Jim Ross on the WWE roster split, TNA financial woes

imagesWWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross updated the blog section of JRsbarbq.com. The following items are among the highlights. To order J.R.’s BBQ products, visit WWEShop.com.

Ross on the WWE roster split: “Thoroughly reviewing the potential upside of a successful, WWE brand spilt and the opportunity to potentially present two, distinctly different TV products to the world, and have come to the conclusion that for stockholders, investors and for the overall growth of the WWE Network that this is potentially the most significant, strategic maneuver that @WWE has enacted in decades. They have an opportunity to launch another, new feeling brand, create their own competition and open the doors to better highlight and promote more new talents.”

Powell’s POV: The opportunity is there, but there are still so many questions left to answer. They haven’t done a great job of creating buzz for the draft via the former general managers appearing on Raw the last two weeks. It’s reminded me of past disappointing eras with general managers who overstayed their welcome. I am hopeful this will turn out to be a positive across the board, but I can’t help but be skeptical of Vince McMahon’s vision for the split given what we saw last time around and also in recent years from him creatively.

Ross on TNA woes: “Hearing out of #Orlando that the money woes within TNA are still rearing its ugly head. This comes on the heels of an alleged diminished TV production crew, talents and staff delivering about as good a PPV as TNA can under the circumstances. Considering the negativity flying around this brand by outside influences, I’m proud of the way the talents rose to the occasion at Slammiversary Sunday night. The roster has lots of character. Hats off to them.”

Powell’s POV: The wrestlers, on-air talent, and a number of people who work behind the scenes deserve credit. I was not as high on Slammiversary as Ross was, but I have enjoyed the TNA product overall in 2016. It’s a shame that the company’s management and financial negatives continues to overshadow the positives of the improved product.

Other topics include Kenny Omega on The Ross Report, WWE Raw thoughts, the NWA Fan Fest convention, Ross and Josh Barnett recording more NJPW on AXS shows, and more.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Dixie has to go but she won’t. I think Vince Russo is correct in his analysis of TNA where he says it comes down to Dixie wanting to be on television. A disgrace the way she has run the company.

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