Moore’s WWE Talking Smack Recap: The New Day arrive, Naomi talks about her potential opponents and discusses her background

By John Moore

WWE Talking Smack
Aired May 24, 2017 on the WWE Network

-Renee Young checked in from the Talking Smack set and was joined by Shane McMahon this week. Shane and Renee had “Talking Smack” mugs as opposed to Shane’s usual red cups. Renee was excited to move on from Backlash to Money in the Bank as she asked Shane for his thoughts on the current Money in the Bank Match. Shane said the MITB match was one of his favorite matches of all time because anything can happen. Shane then brought up how the odds are high for the person who cashes in the Money in the Bank contract to actually become Champion.

-Renee said as far as the people in the match are concerned, Dolph Ziggler is the only one who has won the contract in the past. Renee wanted to know what a world with Kevin Owens as Mr. Money in the Bank would look like with Kevin Owens saying he wants to be a dual champion. Shane brought up the strategy of the contract holder taking advantage of a tired world champion. Renee wanted a prediction from Shane, who dodged the question.

-After yet another Rocket League plug, The New Day (Xavier Woods, Big E, and Kofi Kingston) appeared on the set singing and bringing Booty-Os to the set. Their entrance theme played. New Day showed off their clean shoes/boots as they called Renee Nae Nae. Xavier asked Kofi who the five best tag teams in WWE were. Kofi said New Day (5x). Big E said “five” (because he used to be the “five” guy).

-Big E said JBL was talking nonsense about the Usos being the greatest tag team. Xavier said JBL was only crazy because he got hit with that dress. Renee and Shane started to eat some Booty-Os. Big E said he utilized his preaching ability to get a couple married. Big E said he was simply emailed and tweeted. Kofi said the New Day just brings people together. Big E then lifted Kofi’s leg and performed an exorcism on it by sending the demons away. Xavier talked about doing work on UpUpDownDown while Kofi was out. He said he did some promotional videos for the Rocket League game. Woods announced he had a baby.

-Kofi said he got to see his youngest kid walk for the first time. He also talked about having rock climbing family time. Big E joked about not having kids and not wanting to rush at that.

-Big E talked about Breezango looking good recently. Xavier said the Fashion Files are some of the best things he’s seeing on TV. Big E was nibbling on a microphone. Renee pointed out how the Booty-Os box has instructions on how to do Big E’s dance. Shane McMahon gyrated his hips in accordance. Big E said the target demographic for his dance is women, but a lot of men and kids have picked it up. Shane encouraged Renee to do the hip movement and she obliged.

-New Day talked about being excited to be on Smackdown. Xavier did a plug for UpUpDownDown and wanted Shane as a guest. New Day said they were looking at everyone, including Renee. Big E said the Usos look good but a lot of people are sleeping on American Alpha. Big E said the Shinsuke Nakamura and AJ pairing was hot. The New Day interview soon ended.

-Renee called Jinder’s Punjabi celebration crazy. They cut to clips of the celebration and performance. Shane said Jinder was trying to bring culture to the world. Renee did remind us that Jinder promised an interview if he won the championship, but she acknowledged that he must be busy celebrating. Shane said Jinder is just confident and he has said everything he was going to do. Renee and Shane compared Jinder winning the championship to Taker’s shocking loss to Brock Lesnar. Renee wondered if there was luck in involved in Jinder’s win. Shane thought about it for a bit and called it a “rare” thing. Renee then brought up how scary the Singh Brother getting tossed by Orton was.

-Naomi was the next guest. Renee talked about the five way elimination match for Naomi’s title. Shane wanted to know if Naomi has a particular person she wants to face. Naomi said she will face anyone because she has unfinished business with Charlotte, two losses to Carmella, Natalya’s claiming she’s the best. Naomi said she has a lot to prove, not only to the women in the match, the WWE Universe, but to herself. She said she remembered the title being taken away from her and she doesn’t want it to happen again.

-Naomi said climbing the mountain was hard but retaining this championship is tougher. Shane wanted to know Naomi’s preparation. Naomi said practice makes perfect. She talked about hitting the gym and getting good training. Naomi wanted to know how Naomi trains to get such a good looking six pack. Naomi said it was good eating and genetics.

-Renee asked Naomi about how she feels facing someone like Carmella in a singles match. Naomi said she doesn’t underestimate anyone because that’s the mistake other make about her. Naomi said James Ellsworth is on her side and she has to watch her back on that one. They cut to clips of Ellsworth trying to interfere in the match earlier. Renee wondered if Naomi was also looking at Becky Lynch even though Lynch is flying under the radar. Naomi said she knows firsthand how it feels to be pushed aside in favor of others. Naomi brought up how she was passed over when the “Women’s revolution” happened even though she was one of the established women already in WWE. Naomi said the glow was all about finding her confidence and at that time she was missing confidence. Shane took credit for Smackdown sparking that glow.

-Naomi said this is the best Naomi she’s ever seen. Naomi said it was just being at the bottom of the bottom and having nowhere else to go but glow and grow. Naomi said she would like to give Becky an opportunity because she knows how it feels to not have the title and forced to prove yourself. Naomi said she feels she is champion for a reason. Naomi said the fans chanting “you deserve it” always sticks with her. She said that inspires her to prove them right.

-Shane wanted to know more about Naomi’s background. Naomi talked about being a dancer at a young age and how she had dreams of attending a fine arts school like Julliard to become a dancer. Shane said Naomi really can dance. Naomi said as an adult she didn’t know much about wrestling but she saw her first show and that was it. Naomi said she knows about this crazy feeling that told her she should be doing it. Naomi talked about leaving the Orlando Magic dance team to become a professional wrestler. Naomi said she put her heart, blood, sweat, and tears into this. Naomi said it was horrifying moving from dancing to WWE. Naomi said she even cried to her mom about how difficult it was. Naomi talked about how uncertain she was. Naomi said it was passion, love, motivation, and liking physicality kept her in it.

-Renee asked Naomi about her support system in WWE. Naomi said she’s very family oriented. Naomi said her husband helps her get through it. She said her two stepchildren make her feel like the coolest stepmom. She said the Nao-Mob/Glow-Mob (the fans) support her and give her motivation. She said it’s because of them that she kicks out. Renee ended the interview on that note with more hype for next week’s women’s match to decide Naomi’s challenger.

-Renee Young closed the show with her and Shane taking Booty O boxes.

John’s Thoughts: Not too many guests and New Day may be a bit of an overload due to their strong personalities; Talking Smack is still the show to watch to see what the WWE wrestlers really can show from a personality side. It was cool to see more of a human side of Naomi, which she does regularly on this show. “The glow” can come off as a cheap gimmick or catchphrase on Smackdown at times. It’s awesome to see her elaborate on it and connect it to her life story. As for New Day, it will be good to have them on Smackdown if only to improve the comedy because they can at least be an upgrade over Breezango. I hope we don’t get comedy overload though, but at least Big E can be a riot no matter how much Big E we get.


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