3/3 New Japan Pro Wrestling in Tokyo results: Day One of the New Japan Cup

Logo_NewJapan_dnNew Japan Pro Wrestling
Tokyo, Japan (Aired on New Japan World)
Report by Dot Net reader Bryan Houghtling Jr.

1. Toru Yano defeated Yujiro Takahashi by count-out in a New Japan Cup first round match. A very short match with Bullet Club trying to cheat, but Yano hit a low blow at 19 and rolled in the ring to beat the count.

2. Michael Elgin beat Hiroyoshi Tenzan by pinfall in a New Japan Cup first round match. Elgin won with the buckle bomb to spinout powebomb. Super hard hitting contest. These two surprised me with the pace they kept. Elgin is my Darkhorse to win the cup this year.

3. Tama Tonga over Togi Makabe in a New Japan Cup first round match. Tonga won by pinfall with a stalling double arm DDT. Huge upset in my eyes as Makabe was a favorite to go far in this tournament. These two brought a good intensity to the match. I would like to see more matches between the two of them.

4. Satoshi Kojima beat Tomoaki Honma in a New Japan Cup first round match. Kojima went over by pinfall with a huge lariat. The fans enjoyed this more than I did I am not as high on Honma as the fans over there seem to be. Still a fun match.

5. Kazushi Sakuraba and Kazuchika Okada defefeated KUSHIDA and Katsuyori Shibata. Okada won the match for his team by pinfall when he hit The Rainmaker on KUSHIDA. Great match. After the match, Will Osprey appeared on screen and challenged KUSHIDA for the IWGP Jr. Championship

6. Hirooki Goto beat Yuji Nagata in a New Japan Cup first round match. Goto won by pinfall with a Figure Four cradle pin. Brutal match with some big chops and kicks. Nagata got cocky at the end when he could have gotten the pin but he kept picking Goto up. Goto reversed a Side Suplex and went into the Reverse Figure Four and sat down for the pin.

7. Tetsuya Naito defeated YOSHI-HASHI in a New Japan Cup first round match. Naito went over by pinfall when he hit a standing Sliced Bread No. 2 in another great match. Its between this and the Tag match for match of the night so far.

8. Tomohiro Ishii defeated EVIL in a New Japan Cup first round match. Ishii won by pinfall with a decapitating lariat. Wow… just wow. I have been watching NJPW faithfully for a few months now and I think since Nakamura went to WWE, Ishii has been my favorite competitor to watch. I love his intensity. My new pick for MOTN so hopefully the main event can stand with these last two matches.

9. Bad Luck Fale defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi in a New Japan Cup first round match. Fale won by pinfall after a Razor’s Edge. They told a great story of Tanahashi not being able to do much with the size and weight advantage held by Fale. Not the best match but still fun.

This show was very fun. I will be back for Day 2 tomorrow.


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