8/31 Powell’s Ring of Honor TV Review: Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian vs. The Young Bucks for the ROH Tag Titles, War Machine vs. Keith Lee and Shane Taylor, Dalton Castle and The Boys vs. The Cabinet


By Jason Powell

Ring of Honor TV
Taped July 16 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Aired in syndication over the weekend, available Wednesdays on Comet TV

Kevin Kelly introduced the show by saying Death Before Dishonor is in the books and viewers will hear exclusive comments from Adam Cole. Matt Taven joined Kelly on color commentary. As the ring entrances for the tag opener took place. Kelly questioned why Shane Taylor and Keith Lee have targeted War Machine. Taven said Raymond Rowe spent time in prison and everyone knows the rule in prison is that you punch the biggest guy in the mouth as soon as you enter prison so that everyone knows you’re the toughest guy in the yard. “Untrue and untrue,” Kelly replied. Kelly said Taylor was a protege of Rowe, and Taylor claims Rowe forgot who he was when he signed with ROH…

1. War Machine vs. Keith Lee and Shane Taylor. Before the match, footage aired of the Lee and Taylor attacks on War Machine. The bell rang and the teams went right at one another with punches. Hanson hit a suicide dive on Taylor. Lee no-sold shome shots from Rowe, but he sold a forearm to the face. Taylor pulled Hanson to the floor and worked him over. Rowe threw Lee into the barricade, then Taylor threw Hanson into the barricade.

Hanson slammed Lee, then Rowe slammed his own partner onto Lee on the floor. Back inside the ring, War Machine worked over Taylor and slammed him. Hanson tried to powerbomb Rowe onto Taylor, who moved out of the way. Lee and Taylor worked over Hanson. The duo then worked over Rowe some impressive splashes heading into the break. [C]

Lee picked up his massive partner to slam him onto Rowe, but Hanson dropkicked Taylor onto Lee. Hanson dove off the ropes toward both opponents, but they caught him and eventually performed a double chokeslam for a two count. Hanson performed a springboard clothesline while Rowe held up Lee, which led to a two count. Rowe performed an impressive suplex on Taylor.

Later, Rowe powerbombed Lee, who kicked out. The fans chanted “this is awesome.” War Machine set up for their Fallout finisher, but Taylor broke it up. Lee powerbombed Rowe, then Taylor splashed him. Taylor and Lee set up a doubleteam move that led to Lee performing a sit-out powerbomb on Hanson for the 1-2-3…

Keith Lee and Shane Taylor beat War Machine.

Powell’s POV: A good brawl that turned into an entertaining match. I like that the new guys went over. Unfortunately, the crowd was too busy applauding the performance of both teams to react the way you’d want them to when a heel team shocks the former babyface tag champions. Lee is especially impressive and the broadcast team did a good job of marveling over his bigger moves.

2. Cheeseburger vs. Joey Daddiego vs. David Starr vs. Tim Hughes (w/Bob Evans) in a four corner survival match. Cheeseburger was the only one of the bunch to receive a televised entrance. BJ Whitmer walked out wearing mascara and an X on his head. He spoke about the journey he has been on with Kevin Sullivan. Meanwhile, Starr performed a suicide dive onto Daddiego and Hughes. Cheeseburger ran the ropes only to be pressed slammed by Daddiego onto Hughes and Starr on the floor.

Hughes ended up performing his backbreaker on Cheeseburger, but he was quickly worked over by Starr. The lights went out. A new video package aired with Kevin Sullivan saying that a new Purple Haze will emerge along with a bunch of other images, including one of Punisher Martinez. When the lights came on in the ring, Martinez worked over the wrestlers with powerbombs while Whitmer stood on the ring apron. Kelly said Martinez is the demon that was summoned by Whitmer…

Cheeseburger vs. Joey Daddiego vs. David Starr vs. Tim Hughes ended in an apparent no-contest when Punisher Martinez interfered.

Powell’s POV: Whitmer looks like a bald Gangrel. Martinez, who worked the Top Prospect Tournament, has a good look yet needs a new name.

Backstage, The Young Bucks cut a brief promo about their tag title match… [C] The Cabinet made their entrance along with their minions and security. Dalton Castle and The Boys made their full entrance and received the streamer treatment…

3. Caprice Coleman, Kenny King, and Rhett Titus vs. Dalton Castle and The Boys. Taven is a fan of The Boys and claimed he told them to wear purple. The fans chanted for Dalton Castle and “Let’s Go Boys.” The teams awkwardly adhered to the Code of Honor (sorta). Coleman and Castle had an early comedic staredown with the fans cheering Castle’s pose. Castle threw one of his Boys onto ANX, but they caught him. Castle then threw Coleman onto ANX, the second Boy, and Castle teased a dive and instead strutted and posed. [C]

The Cabinet isolated one of the Boys for a stretch, but they pulled Twin Magic, leading to one of the Boys catching King in an inside cradle for two. Castle checked in an performed suplexes on all three of his opponents. Later, King pushed Castle off the top rope and down to ringside. King superplexed one of the Boys, then his teammates performed a simultaneous legdrop and frogsplash combo on him, which led to Titus getting the pin… [C]

The Cabinet defeated Dalton Castle and The Boys.

Powell’s POV: A fun match thanks in large part to Castle and The Boys being so over. I don’t see anything in the Cabinet gimmick, but they had to win the match if ROH wants the gimmick to mean something. The Boys can always lose and maintain their popularity.

New ROH Champion Adam Cole delivered a promo while standing in front of the ROH logo backdrop. Cole spoke about winning the title only to have Kyle O’Reilly ruin his party. Cole said he thought he was finished with O’Reilly. Cole said O’Reilly has been in a thorn in his side for years. Cole said he’s proven that he’s better than O’Reilly repeatedly and pointed out that O’Reilly has never been the champion like he has. Cole told O’Reilly to stay out of his business or he wouldn’t like the outcome…

Powell’s POV: I’m happy they got the new champion on this show rather than wait until the actual first show taped after the pay-per-view. However, I hope this doesn’t mean we’re going to be deprived of seeing his first gloating promo.

Veda Scott joined the broadcast team for the main event… Ring entrances for the main event took place. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian came out first and waited for the Young Bucks, who showed up behind them and superkicked them…

4. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian vs. The Young Bucks for the ROH Tag Titles. Kelly spoke about the possibility of Bullet Club controlling all the gold. Kazarian picked up a ladder. The Bucks kicked Kazarian and the ladder ended up on his shoulders, then the Bucks superkicked him heading into the break. [C]

The Addiction worked over Matt Jackson for a stretch. Nick Jackson took a hot tag and worked over both opponents, including a cool facebuster on Daniels and then a quick Asai moonsault onto Kazarian on the floor. Later, Matt performed a facebuster on Kazarian on the ring apron, then Nick performed a 450 splash and went for the pin. Daniels broke it up, then ate a double superkick.

Late in the match, Kamaitachi ran out and distracted the Bucks. The Motor City Machine Guns ran out and stopped him from getting involved. Chris Sabin stopped Kazarian from using a chair and then tried to hit him with it, but Kazarian ducked it and Sabin accidentally hit Matt Jackson. Daniels tossed Sabin to ringside as Kazarian covered Jackson for the 1-2-3…

Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian defeated The Young Bucks to retain the ROH Tag Titles.

Powell’s POV: It was a weird dynamic with the Bucks playing to the crowd while working against the heel champions, yet Kelly and company fearing that Bullet Club could wind up with all the gold. Even worse was all the commotion on commentary with Veda trying to get over her advocate role, Taven trying to be witty, and not nearly enough focus on the tag titles. Steve Corino continues to be sorely missed on ROH television. Overall, an entertaining hour of television, especially considering this was the last show of the taping heading into a pay-per-view. We’ve seen some real filler shows in the past in this slot. In this case, ROH built up three matches last week and delivered a solid show.


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