12/28 WWE in Allentown results: “Stardust walked over and poured out my beer!”

WWE Live Event
Allentown, Pennsylvania at the PPL Center
Report by Dot Net reader Adam Wagner

We got in, I got my beer, and I was ready to go.

1. Dolph Ziggler beat Tyler Breeze (w/Summer Rae). Ziggler won a good, back and forth match with a super kick.

2. Curtis Axel and Damien Sandow beat Los Matadores. In all honesty, it was a nothing match. My section was bored and not impressed with chants of “boring” and a few people with “nobody cares” taunts.

3. Fandango beat Bo Dallas. Bo was sort of over with the adults, with my friend asking if his gimmick was Jesus. Fandango’s dancing is over with the young ones. The match really wasn’t special.

4. Luke Harper, Erick Rowan, and Braun Strowman beat The Dudley Boyz and Tommy Dreamer. Both teams were over, the Dudley Boyz got the typical “ECW” and “we want tables” chants (kind of funny how the reunion of ECW lasted longer than the original run of ECW). Good action, lots of near falls, and Luke got the pin on Dreamer.

Intermission. I got another beer.

5. Titus O’Neil over Stardust. Lots of Cody chants and Stardust stalling because of it. Eventually, Stardust walked over and poured out my beer! Bastard! The only people doing the Titus O’Neil bark were sort of drunk.

6. Charlotte beat Paige to retain the Divas Championship. Paige was welcomed HUGE here. Charolette got a good reaction (I’m assuming Paige was the face, it’s honestly so hard to keep track of this). A good, competitive match with the crowd behind Paige the whole way, but nothing special.

7. Kane beat Bray Wyatt in a No DQ match. Bray got the cellphone light treatment. A good back and forth between the two when the rest of the Wyatt family came out and attacked Kane, then Dreamer and the Dudleyz made the save.

Overall it was a decent show, but who was the genius who thought it would be a great idea to run a house show while raw was on the air.


Readers Comments (1)

  1. Bro I was there! Did they get you another beer?

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