Enzo Amore released by WWE

By Jason Powell, Prowrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

WWE announced that the company has come to terms on the release of WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore (a/k/a Eric Arndt). Read the official announcement at WWE.com.

Powell’s POV: Amore was suspended indefinitely on Monday after a woman made an online allegation that he raped her. The WWE release is an interesting development in that the company could have simply kept him suspended. I have no clue what this means for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship, but perhaps we’ll find out more on tonight’s 205 Live television show.

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Readers Comments (9)

  1. Fuck due process or even proof. It’s 2018

  2. I’m not a fan of this decision either considering that it smacks of no due process or proof, however, JP makes a good point – we have NO idea what the circumstances are here. Let’s wait til it plays out.

  3. Well let`s see there had to be MORE to the story then just a “story” here, Something must have came up in the rape kit and with the police report that he was fired, they just don`t fire people over nothing, so don`t be silly or ignorant in your comments. Something happened here and if the woman says no it means NO even if Enzo or his friends suggest otherwise

  4. My only problem with this is that this woman admitting to faking a pregnancy recently. I won’t miss Enzo at all, but hope this isn’t just WWE using an accusation to get rid of someone the front office didn’t like.

  5. One of the girls friends basically just ratted her out today on a YouTube video dude has screens shots of texts messages of the girl basically admiting she had sex with Enzo and bragging about it doesn’t sound like a rape victim to me… I put the link in the website section but here it is also Incase it’s not working. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=t6nWlaKRCQI

  6. I remember when you were innocent until proven guilty. All you have to be now is accused.

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