ROH on HonorClub results (10/24): Robinson’s review of Brian Cage vs. Komander for the ROH TV Title, Athena’s celebration, Lee Johnson vs. EJ Nduka, Gates of Agony vs. The Infantry

By Sam Robinson, Contributor (@altaine)

Ring of Honor on HonorClub (Episode 87)
Taped October 16, 2024 in San Jose, California at SAP Center
Streamed October 24, 2024 on HonorClub

Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman were on commentary, and Bobby Cruise was the ring announcer…

*Unless otherwise noted, all matches started and ended with the Code of Honor handshake…

The show with a very quick recap of Dynamite from earlier this week and Chris Jericho’s ROH World Championship win… There was rundown of the show’s lineup, including Athena’s Championship Celebration….

1. “Gates of Agony” Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona vs. “The Infantry” Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo. Bravo did some early arm work until Kaun shrugged him off, and then Kaun worked the arm until Bravo flipped through and grabbed a headlock. Bravo hit a headlock takeover, but Kaun fought right out and hit a shoulder block. Kaun hit a headbutt to the gut and a snap suplex for a one count on Bravo. Gates hit a double Biel toss. Toa hit a bunch of punches to the gut and then a clothesline. Bravo hit the Carlie Crossover and tagged out to Dean, who came in and hit some punches and a float over DDT that Toa just no sold.

Toa hit a superkick and then Gates mauled Dean in the corner. Kaun hit a over the ropes senton dive for a two count on Dean. Dean argued with the ref and drew Toa into the ring while Bravo threw Kaun around on the outside for a bit, while the announcers said how unusual it was for Infantry. Infantry did some quick tags and then a double suplex on Kaun for a two count. Infantry hit some more tandem offense that ended with a Bravo neckbreaker for a two count. Kaun floated over a back suplex attempt and hit a DDT for a double down.

There was a hot tag to Toa who came in with clotheslines that sent Bravo inside out. Toa picked up both men and walked around with ease and slammed them both. Dean pulled the leg of Kaun and got him off the apron. Infantry hit some strikes on Toa to chop him down. Kaun hit a huge shotgun dropkick that sent Bravo out of the ring and Toa hit the nastiest back body drop I’ve ever seen. Open the Gates gets the pinfall on Dean.

“Gates of Agony” Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona defeated “The Infantry” Shawn Dean and Carlie Bravo in 8:00.

Robinson’s Ruminations: That was a nice change of pace from the normal formula match, mostly because it seemed like we got a double turn in the middle of the match. All the sudden Gates were the faces and getting the formula hot tag. The slow burn of The Infantry heel turn is keeping me engaged.

2. Reyna Isis vs. Viva Van. Viva got an entrance this week! Isis hit a quick arm drag as the crowd chanted “Let’s go Viva”. Viva did a pose as she slid out of a clothesline but got hit with a knee strike. Isis hit a snapping flying head scissors and then put Viva in a backwards tree of woe. Isis hit double knees to the back and got a two count nearfall. Viva hit a spin wheel kick and then mounted Isis with punches before getting a two count nearfall. Viva locked in the hanging surfboard for a bit. Viva hit a double kick out of a tip up in the corner.

Isis got a boot up in the corner and hit a cross body off the top. Isis hit a pair of running flying headbutts. Viva went outside and Isis followed her with a crossbody off the ropes. Back in the ring, Isis got a two count. The women traded roll up nearfalls for a bit. Viva did some rope running misdirection and hit another spin wheel kick for a two count. Viva got hung up in the ropes and Isis hit a leg drop on her as she hung on the ropes and that got the pinfall.

Reyna Isis defeated Viva Van by pinfall in 6:45.

Robinson’s Ruminations: That was Viva’s longest showing so far on ROH and it wasn’t bad. There were some clunky moments in the beginning but I think that was just miscommunication and a language barrier if I had to guess. The only complaint I have left about Viva is she needs to turn the speed up another notch still. Isis is a 12-year veteran and you could tell, carried herself like a veteran and a star.

Backstage, Leyla Hirch said it’s been a while and it’s all good now. She talked about her shoulder dislocation from Death Before Dishonor. Hirsch said she’s going to regain her momentum and become a champion…

3. Rocky Romero (w/Dunkson the basketball mascot) vs. Brandon Cutler. Cutler came out without music, but cut a heel promo. Cutler begged for the code of honor, and tried to cheat with it but Rocky caught his foot and hit a shoulder block. Rocky hit a wheelbarrow arm drag and a springboard crossbody. Rocky hit a flying head-scissors. Cutler took too long bouncing on the ropes and did the flying nothing, and Rocky punched him in the gut. Cutler raked the eyes to take control and hit a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

Cutler did his dab elbow and got a two count. Culter locked in a chinlock but Rocky fought out with some kicks. Cutler tried to do a turnbuckle climbing crossbody but missed. Rocky hit a dive on Cutler who was on the outside. Back in the ring, Rocky wound up and hit three clotheslines. Cutler got a boot up in the corner and tried to put his feet on the ropes, but Dunkson told the ref. Cutler argued with Dunkson but Rocky rolled up Cutler for a two count. Rocky hit an around the world DDT and then Shurnoi for the pinfall.

Rocky Romero defeated Brandon Cutler by pinfall in 4:00.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Nice little showcase match for Rocky.

4. Lee Johnson and EJ Nduka vs. Bret Hankins and Jiah Jewell. No code of honor at the behest of the jobbers. Johnson hit a waistlock slam but Hankins hit a Granby roll and got a two count nearfall. Nduka tagged in and so did Jewell, and Nduka hit a big punch. Jewell tried to throw a clothesline but the sell came from Jewell who hurt his arm. Nduka hit a clothesline that turned Jewell inside out. Johnson tagged in and hit the double ax handle to the arm. Jewell hit a pump kick and put Johnson in their corner.

Hankins hit some strikes in the corner and then Jewell hit a corner splash. The jobbers tried a double suplex, but Johnson flipped out and tagged out. Nduka hit punches and spinebusters on the jobbers. Nduka hit a corner splash and Johnson hit a clothesline right out of it. Johnson hit a DVD and a standing moonsault. Nduka and Johnson hit a combo spinebuster and neckbreaker combo for the pinfall.

Lee Johnson and EJ Nduka defeated Bret Hankins and Jiah Jewell in 5:00.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Nduka makes Johnson look small and these poor jobbers make Johnson look huge. That took way too long for a pair of jobbers that looked so small compared to the stars. Johnson sold way too much for a couple of no name jobbers. I understand Johnson is going to have to do the selling for this team, but not against competition like this. Also Johnson is going to have to work on his leaping to get that neckbreaker on their finish, cause he missed by a foot or more, cause Nduka got the jobber so high up.

A throwback match aired the December 10, 2022 Final Battle from Arlington, Texas featuring Mercedes Martinez defending the ROH Women’s World Championship against Athena. This was also the start of Athena’s record setting title reign. Nice showcase of history…

Billie Starkz stood in the ring and introduced Athena’s celebration. There were MIT security, balloons and decorations. Athena made her entrance still chained at the wrist to Lexi. When they got in the ring, confetti went off and the security threw streamers at her. Athena looked terrified. Lexi told the minions to dance, but then cut them off. Athena asked about Ja Rule. Athena threw the minion security out of the ring. Athena complained about her mother not being here, but instead getting a major surgery. Athena asked where the rest of the locker room was and said she lifted them out of mediocrity.

Athena said without her there wouldn’t be an ROH, Riccaboni kind of agreed. Athena said she was the best in the world, but complained some people said she was overrated. Athena said she was under appreciated. Athena said she hasn’t been pinned in two years and asked where her celebration was. Athena said her party sucks and said it was Billie’s fault. Athena said Billie was jealous. A small “Billie” chant broke out. Athena poked at Billie as she ran her down. Bille stole the mic and said she’s done and walked off. Lexi tried to say that everything was fine and showed off a new/old ROH Women’s title belt that had a spinner plate of Athena on it.

Abadon’s music hit and Athena told Lexi to hide under the ring. The music faded and Athena thought she was safe so she rolled out of the ring and tried to pull Lexi out, but it was Abadon instead with the chain on their wrist. They fought into the ring and Abadon hit Black Dahlia. Abadon looked at the cake, took off her chain and then threw the cake in Athena’s face…

Robinson’s Ruminations: Billie walking off is nice, it’s well past time. Abadon being on the other end of the chain was classic. Athena using her celebration to get over Billie, and continue her feud with Abadon is pretty classy and giving, and I appreciate her for it.

Highlights aired of the previous night’s Dynamite with Chris Jericho defeating Mark Briscoe in a Ladder War to become the new ROH World Champion…

Backstage after Dynamite, Briscoe stood in the hallway sulking and didn’t say anything…

Robinson’s Ruminations: Mark Briscoe being speechless is actually big news. That’s simple but effective.

5. Brian Cage vs. Komander (w/Alex Abrahantes) for the ROH TV Title. Komander tried to throw some chops to no avail, and Cage hit an uppercut that sent Komander flying. Komander tried a springboard move but Cage caught him and threw him over his head, then Cage posed. Cage hit a chop in the corner and then teased another one but hit a kick instead. Komander hit some kicks and tried a springboard move but Cage caught him, curled him and hit a standing fall away slam.

Cage hit some corner clotheslines and then stepped on the neck of Komander. Cage hit a nasty back elbow and then did the one foot cocky cover for a two count. Cage pressed Komander over his head and then threw him to the floor. Cage lounged in the corner waiting for the count-out. Cage decided to follow him and threw him into the barricades. Cage pressed Komander again and tried to throw him into the ring, but it didn’t go well with Komander snagging his feet on the ropes a bit but made it safely.

Back in the ring, Komander got an upkick in, but got cut off again. Cage tried a german suplex but Komander flipped out and hit a dropkick. Komander hit an enzuigiri and then a rope walking hurrancanra. Komander hit a flip dive threw the ropes to the outside on Cage. Back in the ring, Komander hit a pair of springboard moves and got a one count nearfall on Cage. Komander went to the top and tried a rope walking move, but Cage pulled the ropes and clotheslined the crotched the Komander off to the apron.

Cage hit his outside-in suplex and got a two count. Cage put Komander on the turnbuckle but Komander slid out and kicked him face first onto the turnbuckle. Komander hit a springboard seated plancha to the back of the neck. Komander did a triple jump diamond dust and got a damn one count nearfall for it! Komander hit some more kicks to the face and went back up top. Komander hit his rope walking shooting star for a two count, but Cage picked him up out of the cover, hit three powerbombs and then an F5 for the pinfall.

Brian Cage defeated Komander by pinfall in 10:45 to retain the ROH TV Title.

Robinson’s Ruminations: Cage is down to black boots and trunks, no more sideburns, no more wolverine, no more get my shit in. It’s just power moves and no selling now. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but, man, did they sacrifice a lot here to make Cage look like a monster. Komander’s rope walking shooting star hasn’t been kicked out of as far as I can remember and to have Cage not only kick out, but pick him up for a finish out of it was crazy. I don’t know that repackaging Cage at age 40 and trying to make a monster out of him is worth it.

The overall show was a fair bit of storytelling in the ring. It’s just a shame that none of the matches are worth going out of your way to see unless you really just need more matches in your life. There was a lot of Athena in the middle and if you love Athena, there’s plenty of her to see here. I’ll have more to say during my weekly ROH on HonorClub audio review for Dot Net Members (including our Patreon patrons).


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