Triple H comments WWE female talent not working the Greatest Royal Rumble event

By Jason Powell, Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Paul “Triple H” Levesque spoke with The Independent about the WWE female performers not being booked for Friday’s Greatest Royal Rumble event. “I understand that people are questioning it, but you have to understand that every culture is different and just because you don’t agree with a certain aspect of it, it doesn’t mean it’s not a relevant culture,” Levesque said.

“You can’t dictate to a country or a religion about how they handle things but, having said that, WWE is at the forefront of a women’s evolution in the world and what you can’t do is affect change anywhere by staying away from it. While, right now, women are not competing in the event, we have had discussions about that and we believe and hope that, in the next few years they will be. That is a significant cultural shift in Saudi Arabia.

“The country is in the middle of a shift in how it is dealing with that – the position is changing, and rights are changing, as are the way women are handled and treated in society. We think that’s a great thing and we’re excited to be at the forefront of that change.”

Powell’s POV: Levesque forgot the part about the company being paid a boatload of money. Let’s be real, that’s the key here no matter how the company wants to spin it. Levesque did a good job of delivering the company line about holding the event despite female talent not being allowed to work the show, but this is all about the money.


Readers Comments (10)

  1. its all about the money? lets chat about pwnet subscribers. that would be a funny outcome, i guess pwnet would be glad about such a huge sponsor. ur lucky u can stay in businisee for now, or? jason? future is saved? good to hear. all the best

  2. Derrick P Casto April 24, 2018 @ 12:52 pm

    People are crazy says Billy Currington LOL. However, I am looking forward to the show Friday and its in the WWE’s best interest to put on as many money making shows as possible around the world for all different cultures.

  3. Is it really a big issue though? besides Rhonda Rousey, how many of the female talent are huge draws? Yesterday’s RAW Main Event was a snooze fest, though same can be said for many of the main event involving the men, but point still stands. Sasha Banks, Mickie James, Bayley, Natalya, Nia, and even Charlotte & Asuka are not going to sell out arenas like Bryan, Lesnar, Styles, Nakamura, Rollins, Reigns, Taker, Cena, etc.

    • The issue isn’t whether the women are or are not draws. The issue is WWE taking a big payday from a company that won’t allow their female talent to work. I won’t tell you how to feel about that. I’m simply telling you what the real issue is.

      • This I can agree with. Not to get political or off topic, but I thought this was always a valid argument that should have been discussed more during the 2016 presidential election. How the candidate for “women’s rights” had no problem taking millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia (among other countries that suppress women) for their Clinton foundation.

  4. While we’re on the subject of taking money, perhaps the ads on this site for Gavin McInnes should probably be taken down?

  5. The WWE sold out their biggest pay per view, Wrestlemania, to a biggotted foreign country so they could get their cut of oil money.

  6. Everything on this planet always has been, and always will be about the money.

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