1/20 Powell’s Ring of Honor TV Review: Adam Cole and Michael Bennett vs. The Young Bucks vs. Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly in a three-way Philadelphia Street Fight

By Jason Powell

Ring of Honor TV
Taped December 19 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at 2300 Arena
Aired in syndication over the weekend, available Wednesdays on Comet TV

The opening montage aired and then the broadcast team of Kevin Kelly and Mr. Wrestling III (Steve Corino) checked in. It’s hardly a secret that Steve Corino plays Mr. Wrestling III, but it’s worth noting that subtitles actually list “Steve” whenever he speaks rather than Mr. Wrestling III, which is more comical than anything…

1. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian vs. ACH and Alex Shelley. They cut to break a few minutes into the match. [C] Daniels and Kazarian isolated Sydal, who eventually made the hot tag to ACH. Late in the match, Chris Sabin distracted ACH, then Kazarian and Daniels performed the finisher on ACH and got the win.

Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian defeated ACH and Matt Sydal.

After the match, Daniels and Kazarian put the boots to Sydal and performed their Celebrity Rehab finisher on him as Sabin watched. The fans chanted “Motor City” in hopes of a Motor City Machine Guns reunion with Sabin and Alex Shelley. The referee stopped Daniels from hitting Sydal. Daniels punched the referee.

Nigel McGuinness came out and said there is a zero tolerance policy in ROH, then said he’s told Daniels time and time again there would be repercussions. McGuinness said Daniels is indefinitely suspended. He told him to get out of the ring immediately or he would make his suspension a full year in length. The fans chanted the goodbye song at Daniels… The broadcast team hyped the main event… [C]

2. Adam Page (w/BJ Whitmer, Colby Corino) vs. Mark Briscoe. Kelly said they were close to Briscoe’s hometown of Sandy Fork, Delaware. Mr. Wrestling III spent some time talking about how he represents the Carolina Wrestling Academy, and he is curious to see who is going to be the next top prospect. There was a cool spot where Page caught Briscoe going for a kick as Page was standing ont he ring apron. Page flipped Briscoe over, then performed a flip of his own over the top rope and clotheslined Briscoe once he landed. Briscoe came back with Froggy Bow and scored the clean pin…

Mark Briscoe defeated Adam Page.

Powell’s POV: Good work from the wrestlers, but there wasn’t as much of a story told here as I thought there would have been given Page’s recent history with Jay Briscoe. By the way, there was also a commercial for the King of Old School DVD. So Corino is out of ROH, yet they are selling his DVD and featuring him in commercials?

BJ Whitmer cut a post-match promo as Adam Page and Colby Corino stood by and the crowd booed more than they had for anything else on the show. Whitmer told Mr. Wrestling III to show his son Colby what it was like to be a man and take responsibility. Mr. Wrestling III entered the ring and the crowd chanted “Mr. Wrestling”. Mr. Wrestling III told Whitmer to ask him any question he would like.

Whitmer asked him if he is Steve Corino. Mr. Wrestling III said he can’t tell a lie, he is not Steve Corino. However, he said he knows someone who wants to take out Whitmer. Mr. Wrestling III said it’s Steve Corino and he will always be an evil man. Mr. Wrestling III told Whitmer to get the hell out of here… [C]

Powell’s POV: Yawn. And that’s coming from someone who enjoyed the Corino vs. Whitmer feud and pretty much everything else Corino does in ROH.

Kelly and Mr. Wrestling III spoke at ringside until they were interrupted. Silas Young grabbed a house mic and said that what happened at Final Battle can only be described as disappointment. Young said he took The Boys and brought them into his home and let them sleep in his basement. Young said he treated them like family. The fans chanted “you got dumped.” Funny. Young said The Boys were appreciative of the opportunity to be real men by mowing his lawn and shoveling his driveway. Silas said Dalton Castle has a mental hold over them. Young said The Boys have once chance to be boys or be men or they would be sorry…

Powell’s POV: Mow his lawn and shovel his driveway? This made me chuckle because I live a state over from Silas and you don’t mow your lawn and shovel your driveway at the same time.

Ring introductions took place for the main event. Kelly said The Kingdom is weakened because Adam Cole has an arm injury, Michael Cole has broken ribs, and Matt Taven is out of action (knee injury). The Bucks attacked Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly as they were making their entrance…

3. Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly vs. The Young Bucks vs. Adam Cole and Michael Bennett (w/Maria, Matt Taven) in a three-way Philadelphia Street Fight. The Bucks had a superkick party to start the match. They took out Taven, and even ring announcer Bobby Cruise was a victim. The teams battled heading into the break. [C]

Matt Jackson had Cole seated in a shopping cart and wheeled him down to ringside, where Nick Jackson delivered a superkick to a big pop. A ladder was set up on a pair of chars in mid-ring. Bennett performed a spinebuster on Cole onto the ladder. A short time later, the Bucks performed More Bang For Your Buck on Bennett and had him pinned, but Cole pulled the referee to ringside to stop the count.

Nick Jackson went for a superkick at ringside that inadvertently hit Kevin Kelly. Mr. Wrestling III stood up and yelled “superkick!!!!!” Funny. Corino said they had to go to break as the crowd was chanting “this is awesome.” [C]

Fish and O’Reilly performed Chasing the Dragon on Bennett at ringside. The fans chanted ROH. Mr. Wrestling III called the match solo with Kelly taken out from the superkick. Cole and O’Reilly fought to the back leaving their respective teams a man down. Fish got the better of both Bucks inside the ring, then went to ringside and speared Bennett through a table that was leaning against the guardrail. The fans were standing as they watched the match. Nick Jackson performed a top rope splash on Bennett on the floor. Cary Silkin joined Corino on commentary.

The Bucks placed Fish on a chair inside the ring and put a birthday hat on his head. They set up for superkicks, but Maria entered the ring and low blowed both men. Bennett grabbed a chair, but AJ Styles came out and stopped him from using it. Maria grabbed a chair, but Styles stood on it and then threw Maria into Matt Jackson. The Bucks teamed up to perform the Meltzer Driver. The Bucks and Styles teame dup on Bennett, and Matt Jackson eventually pinned Bennett…

The Young Bucks defeated Adam Cole & Michael Bennett and Bobby Fish & Kyle O’Reilly in a three-way, Philadelphia Street Fight.

Powell’s POV: Well, that was insanity. Sure, you would expect that from those six guys in this type of match, but it was even more insane than whatever your expectations would be. I do feel obligated to say that I prefer seeing Fish and O’Reilly in standard tag matches since I always say that when I see them work multi-team matches on New Japan Pro Wrestling shows, but this match was certainly a spectacle that is worth going out of your way to watch. The rest of the show was basically forgotten by the time the madness that was the main event was over.


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