Brock Lesnar and Chris Jericho backstage altercation at WWE SummerSlam

lesnar1Brock Lesnar and Chris Jericho had a “verbal and somewhat physical” confrontation backstage after the main event of WWE SummerSlam, according to Dave Meltzer of Jericho went to the gorilla position because he concerned for the wellbeing of Randy Orton following the main event. Lesnar and Jericho ended up exchanging words, which led to one physical exchange that was broken up by Triple H, and a second that was broken up by Vince McMahon.

Powell’s POV: It doesn’t read like the physicality was much more than some pushing and shoving. The other notable portion of the story is that Orton eventually assured Jericho that he knew what was coming in the Lesnar match, confirming suspicions that the elbows that Lesnar threw at him during the SummerSlam match were designed to cut him.


Readers Comments (3)

  1. Pro wrestling needs to get rid of idiots, like Lesnar, that disregard the safety of others in the ring.

  2. I don’t buy for one minute that the planned ending involved Orton letting Brock nail him with multiple legit 12-6 elbows–a move that is even banned in the UFC–to hardway bust him open, at a point in time when this company is so obsessed with preventing concussions that even piledrivers are banned now. Utterly ridiculous. Vince won’t even let guys blade, he interrupted the Brock/Taker HIAC to have a doctor come out to wipe the blood off, and we’re to believe he approved that ending with Brock busting Orton open with legit elbows? What a bunch of absolute BS. And Jericho has been in the business long enough to see through it and recognize that something wasn’t right.

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