4/17 WWE in Leeds, England results: AJ Styles and Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens and Alberto Del Rio, The Miz vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler for the Intercontinental Championship, Kalisto vs. Ryback for the U.S. Title

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WWE Live Event
Leeds, England
Report by satisfied Dot Net Member Lewis Stephenson

1. Kalisto over The Ryback to retain the U.S. Title. What you’d expect, one kind of clunky spot but a passable match. Ryback working on heal ability.

2. R-Truth over Bo Dallas (w/Heath Slater). Passable again but Bo worked crowd nicely. Truth had his familiar routine and was saved from a two-on-one attack by Goldust after the finish. The finish looked kinda clunky and I’m not sure if it wasn’t meant to be just so Slater could immediately call it into question it wether he was just thinking fast, I’m leaning towards the former.

3. Fandango beat Damien Sandow. Sandow working heel, worked crowd with mic work. Sandow started with a babyface promo but moved into a heel one, using Fandangoing (was it all he had to go on or all he could come up with?).

4. AJ Styles and Sami Zayn over Kevin Owens and Alberto Del Rio. Owens took off for the finish. Zayn and AJ, especially, over with young crowd. Personally, I would have liked the match to have gone on longer. It clocked in at around 10-15 minutes.


5. Paige, Natalya, Eve, and Alicia Fox over Summer Rae, Lana, Tamina, and Naomi. Passable and what you’d expect though the effort was there. The crowd liked Paige what with her being a home-country gal. Eva Marie got the initial heel reception but that subdued as the match went on.

6. Big Show over Los Matadores. They worked the big man match.

7. The Miz (w/Maryse) over Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler. Decent main event with Amrbose getting a big pop. They put effort into it with Miz using the ropes to win and then going back and forth with a fan dressed as Superman over whether he cheated (he asked if he saw it with his X-ray vision and he said no). Ambrose and Ziggler got the last laugh though. They had nice triple threat spots and near falls but the result was never in question.

Overall, it was an decent show that hit the familiar notes you’d expect. Styles was over, especially with younger fans which bodes well. Ambrose got the biggest pop of the night by far but wasn’t far behind by Zayn. A heavy younger audience with accompanying parents and a few older fans here and there.


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