By John Moore, Staffer (@liljohnm)
TNA Impact (Episode 1,073)
Taped January 24, 2025 in San Antonio, Texas at Boeing Center at Tech Port
Simulcast February 13, 2025 on AXS TV and TNA+
Highlights from last week’s TNA Impact show aired… Tom Hannifan and Matthew Rehewoldt were on commentary. McKenzie Mitchell was the ring announcer…
Jake Something made his entrance for the opening followed by TNA World Champion Joe Hendry. A “tale of the tape” graphic aired to compare both wrestlers. McKenzie Mitchell handled the formal in-ring championship introductions…
1. Joe Hendry vs. Jake Something for the TNA World Championship. Jake Something dominated the early collar and elbow exchange. After the separation, Hendry and Something stood at a stalemate during a chain wrestling sequence. Jake rallied with shoulder tackles. Hendry dumped Jake to ringside with a hip attack.
Hendry came back with a series of shoulder tackles and a delayed vertical suplex. Hendry hit Jake with a Delayed Body Slam heading into regular break.[c]
Jake was dominating the match back from break. Hendry got a few rollup variations on Jake. Jake came right back with a clothesline for a nearfall. Jake bounced around Joe with a series of short-arm clotheslines. Hendry rallied back with a European Uppercut combination. Jake surprised Hendry with a right hook for a two count.
Jake worked on Hendry with a chinlock and clubbing blows. Hendry rallied with clotheslines and a few Fallaway Slams. Hendry then mugged for the camera with his signature Zoolander Turn. Jake blocked a Standing Ovation and hit Joe with a tackle for a nearfall. Jake did the Ultimate Warrior rope shake. Hendry escaped Jake’s finisher attempt. Hendry kept from being dumped to ringside and dumped Jake to ringside.
Hendry dragged Jake to the top rope and hit him with a Super Fallaway Slam. Joe did his stomp stomp clap, and then hit Jake with a delayed Standing Ovation Uranage for the win.
Joe Hendry defeated Jake Something via pinfall in 11:45 of on-air time to retain the TNA World Championship.
Immediately after the match, Ryan Nemeth walked out with a mic in hand, saying “my brother” will not be happy about this. Ryan said “my brother” is just as sick of Joe as the fans. Ryan said that Joe is a fraud. Director of Authority Santino waddled (yes, he waddled) his way to the ring. While Joe was distracted by Ryan, Jake Something shoved Joe to the floor. Santino entered the ring and tried to keep the peace.
Nic Nemeth ran in the ring and hit Jake with a series of superkicks, but he wouldn’t fall down. Jake ducked the last superkick and Nic accidentally hit Santino Marella to knock him out. Nic threw a bit of a fit as his actions. Joe, Nic, and referees went to help Santino recover, all while Ryan was yelling and blaming Joe Hendry…[c]
John’s Thoughts: A good intro title defense for Joe Hendry. They gave Jake a lot of offense, but it served as a good showcase to Joe Hendry’s moveset. Jake looked good in defeat (but at the same time, he’s looked great in defeat many times. TNA just never sustains a push with him even though he’s shown glimpses of greatness). I heard he’s taking time off, but if he returns to Impact, I hope Impact finally sustains a push with him for the first time since he was Cody Deaner’s kayfabe cousin. Looks like they are keeping the Joe Hendry and Nic Nemeth rematch in play. I do like the way Nic is playing his character because while other characters in his position clearly foreshadow their impending heel turn, Nic has done a great job really playing it straight. The accidental kick here, actually looked like an accidental kick and not the usual forced accident you see in wrestling to tease an ulterior motive.
Nic and Ryan Nemeth were apologizing for Nic’s superkick to Santino Marella backstage. Nic said that Santino can trust him because they go way back, from their time in WWE Developmental, Ohio Valley Wrestling. Santino said he agrees that he and Nic have known each other for a long time, and that’s why his next decision hurts. He said they can’t have people assaulting authority figures here. He said it’s not about him, it’s about his badge.
Santino said he unfortunately has to suspend Nic Nemeth for four weeks without pay. Santino said before he presses charges, Nic should just agree with the decision. Ryan tried to yell to say Joe Hendry needs to be suspended because it’s his fault. Nic shut up his little brother and then apologized to Santino again, agreeing with Santino’s ruling. After Nic left, Ryan whispered to Santino “I still get paid right?”. Santino shrugged his eyes…
John’s Thoughts: Wait a sec? Is Dolph getting a four week break, conveniently so he doesn’t have to appear at NXT’s old stomping grounds? I kid, I kid. Maybe we can get the TNA return of “Briley Pierce”, Ryan Nemeth’s old character when he was a wrestler and backstage interviewer at Full Sail University on the old NXT show.
Ash by Elegance’s Personal Concierge was on the stage doing his usual cheap heat bit to the local crowd. The Concierge introduced Ash and Heather by Elegance, who are still making their entrances with stick horses. Hannifan said it looked like The Elegance’s were paying homage to Toy Story. Their opponents were already in the ring. Hannifan noted that their opponents are former NWA Women’s Tag Team Champions…
2. Ash by Elegance and Heather by Elegance vs. “The King Bees” Charity King and Danni Bee. Heather and Ash cut the ring in half on one of the King Bees. Ash got a two count after some double team moves with Heather. Ash tagged in Heather and hit the King Bee with a Glam Slam. Heather hit the King Bee with a dropkick for a two count. Danni Bee rallied back with right hands for a two count.
Danni pressured Heather with chops and a facebuster. Heather and King tagged in with King hitting Heather with a Spinebuster. King hit Ash with a Samoan Drop. King got a two count on Heather. Danni tagged in. Heather escaped King’s Electric Chair with a Huracanrana which sent her into the ropes, crotching Danni. Heather hit Danni with a Seated Springboard Spanish Fly for the victory.
Heather and Ash by Elegance defeated The King Bees via pinfall in 4:35.
Ash and Heather took out lipstick and started to smother it on the faces of the King Bees. Jody Threat and Dani Luna ran out to chase the heels away to end the segment…
John’s Thoughts: I was about to write off this match as filler, given that I haven’t seen anything by the King Bees on top of them being “already in the ring”. This match turned out to be a better tag team match than I expected with the King Bees looking really good in their little flurry of offense. I like their speed and power dynamic. They should be signed to TNA if possible. Heather and Ash continue to be a very entertaining duo. They clearly should be the tag team champions and can elevate the title.
A replay aired of The System losing to Leon Slater and The Hardys after Moose took the pinfall loss to Jeff after Jeff and Leon hit Moose with consecutive Swanton variations…
The Hardys met up with Leon Slater backstage. Matt sung the praises of teaming with Leon. Leon talked about how Matt and Jeff inspired him to start wrestling at 9 years old. Matt said Leon has he and Jeff beat because Matt started at 15 while Jeff started at 12. Leon said he hopes he can team with the Hardy’s down the road again. Matt talked about how he and Jeff had the words “hope” and “faith” written on their tights when they started, similar to how Joe Hendry has “believe” with his branding.
Matt said he sees “promise” in Leon. Matt said he and Jeff are happy to see a person like Leon who has the same mentality as he and Jeff. Leon said Matt and Jeff are the reason he started watching TNA in the UK and it means the world to him to team with a couple of GOATs. Jeff was fanboying over both him and Leon doing consecutive Swantons last week. Leon dap’d it up with both Hardys to end the segment…
Tom Hannifan hyped upcoming segments…[c]
John’s Thoughts: This was the most we’ve heard Leon Slater speak and I thought he came off really well. It wasn’t a promo. It sounded very natural and conversational. He sounded like a fanboy, and that’s a positive. He sorta reminded me of Je’Von Evans in NXT when Evans is hanging out with his heroes. Fans can relate to that level of fanboying, and will allow someone like Leon to start that connection with the fans.
An ad aired for the upcoming live TNA airing from Winter Park, Florida at Full Sail University (NXT’s old stomping grounds)…
The show cut to Mustafa Ali welcoming everyone to his “town hall meeting”. He was flanked by Jason Hotch and John Skyler, who were in formal suits like Ali. Behind him was Tasha Steelz, who was wearing a formal pantsuit. Ali said he was here to introduce his “Cabinet”. He said Hotch and Skyler were once “Good Hands” but now they are “The Great Hands”. Ali introduced Steelz as his press secretary.
Ali then announced himself as the rightful number one contender to the TNA World Title. Ali said to say “aye” if you were in favor of the motion. Ali tried this twice, and the only people to say “aye” was his cabinet. Ali started to throw a fit until he was approached by Tommy Dreamer. Ali asked Tommy if Tommy thought he was the leader of the locker room to lead TNA.
Tommy said it’s not his time anymore. Ali said if not Tommy or Ali, then who? Tommy pointed at Mike Santana, was was minding his own business on his cellphone. Santana asked “What?”. Press Secretary Steelz wrapped things up and dragged her crew to the back…
John’s Thoughts: As much as I gripe about Mustafa Ali’s politican cosplay, Tasha Steelz doesn’t look quite bad cosplaying as a press secretary? I honestly believe she’s one of the best complete pro wrestlers in the industry that a lot of people don’t know about. I think that there can be some promise here with Tasha and “The Great Hands” getting a fresh start. I still think Ali “acting” like a politician feels amateurish, so I hope he shifts to being a bit more realistic and manipulative, kinda like what we saw last week when he recruited The Good Hands and Steelz to his cabinet.
Call Your Shot trophy-holder Frankie Kazarian made his entrance for the next match. Sami Callihan was about to walk to the ring, but was clubbed in the back by Mance Warner, who had Steph De Lander with him. Mance grabbed a black cloth or something, and used that to strangle Sami. Security ran out and sent Mance and Steph to the back.
Kazarian forced the referee to raise his hand in victory, with the referee looking annoyed. Sami Callihan stumbled his way to the ring, saying he was ok to fight. The referee tried to send Sami to the back, but Sami grabbed the referee by the collar and told him to “Ring the bell!”. The ref signaled for the bell…
3. Sami Callihan vs. Frankie Kazarian. Frankie tried to jump Sami, but Sami dodged Frankie and surprised him with a Stunner for a nearfall. Sami was going for a Cactus Driver, but he ran to the ropes when Mance ran out and got on the apron. The distraction allowed Kazarian to lock in the Crossface Chickenwing on Sami from behind. Sami tapped out.
Frankie Kazarian defeated Sami Callihan via submission in 0:45.
Sami took a mic and yelled to cut Frankie’s music. Sami yelled for Mance to get back in the ring so they can fight some more. Mance ran in the ring to brawl with Sami. Security ran out to separate both men. Sami broke away and got some cheap shots on Mance. Guards separated both men to end the segment…
John’s Thoughts: This feud seems simple, and very reminiscent of Sami’s feud with Mance in MLW, just with Sami being babyface now and Mance not being his old lovable dopey babyface character (which I wouldn’t mind seeing back down the road because he plays it so well). That feud started in endless brawls and ended in an ultra bloody hardcore garbage match (which also ended in them somehow forming a reluctant tag team). I expect a similar pattern here.
Gia Miller interview Josh Alexander about his feelings heading into his last TNA match. Josh said he’s sad his run is over, but happy it happened. He said he’s pissed off having to face somebody he looked up to his entire career. Josh talked about how he and Young traveled the road together and championed TNA side-by-side.
Josh said Eric may not like him but he has to respect. Josh said he’s going to wrestle with everything in his heart to show the world that TNA is the best wrestling company on earth. He said he likes this place and now it’s time to let actions speak more than words, in one last match…
Tom Hannifan plugged upcoming segment…[c] Tom Hannifan narrated a recap viewer of Johnny Dango Curtis challenging Lexis King for the NXT Heritage Cup on NXT this past tuesday…
JDC sat down next to Leon Slater backstage. Slater said he doesn’t like JDC showing up and calling him “kid”. JDC said he doesn’t think Slater did any good last week. JDC said he thinks that Slater is trying to make a career out of potential, latching on to the Hardy Brothers, who are just using Slater to get another run in TNA. Dango said he’s seen a million wrestlers like Leon come and go. Wrestlers trying to live simply off potential.
Slater was baffled because Dango’s talkin’ yet Slater and the Hardys beat him last week. JDC said that Slater is naive and can’t see that the Hardys are using him. JDC said that Slater needs to trust the system. Leon said he doesn’t mind beating JDC again. Leon mocked JDC’s ballroom dancing gimmick, which prompted JDC to shove Slater, leading to a pull apart brawl. While Slater was being pulled back, Slater yelled specifically that he wants a No-DQ match with JDC…
Xia Brookside made her entrance followed by Cora Jade for the next match Hannifan recapped Cora Jade getting the biggest win in her career by defeating former WWE Women’s Champion Bayley on this week’s NXT show, leading to GM Ava inserting her in the NXT Women’s Championship match at Vengeance Day…
John’s Thoughts: Most TNA staff get a 3 to 4 week break after tapings, but not Tom Hannifan. I kid a bit, but I really like TNA not making the show feel dated by having Hannifan splice in timely commentary to help sync the taped Impact show to the live NXT broadcast continuity. It’s not the easiest thing to pull off believably, so I appreciate the effort and attention to detail TNA is putting in.
4. Cora Jade vs. Xia Brookside. Cora mocked Xia by lounging on the top rope in the corner. Xia dominated the wrist hold sequence and mocked Cora lounging on the top rope by doing it herself. Xia hit Cora with a huracanrana and dropkick. Xia hit Cora with a Monkey Flip, leading to Cora calling for a time out at ringside. Cora feigned an injury to catch cora with a cheap shot right hand.
Cora hit Xia with a draping basement elbow for a nearfall. Cora worked on Xia with methodical offense. Xia got a rollup for a two count. Cora came right back with a clothesline for a two count. Cora went back to methodical offense while also going for pin attempts. Cora kept Xia in a Butterfly Stretch for a few minutes. Xia fired up and escaped it with a Snapmare.
Xia rallieed with blocks and right forearms. Xia hit Cora with a huracanrana. Xia tripped Cora in the corner and hit her with a meteora. Xia got a two count after a sweep. Both women traded counters. Cora hit Xia with a knee in the corner. Xia hit Cora with a Enzuigiri and high knee. Cora hit Xia with a Dirty Deeds DDT for the win.
Cora Jade defeated Xia Brookside via pinfall in 7:35.
Tom Hannifan hyped upcoming segments…[c]
John’s Thoughts: A good establishing win for Cora with Xia looking good in defeat and given a good amount of time to shine. I like seeing Cora Jade in a new fresh setting (though they have her heavily featured on both shows as Cora is also in the NXT Women’s Title match at the next NXT PLE). Here’s hoping we get more NXT women, developmental and experienced, to get featured on TNA to let some of the water out on the bottlenecked NXT Women’s Roster.
Ariana Grace met up with Tessa Blanchard in front of her locker room. Tessa shut Grace down and tried to shoo her off. Director of Authority Santino Marella (Grace’s irl father) confronted Blanchard and told her that she’s been ducking out of matches like she’s Harry Houdini or something. Tessa said she’s not pulling herself out of matches, she’s just not giving the time to people she feels are beneath her.
Tessa said she’s not going by Santino’s schedule, she’s going on her own. Santino said Tessa better compete on Impact next week or there will be consequences. Tessa dared Santino to fire or suspend her if she doesn’t show up. Santino raised his voice and reiterated that Tessa better compete next week or else there will be consequences. Tessa went into her personal locker room and shut the door…
Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel made their entrance for a promo segment. Wentz said that Wes Lee shows up every week with his new bootleg Rascalz to jump him and Trey every week and act like they own the place. Wentz said “nah” and that’s not what they do around here. Trey said he and Ace Austin may not see eye to eye with Ace Austin all the time, but Ace sees right through Wes. Trey said Ace got their back.
Trey told Wes to not hide in the back like a little bitch and to face them. Wes Lee, Tyriek Igwe, and Tyson Dupont made their entrance. Wes told Trey to watch is language. Wes said they weren’t hiding, they just didn’t think these fans deserved to face them. Wes said he’s okay with facing Trey and Zach in the ring.
Tyriek held Wes back and said that Zach and Trey don’t have championships. Wes said that the “Treehouse” means a lot to Trey and Zach. Tyson said that they should steal that! Wes, Tyson, and Tyriek were about to jump Trey and Zach for all their weed, but Ace Austin made his entrance from behind Wes and crew. While Wes and his team were distracted, Trey and Zach jumped them with Suicide Dives.
Wes tried to high five Trey and Zach, but they gave him a double stomp combo. Tyson recovered and smashed them in the corner. Ace tried to fend off Tyson and Tyriek, but they had the numbers and strength advantage. Trey and Zach staggered Tyson and Tyriek with stereo kicks, but they were crumpled by a low blow from Wes. The Rascalz were dumped to ringside. Ace was held in place by Tyson and Tyriek, leading to Wes hitting Ace with a Kardiak Kick to end the segment…
Tom Hannifan hyped upcoming segments…[c]
John’s Thoughts: A simple and effective heat building segment for Wes Lee and his two heaters. Wrestling companies sometimes weaken big men very quickly by putting the babyfaces over, I liked that Tyson and Tyriek were able to get to show off their strength advantage here with Wes interjecting some dirty tact for heat. Wes is finally starting to click as a heel after floundering a bit in recent months on NXT.
A replay aired of Savannah Evans winning the Women’s Battle Royal last week…
An AJ Francis and KC Navarro promo aired where they talked about being on a bit of a slump, but AJ are shooting to move TNA out of the outhouse and into the penthouse….
Savannah Evans made her entrance first, followed by Knockouts Champion Masha Slamovich. Both women got a tale of the tape graphic. McKenzie Mitchell handled the formal in-ring championship introductions…
5. Masha Slamovich vs. Savannah Evans for the TNA Knockouts Championship. Evans used her power advantage to dominate early on with shoves and clubbing blows. Masha managed to ground Evans with a draping boot and clothesline. Evans recovered and used a stiff lariat to knock Masha off the top rope to ringside. Evans hit Masha with a vicious looking Choke Bomb on the apron. Evans hit Masha with a body slam at ringside.
Masha rallied with a chop combo, but Evans came back with a swinging side slam. Evans got a two count. Tessa Blanchard was shown via picture-in-picture, smirking and watching the match on a monitor backstage. Masha hit Evans with a drop toehold and baseball slide kick. Masha hit Evans with a Yakuza Kick, High Knee, and Koppou Kick for a nearfall.
Evans used a backdrop to reverse a Package Pile Driver. Evans hit Masha with a Big Boot and Seated Banzai Drop for a nearfall. Evans and Masha traded Boo-Yay right hands with Masha landing a Buzzsaw Kick on Masha. Evans came back with a swinging Angle Slam for a nearfall. Masha reversed Evans with a PK and Knee Plus for a nearfall. Masha hit Evans with a Savate Kick and Package Piledriver for the win.
Masha Slamovich defeated Savannah Evans via pinfall in 7:44 to retain the TNA Knockouts Championship.
Eric Young and The Northern Armory were shown gearing up with goalie masks. The show cut to Josh Alexander putting on his headgear…[c]
John’s Thoughts: Predictable outcome, similar to the Hendry match earlier. Masha gets a cred booster win with Evans looking good in defeat (yet again). I wonder what it would take to finally put Evans over the hump, as she’s a great singles wrestler, but still missing something. For one, she could improve her promos a bit, but there’s also something else I can’t pinpoint. Masha need a bit of developing herself as she’s been a background player to Jorydnne Grace in recent months. With Grace out of the picture (though she can always pop back up if she appears via the NXTNA bridge), hopefully this will allow for Masha to rebuild the mystique that she lost from back when she was the undefeated buzzsaw of TNA.
The following segments were advertised for next week’s live TNA show in Winter Park, Florida at Full Sail University: The Rascalz vs. Tyson and Tyriek, JDC vs. Leon Slater in a No-DQ match, and a Joe Hendry encore concert…
Tom Hannifan dubbed the next match “The last TNA match for Josh Alexander”. Eric Young and the Northern Armory made their entrance first. Josh Alexander made his entrance…
6. “The Walking Weapon” Josh Alexander vs. Eric Young (w/Judas Icarus, Travis Williams). Josh and EY started the match with right hands. Young slowed things down and tossed Josh into the corners, followed by strikes. Both men traded advantages in the corners with strikes. Josh got Ten Punches in the Corner on Young. Hannifan recapped how Josh Alexander has the record for longest reign as TNA Champion which could have gone further if he didn’t tear his bicep.
Young raked Josh in the eyes when Josh was rallying. Young worked on Josh with methodical strikes. Josh no-sold some strikes and turned the tables on EY. Josh tripped Young with a sweep on the apron and followed upwith his signature reverse crossbody block. Icarus and Williams distracted Josh, which allowed Young to hit Snake Eyes on Josh heading into break.[c]
An ad aired for the TNA Rebellion PPV happening in the University of Southern California Galen Center at Los Angeles, CA…
Young was working on Alexander with methodical offense back from break. Williams and Icarus were sneaking in cheap shots when they could. After a few minutes, Josh managed to get a moment of respite after hitting Young with a Missile Dropkick. Josh rallied with right hands and back body drop. Josh hit EY with a Rolling Senton and a knee to the neck for a two count.
Young quickly escaped an Ankle Lock and hit Josh with a Jawbreaker on the top rope. Young hit Josh with a signature elbow drop for a nearfall. Hannifan noted that Josh lost his head gear. Alexander hit Young with a Styles Clash for a nearfall. Alexander reversed a Super Pile Driver. Young reversed an Ankle Lock, but Josh went into a Sharpshooter.
Icarus and Williams got on the apron several times to distract Josh from locking in submissions. While the referee was distracted with Icarus, Travis Williams handed Eric Young a goalie mask. Williams distracted the referee, which allowed Young to smash Alexander’s face with the goalie mask. Young hit Josh with a Pile Driver for the victory.
Eric Young defeated Josh Alexander via pinfall in 14:50 of on-air time.
Hannifan proclaimed “Josh Alexander’s time in TNA is over”. Impact closed after the Northern Armory left up the ramp…
John’s Thoughts: While we’ve definitely seen more “epic” matches from Josh Alexander throughout his run in TNA, this was a good match to end things on. In a way, I appreciate that if this is his last time in TNA, that he decided to do business twice (Tom Hannifan really laying it on thick that he’s not coming back. I think he still might come back). Once in passing the main protagonist torch over to Mike Santana. Twice, in that he made sure to leave the new developing Northern Armory faction with some heat on his way out the door.
It also probably meant a lot to Josh to have his potentially final match in TNA be against a fellow Canadian TNA legend in Eric Young. Looking forward to whatever Josh does next. I actually think either company works. If AEW can land both Josh Alexander and Mike Bailey? Oh man! The dream matches will be off the chart and the rich get richer in terms of in-ring equity. In WWE, Josh really has a chance to show off how immensely talented he is in front of the world stage. Josh has certainly shown in his recent run that he can be a very effective heel, and not just the rah rah company babyface.
WWE actually needs Josh more than AEW needs him because not only would Josh improve their in-ring quality single-handedly, but they also potentially unlock one of the best tag teams in the world by reforming The North with All Ego Ethan Page (For some reason, I’m also reminded of that Brandi Rhodes promo where she told Ethan that she only pushed for Ethan getting signed to AEW, so they can sign Josh Alexander). TNA was solid this week, and I actually don’t think it’s the NXT relationship that has truly increased it’s quality. I think that the bigger contributor to their shows getting even better is them not booking to these impromptu filler TNA+ shows, which allows for more steady and less erratic storytelling.
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