Moore’s WWE Talking Smack MITB Recap: Renee Young and Booker T interview the winners of the men’s MITB match, Jinder Mahal and Baron Corbin offer different viewpoints on hard work, Naomi talks about The Glow, Carmella and James Ellsworth controversy

By John Moore

WWE Talking Smack – Money in the Bank Edition
Aired June 18, 2017 on the WWE Network

-Renee Young and Booker T checked in from the WWE Talking Smack set. Renee sold shock over Baron Corbin winning Money in the Bank. Renee said everyone thought that someone like Shinsuke Nakamura or AJ Styles were the hands down favorite to win. Booker T compared it to the U.S. Open. Booker said “what a night, what a fight”.

-Renee talked about the controversy of James Ellsworth securing the Money in the Bank briefcase. Booker said it all comes down to you getting the briefcase however it may be. He said it makes you the “recipient”. Renee said Ellsworth has found a way to get around in WWE somehow. Booker said Ellsworth had a fly jumpsuit. Booker said the result should stick since Carmella’s entrance theme played and the bell rang. Booker also asked Renee for verification that possession is 9/10ths of the law.

John’s Thoughts: Well, if that’s the case (haha, case!), as far as the possession part is concerned, we should go with TNA logic of if an outside wrestler picked up the case, they get the case. Therefore, Ellsworth should be number one contender to the Women’s Championship. I’m referencing a time when Velvet Sky, who wasn’t active in the match, grabbed a Feast or Fired briefcase and ended up being “fired” because that briefcase contained a pink slip.

-Renee tried to defend outside interference in Money in the Bank matches by pointing out how Bray Wyatt interfered last year to prevent Roman Reigns from winning and causing Dean Ambrose to pick up the briefcase. Booker said someone should have taken care of James Ellsworth prior to the match even happening.

-Booker said this was a groundbreaking night for the women while Renee argued that it was a bit of a bummer for the ending of the match to go down like that. Booker asked Renee if they should put an asterisk next to the first female Money in the Bank winner. Renee said she’s not the one who makes those official decisions.

-Naomi was the first guest of the night. Booker bragged about the advice he gave Naomi in the pre-show. He asked her for the name of her submission. Naomi said it was the FTG (feel the glow). Naomi said she was a bit fired up for Booker doubting her in the pre-show.

-Renee noticed that Naomi had an ice pack on her knee and wondered how Naomi was feeling after her successful title defense. Naomi said she’s a tough chick and it’s all good.

-Booker said Lana brought it. Naomi said it’s not about how many times you get knocked down it’s about how many times you get up in regards to Lana being dominant at points. Naomi said she dug deep.

-Renee brought up the advantage Lana had going into the match in being able to put together a scouting report via film footage. Renee said the scouting report helped Lana pinpoint lingering injuries that Naomi had. Renee congratulated Naomi for overcoming that handicap.

-Renee asked Naomi about her thoughts on James Ellsworth grabbing the briefcase. Naomi said she’s not surprised given Ellsworth’s history with Carmella. Naomi said that’s the only reason Carmella associates with Ellsworth. To have him available for interference. Naomi talked about being ready and prepared for a potential cash-in despite Booker T calling Naomi unprepared in the pre-show. Naomi said she has to dig deep no matter what the scenario. Booker T said it would be a travesty of justice if the title changed hands tonight. Naomi said she’s ready to defend the title any time as a fighting champion. She said that’s what the glow is all about. Renee asked Booker to feel the glow. Naomi handed Booker a glowing bracelet. Booker sarcastically said he’s going to wear it all the time.

-Booker said he’s been critical of Naomi several times in the past for questioning her passion. Booker said people eat him up on twitter and Instagram for that. Booker said Naomi is the most talented woman in the locker room. Booker compared Naomi to an incomplete engine. Booker T offered mentorship to Naomi.

-Renee said Naomi was in such a good pocket of time in her career. Renee transitioned to talking about the Ellsworth situation. Naomi said what happened wasn’t fair and everyone should be allowed to have outside interference available to them. Booker T said it was controversial. Booker then defended the result by bringing up his own history of almost winning due to the help of Queen Sharmell. (Mr. Ken Kennedy won that MITB).

-Booker said life isn’t fair. Naomi asked Booker about what the point of rules was then? Booker told Naomi to prepare for what Carmella might be planning. Naomi said the “glow champ” is here to stay. Booker sang a song about glowing. Naomi caught that it was a Last Dragon reference (the movie with Bruce Leroy). Naomi’s last words were that she was ready for Carmella and Ellsworth. This was the end of the Naomi interview.

John’s Thoughts: Naomi’s the champion of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling? I kid, I kid!

-Renee showed tweets from Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon about their dislike of the results of the Women’s Money in the Bank. Renee talked about Daniel Bryan’s first business back on Smackdown being dealing with the Women’s Money in the Bank controversial finish. Booker said with Bryan becoming a new father he’s going from the frying pan into the fryer. Renee said she’s of the belief that Bryan is going to be hosting Talking Smack on Tuesday (I sure hope so too).

-Jinder Mahal was the next guest. Jinder joked about it being the Maharaja meeting King Bookah. Booker asked the production crew to give Jinder a standing ovation. Jinder wished Bob Orton a happy Father’s Day and pointed out how his son let him down. Jinder said he did what he promised, which was to embarrass Randy Orton in his hometown.

-Renee asked Jinder on his thoughts right after he got RKO’d. Renee also wanted to know Jinder’s thoughts about the referee ejecting the Singh Brothers for putting Jinder’s leg on the ropes after the RKO. Jinder said his leg was already on the ropes, the Brothers were just letting the referee know. Booker defended this by saying that we couldn’t clearly see it given the camera angle.

-Renee called what the Singh Brothers did to Bob Orton a dirty move and she said that they got their due diligence. They showed clips of Randy Orton beating the hell out of the Singh Brothers including throwing that one guy like a boomerang again.

-Booker asked Jinder how sweet it was to beat up Orton in his hometown. Jinder said it felt close to when he won the championship. Jinder said Orton was a 14-time world champion who made a rookie mistake. Jinder said he’s a dangerous competitor and Orton turned his back on him. Jinder said he was in high school when Orton first won the World Championship. Jinder said Orton is past his prime while Jinder hasn’t even gotten to his prime yet. Jinder said he plans to be a long-time champion. Jinder said he’s going to beat Randy’s, John Cena’s, and Ric Flair’s championship record. (well… it’s tough to be a long-term champion and then break a record where you have to have a bunch of short to medium term reigns, but I get what he’s going for).

-Jinder said he’s the hardest working man in WWE and if someone’s willing to outwork Jinder, he’ll give them the WWE Championship. Jinder said until then, the Maharaja will reign. Booker T brought up social media haters. Booker then referenced Jinder giving his life story on his podcast.

-Booker asked Jinder’s thoughts on the American people. Jinder said he should be an inspiration to the American people who should have pictures of Jinder hanging in their bedrooms. Jinder said he should be seen as a role model. Jinder said he went from 3MB to being released. Jinder clarified that he didn’t leave on his own volition, he was fired. Jinder said less than one year coming back to the company, he’s now world champion.

-Jinder said he should be an idol rather than disrespected. Jinder said the people were jealous. Jinder then blamed racial intolerance. Jinder said they judge him based on the color of his skin. Booker T was about to say something but quickly moved to talking about Baron Corbin.

-Booker asked Jinder for his thoughts on Baron Corbin as the Money in the Bank and Andre the Giant Memorial winner. Jinder said Mojo Rawley was also an Andre the Giant Memorial winner and Jinder beat Mojo last week. Booker said that’s a good point. Jinder said he has bigger fish to fry right now than Baron Corbin. Jinder said he wants to keep the championship and go down in history as the greatest WWE Champion of all time.

-Renee talked about Jinder delivering and being a hard worker. Renee said Baron Corbin was cut from the same cloth. Renee said Corbin has a golden ticket against Jinder right now. Jinder said he’s a firm believer of believing that the work you put in is correlated to your position in life. Jinder said when/if Baron Corbin outworks Jinder, he’ll hand him the title, but that day is not going to happen. Jinder said he’s not going to be outworked.

-Booker brought up the huge amount of press recognition Jinder is getting in India and asked him how it feels to be a role model. Jinder said he’s the pride of 1.3 billion. He said he’s representing India as a champion. He then spoke “in my language, in Punjabi” (which might as well be a catchphrase). Jinder then spoke in Punjab.

-Baron Corbin slammed his blue briefcase on the Talking Smack set and told Jinder that he’d see him soon. Jinder stared down Corbin as he walked off the set. Corbin had a smirk. Booker wished Jinder well.

-Baron Corbin was the next guest on Talking Smack. Booker encouraged Baron Corbin to talk smack on Talking Smack. Baron said he’s was just giving Jinder a warning shot with that staredown. Baron mocked Jinder bragging about hard work. Baron said that hard work is a crutch for people with no talent. Baron said you can work out in a gym all you want; you don’t need abs to punch someone in the face. Baron said he doesn’t need abs to break someone in half. Baron said he doesn’t need abs to become WWE Champion.

-Renee asked Baron if it bothers him that Jinder is talking about being the hardest worker. Baron reiterated his earlier point about hard work being a crutch for people with no talent. He said it’s for kids that aren’t pros. Baron said they aren’t top level contenders like Baron. Baron said those are the people who have to grind it in the gym. Baron said some people have it and some people don’t. Renee said Baron has it tonight.

-Booker said he notices that Baron Corbin was the ultimate opportunist in what he did to Shinsuke Nakamura. Baron said Shinsuke takes too much time to get to the ring. Baron said he has no time to waste. He’s here to make a mark in WWE. Baron said he doesn’t want to wait 3-4 mins for Shinsuke to dance around so Baron did what he thought was necessary. Baron said you can thank him about it later. Baron brought up how he’s a natural while others spend years to get what he’s accomplished in a short time. Baron said when people like him walk away with contracts like the briefcase, you have to just believe that this guy is legit in what he says.

-Booker told Baron that he likes Baron and Baron’s style. Booker said Baron Corbin is about two things, Chicks and Championships. Baron said he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty to get the things he wants. Renee said in addition to the chicks and championships, Baron has contracts now. Baron said contracts equals Chicks and Championships. Baron said that Shinsuke Nakamura thought he was going to have a good night but he ended up getting hit with ladders and cameras.

-Booker wondered if Baron Corbin was one on of those people who waits close to a year to cash in the briefcase. Baron said people should already be paranoid of him since he’s a pro of beating up people during interviews, backstage, or during entrances. Baron said he enjoys people’s misery.

-Booker said he likes the waiting game. Booker said he loved it when Disco Inferno (Glenn Gilbertti) was the WCW US Champion because it was an easy win. Booker said one strategy you could take is you can wait to you have a weak guy out there as champion or a wounded guy. Booker said he likes how Corbin’s a “wolf” so the theme works. Baron said he will wear the briefcase with pride.

-Renee asked Baron on his words for Jinder. Baron said to make sure he has his head on a swivel and don’t blink because it’s not going to feel good when Baron cashes in putting Jinder in a long sad road when he has to leave the ring empty handed. Booker said he feels a new champion coming. Baron Corbin held up his briefcase and said he’s going to enjoy his night. Baron said come Tuesday everyone can say goodnight when he puts that champion down. Booker wished Baron well and told him to have a cold one on him. This ended the Baron Corbin portion of the show.

-Booker wondered if Baron Corbin just declared when he was going to cash in. Renee said it might have just been Baron showing off. Booker said it was gamesmanship. Renee said she likes Baron’s attitude and confidence. Renee then hyped up the return of Daniel Bryan for Tuesday. There was a graphic for this. Renee said Daniel Bryan was going to address the women’s money in the bank controversy. Booker T quoted Prince in saying “controversy”.

John’s Thoughts: This episode of Talking Smack ended up better than I would have expected given that Booker T was a host. He wasn’t all that bad. He was still confusing as he usually is, but I think that’s part of the humor. Baron Corbin was as good as usual in the Talking Smack forum. Corbin reminds me of Bobby Lashley where at one point when Lashley lacked the confidence and was over scripted, he was an oblivious and nervous robot of a promo. Lashley has been allowed to go out there and seemingly speak from the heart and has become one of the best heel promos in wrestling. Corbin is the same. He sucks when given a script on the bigger show, but when unscripted he’s an amazing heel. Jinder Mahal can learn a bit from Baron’s approach. Speaking of Jinder, he was better on Talking Smack tonight but he still falls into his Jinder clichés a bit. Jinder might need to be scripted a bit more though, by hopefully someone like “Road Dogg” Brian James and not Vince McMahon, because Jinder does try to come up with new layers to his character, but he seems to struggle when put on the spot. I would also prefer Road Dogg because he has been a heel that went for good heat as opposed to Vince, whom Jinder has said has scripted him to go for cheap foreigner heat.


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