5/28 Alpha-1 Wrestling in Oshawa results: Kobe Durst vs. Eddie Kingston for the Alpha Male Title, Ethan Page and Shane Sabre vs. The Virus, Gregory Iron vs. Justin Sane

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Alpha-1 Wrestling
Oshawa, Ontario at the Polish Hall
Report by Dot Net reader Sam Hall

This is the first A-1 show I’ve been to, first show in 10 years. Doors opened at 1:30, bell time was around 2:00. I had a front seat but some people feel that saying that “my buddy was gonna save that spot” is still a valid excuse to kick someone out of his seat. Had to settle for second row. Buddy Holly came on the speakers so that immediately cheered me up.

As much as I love Ethan Page, Josh Alexander, and Space Monkey, I really went to see Eddie Kingston, who really should’ve been picked up by a major promotion that wasn’t TNA a long time ago. Kingston replaced ACH, who was advertised but had to pull out due to obligations in Japan.

1. Space Monkey beat Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham. The good doctor came out to The Who’s Baba O’Reilly so he’s already on my good side. Dan handed Monkey a doctor’s pamphlet. Monkey ate it in a funny moment. Monkey handed him a banana, only to take it back. Lots of fun spots here. Monkey made the doctor slip on the banana peel and hit a pimp slap with his tail for the win in seven minutes.

2. Justin Sane beat Gregory Iron. Iron is a wrestler with cerebral palsy, yet he plays a cocky prick heel incredibly well. Sane is absolutely huge. It’s just INSANE (I’m sorry). Sane is also deceivingly agile for a guy his size hitting a lot of impressive dropkicks. Iron worked the arm for much of the match in order to give the same disadvantage to Sane. Eventually, his overconfidence cost him and Sane got the win with a diving splash the Usos would be jealous of in about eight minutes.

3. Dominic (w/Stokely Hathaway) vs. “E Z E” Eric Cairnie is up next. I absolutely love Stokely Hathaway. Dominic wrestles an MMA inspired gimmick. This is the second encounter between these two with Eric winning the last one. Dominic immediately took down Eric with Ju jitsu holds and an insane amount of suplexes. Eric came back with a beautiful fisherman suplex for a near fall. Hathaway handed Dominic a steel chain to use, but Dominic refused. It costs him as Eric hit a Samoan driver for the win at five minutes. Stokely gets on the mic and challenged Eric to one more match in best of three falls style. Eric accepted, but only for Dominic’s title shot for anytime he wants.

4. Beautiful Beaa beat KC Spinelli. Spinelli was “wrestling out of anywhere but here” and weighed in at “none of yo business.” A quick three minute match that Beaa won with a pretty sloppy killswitch..

5. Alessandro del Bruno (w/Ms. Chung) beat Alex Daniels for the Zero Gravity Title. This was my first time seeing either of these guys and I was blown away. Lots of flippy stuff by Daniels in the early going including a beautiful tope con Hilo. Del Bruno began to counter with own offense. Daniels hit an absolutely beautiful pump handle neck breaker for a great near fall which led to a “this is awesome chant.” The fans weren’t wrong.” The match ended when Daniels missed a 450 and took a running PK to the head by Del Bruno in about 15 mins. Awesome stuff.

I met Rickey Shane page during intermission. Super nice guy. Unfortunately, I forgot to grab cash so I couldn’t buy a shirt.

6. Rickey Shane beat Young Myles. These fans LOVE RSP, but they absolutely hate this ref. Page had a lot of the offense in this match with Myles using his agility to strike when he could. Rickey won with a choke breaker after eight minutes.

7. Ethan Page and Shane Sabre defeated The Virus. A wild brawl that started on the outside and within two minutes led to Page getting tossed into the crowd and almost crushing tiny little me. Chairs, trash cans, dives off the stage and a spear through a table by Sabre gave him and Page the victory.

8. Kobe Durst beat Eddie Kingston to retain the Alpha Male Title. Kingston came out to a polite response, but there were a lot of kids so it wasn’t a super loud pop. They made some noise for Durst, presumably because he’s a regular. A very physical match with Kobe not backing down from the experienced and stiffer Kingston. I don’t think there’s anyone who hits harder than Eddie and I mean that. Kobe won after a Codebreaker followed by a piledriver in a fun main event.

All in all, an excellent show and a promotion whose events I will absolutely attend again.


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