3/22 WWE Smackdown TV taping spoilers: Coverage of Thursday’s television show taping (spoilers)

Logo_SD_dn_600Dot Net Member Aaron Mashteare and Dot Net reader Devin Shamp are at the WWE Smackdown taping in Boston, Massachusetts at TD Garden and are sending the following combined report. Refresh the page for their latest updates.

1. Sasha Banks beat Charlotte in a non-title match. Banks rolled up Charlotte as she was going for the figure four. Afterward, Becky Lynch attacked Charlotte.

2. Sheamus beat Kofi Kingston. Sheamus won with a Brogue Kick.

3. The Usos beat The Ascension.

They’ve shown Roman Reigns twice onscreen including once backstage with the Dudley Boyz, and the fans have cheered him both times.

4. Dolph Ziggler and Sami Zayn defeated The Miz and Kevin Owens. After the match, there was a brawl between ladder competitors. Ryder came out on top.

5. Roman Reigns fought Bubba Ray Dudley to an apparent no-contest. Reigns got cheered big time by the Boston time. Reigns was beating up Bubba at ringside when the referee called for the bell. Neither correspondent were certain whether the match was a count-out or a disqualification.

6. AJ Styles defeated Tyler Breeze.

Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman cut a promo. The Wyatt Family interrupted. Dean Ambrose came out and helped clear the Wyatt Family, then fought with Lesnar. Brock left Ambrose lying to close the taping.

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Readers Comments (1)

  1. Hope the new day wins at wrestlemania

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