8/20 Powell’s NXT Takeover: Brooklyn II Pre-Show Report

Logo_NXT_dn_crop600By Jason Powell

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NXT Takeover: Brooklyn II
Aired live on WWE Network
Brooklyn, New York at Barclays Center

-Renee Young, Lita, and Mauro Ranallo hosted the pre-show from a desk set up high inside Barclays Center. Mauro told the ladies he was giving them “the gift of Ranallo” and told them to drink it in.

-Footage aired from the Samoa Joe and Shinsuke Nakamura sit-down interview including Byron Saxton running off when both men stood up and Joe had to be held back by security.

-A shot aired of Nakamura arriving at the building earlier in the day, then a separate shot aired of a grumpy Joe arriving with security guards surrounding him.

-Outside the building, Charly Caruso stood in front of a group of fans who chanted NXT. She said she was at home watching last year’s show.

-A video package focussed on the Asuka and Bayley rivalry. The hosts discussed the match and what’s different this time. Lita said she thinks Bayley knows what she’s getting into this time, and the crowd being so supportive of Bayley could throw off Asuka.

-Backstage, Bobby Roode said New York is his kinda town. “But not Brooklyn,” Roode said before comparing it to an armpit.

-Mauro spoke about how he liked the styles clashes on the card. He picked Roode to win, while Lita picked Andrade Almas.

-Young hyped Ember Moon vs. Billie Kay. Backstage, Kay said Takeover is where newcomers make a statement. She said Moon’s statement will be that she is a loser.

-Lita said Moon has established herself in Ring of Honor and Shimmer. Mauro said he liked the confidence that Kay showed, then he said it will be a bad moon rising for Kay.

-Charly checked in from the floor inside Barclays. She delivered the free month pitch.

-The panel discussed the NXT Tag Title match.

-A video aired on the NXT Championship match.

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