Gutteridge’s Ring of Honor TV Hit List: If Caps Lock were a person, Mark Briscoe vs. ACH to determine the No. 1 Contender for the ROH TV Title, The Addiction vs. Silas Young and the Beer City Bruiser for the ROH Tag Team Titles, and Donovan Dijak vs. Jason Kincaid

Logo_ROH_dn_crop600By Darren Gutteridge


Mark Briscoe vs. ACH: There were some awkward transitions where it seemed both men couldn’t get on the same page, but overall this was a very fast paced and enjoyable main event. I felt like ACH had more riding on the win, following on from his win over Silas Young at the Best in the World pay-per-view and all his talk of “hopes and dreams”, but it wasn’t to be. As with another young ROH stud on this show, I really wish they would be consistent with their push of young “Ass Cheeks Huge”/”Acrobatic Cat-like Horseman”/”Annihilating Chicken Hopes”.

Donovan Dijak vs. Jason Kincaid: This was a great match-up of strengths for both guys. I’m glad Kincaid got another shot on ROH TV following his standout performance in the Top Prospect tournament, and he put in another good shift here with flashy offense and great bump taking for Dijak. I think I would be more receptive to Dijak if they simplified his current course. Prince Nana seems like a hinderance, as does Dijak’s up and down win/loss record, but if they just focussed on pushing him like a young stud, things could be on the up and up very soon.

The Fish Tank: A minor Hit generated by some laughs from Briscoe over his guesses at what “ACH” stands for, and by ACH’s impressive shift from humour to serious. However, it was laced with one big Miss – Bobby Fish’s need to always be shouting. If Caps Lock was a person, it would be Bobby Fish.

ROH TV Misses

The Addiction vs. Silas Young and the Beer City Bruiser for the ROH Tag Team Titles: I was intrigued early on when the two teams, neither of which I would label as “serious”, seemed to be playing up the funny aspects of a heel vs. heel match. Unfortunately, they abandoned this, making for a forgettable match that seemed to get slower paced as it went on.

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