Moore’s Tiger Mask W Anime Review: Episode 9 – The Stormy Opening Match, Fukuwara Mask vs. Tiger the Dark in a first round match of the GWM Masked Tournament

By John Moore

Tiger Mask W – Episode 9
Aired December 3, 2016 on TV Asahi/Crunchyroll simulcast

Nagata and Okada were watching the GWM show on TV and was disappointed that GWM signed Fukuwara Mask for the opening comedy match. Okada said that Nagata shouldn’t complain because Nagata didn’t even offer Fukuwara a deal. Two other wrestlers joining he match were “Young Dragon” and “It’s the Ace”. Okada and Nagata pointed out the lack of creativity in those names. This week’s episode was titled “The Stormy Opening Match”…

Haruna was also watching the TV and complained that GWM was presenting Tiger Mask as a heel even though he’s face. Wagner faced off against Tiger the Dark in the first match…

In the training arena, Wagner revealed to Dark that he was Kevin Anderson. Kevin said it felt a bit odd pulling this since there is no such person as European Champion Wagner. Miss X said this was common in pro wrestling for them to control their own reality especially since masked wrestlers always have different people playing the role under the hood. Miss X said they would send this new Tiger Mask to Hell…

Back at the Tiger Cave, Naoto was training with his mecha dummies. Takaoka warned Naoto that he was being reckless and he should remain healthy for the tournament. Naoto said this was because of Yellow Devil…

Miss X and GWM security escorted Yellow Devil to the GWM training ring. He leaned on the ropes in pleasure. Takuma walked up to him and demanded that they “Spar”. Yellow Devil said sparing wasn’t worth it and they should focus on putting on a good show…

At the New Japan show, Yuji Nagata was stressing out over ticket sales for their live event. At the GWM show, Fukuwara Mask was entering the locker room from the back area as Young Dragon greeted Fukuwara like he knew him which puzzled Fukuwara. It’s The Ace said Dragon was just over eager. Tiger Mask and Fukuwara were happy to see each other. Fukuwara noticed that Haruna had a lot of merchandise to sell with her. Miss X informed Haruna that it was in the contract that they only sell GWM merchandise…

Haruna was disappointed that they couldn’t sell merch and Takaoka said that’s just was GWM does, they’re a monopoly. Hikari Kuruma of the Pro Wrestling World Newsletter told them that the pro wrestling media was restricted in who they can interview as well..

John’s Thoughts: Well… that’s something that connects with us at dot net!

The pyro lit up and Wrestle Max had an opening ceremony for their tournament. They then held a random draw to set up the brackets for the tournament. Tiger Mask was facing Wagner in the first round while Tiger the Dark faced against Fukuwara Mask. Tiger the Dark and Tiger Mask fought at ringside as to who would get a shot against Yellow Devil, not knowing that they were best friends under the mask. Tiger Mask accidentally ripped his cape… [C]

Haruna was in the locker room and pointed out that she had her sewing kit with her. Tiger Mask sat in a corner brooding about Yellow Devil…

1. Tiger The Dark vs. Fukuwara Mask. Dark went for a roundhouse but Fukuwara dodged it with extreme speed which astonished Dark. Fukuwara claimed that he was just picking up a piece of trash on the ground and not dodging. He rolled to the rope break which angered Dark. Young Dragon said it was amazing that Fukuwara was still working a comedy match. Fukuwara got another rope break when Dark locked in the sleeper. Fukuwara hit Tiger the Dark with a gutwrench side suplex. Fukuwara missed a senton wildly allowing Tiger the Dark to hit the Darkness Driver for the victory.

Tiger the Dark defeated Fukuwara Mask via pinfall in 2:20.

Miss X pointed out on commentary that it was refreshing to have a comedy match for once. Tiger Mask entered the ring for his match next and he sported a new cape with fluff lining. Wagner was about to make his entrance but there was already a mysterious man in white standing on the top rope. The Man in White said his name was Mr. Question, from India. Kuruma said this man fought the original Tiger Mask. Wagner rushed in the ring to beat up Mr. Question for trying to steal his match. Mr. Question no sold some moves and destroyed Kevin Anderson with a knee to the gut. After some strikes. Wagner was destroyed with a brainbuster suplex. Tiger Mask said it would be better to face Mr. Question rather than wait for Wagner to recover or getting a first round bye. Miss X granted Question the match to close out the show…

John’s Thoughts: Even though there is a lot of insider pro wrestling references in this show, they are still doing a good job integrating anime tropes with pro wrestling tropes. It also looks like we’re building up for a solid tournament arc with Tiger the Dark and Tiger Mask facing many opponents.


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