03/15 Powell’s ROH 17th Anniversary PPV Audio Review: Jay Lethal vs. Matt Taven for the ROH Title, The Briscoes vs. PCO and Brody King for the ROH Tag Titles, Jeff Cobb vs. Shane Taylor for the ROH TV Title, Mayu Iwatani vs. Kelly Klein for the WOH Title, Rush vs. Bandido

By Jason Powell, ProWrestling.net Editor (@prowrestlingnet)

Jason Powell reviews the ROH 17th Anniversary PPV: Jay Lethal vs. Matt Taven for the ROH Title, The Briscoes vs. PCO and Brody King for the ROH Tag Titles, Jeff Cobb vs. Shane Taylor for the ROH TV Title, Mayu Iwatani vs. Kelly Klein for the WOH Title, Rush vs. Bandido (31:40)…

Click here for the March 15 ROH 17th Anniversary PPV audio review. 

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