihan to advance in the Twitch TV Title tournament

The second round matches will soon be taking place on March 24 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena as announced on HouseOfHardcore.net.

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