7/25 WWE Raw Pre-Show notes: Live coverage of the WWE Network show, new broadcast team

imgres-1By Jason Powell

The following is live notes of the WWE Raw pre-show that is being broadcast on the WWE Network. Refresh the page for the latest updates. If you are reading this on the Prowrestling.net app, our mobile website will refresh more frequently than the latest updates than the app will. CLICK HERE to see the very latest updates to this article throughout the show.

-Scott Stanford, Lita, and Jerry Lawler hosted the show from WWE Headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut. Stamford mentioned that Booker T was not with them this week, but he will be going forward. He also hyped that the pre-shows will air on various social media platforms.

-Stanford noted that Raw will open with Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley addressing the Raw roster.

-Stanford wished Corey Graves good luck in his new role as a color commentator on the Raw broadcast team. They joked about how he kissed up to Stephanie McMahon while he was on the pre-show.

-The panel broke down some of Mick Foley’s comments from the WWE Battleground Kickoff show. Lita said she fears Foley clashing with Stephanie. Don’t we all. Lawler said he loves Daniel Bryan as the general manager of Smackdown. Lawler said Foley has been hit on the head a lot and he questions his decision making.

Powell’s POV: Yep, Lawler really went there. I like The King, but it was poor judgment to go there considering the fact that Foley was not allowed to return to the ring due to head trauma issues. I don’t know if that was Lawler ad-libbing or if that was scripted, but it was an eye rolling moment. By the way, it’s going to take time for this crew to develop the type of chemistry that Stanford had with his previous co-hosts.

-Footage aired of Mark Henry’s reaction to being drafted to Raw. He said somebody is gonna get their ass kicked on Raw.

-The hosts focussed on Nia Jax being drafted to Raw. Lita set up a Nia video package.

-Enzo Amore and Big Cass were interviewed from backstage at Raw.

-New Day will celebrate their record breaking title reign on Raw.

-The hosts closed the show. Join me for live coverage of Raw on the main page.


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