By Haydn Gleed, Staffer (@haydngleed)
Join Jason Powell for live coverage of NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool on Saturday afternoon at 1CT/2ET.
UK Women’s Title match press conference with Rhea Ripley and Toni Storm: This segment was a discussion point on members audio between Darren Gutteridge and I while we were reviewing the show in audio form for Dot Net members. I loved it while Darren thought it was a bit hockey. Although I could see his point of view, I disagreed at the time and still do. Both ladies were true to their characters and their delivery was strong and it felt like a boxing press conference, which can be a lot of fun (and no I’m not naïve to think that the vast majority of incidents at boxing press conferences are not a work). It just felt like a more interesting way of hyping their match at NXT UK Takeover than another video package with sit down comments which, although a great way to promote a match, we have seen quite a bit during this feud.
Zack Gibson and James Drake vs. Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster: The right team won this match to go on and face Moustache Mountain at the Takeover show for the NXT UK Tag Team Titles, and this was a fairly entertaining match. All four men are good to great workers and they put together a nice match that really picked up down the stretch.
NXT UK Misses
NXT UK Takeover Hype: It felt like there wasn’t a real drive to hype the special on this show outside of the NXT UK Women’s Championship. That was disappointing considering this was the first of the go-home week shows to air on Wednesday. Joe Coffey cut a promo that felt like it was bits and pieces from other promos that he’s already delivered, and there was a general sense that they had run out of material for the men’s Takeover matches a week too early.
Dot Net Members have access to the weekly NXT UK audio reviews hosted by Haydn Gleed and Darren Gutteridge. The members are also listening to their NXT UK roster evaluations, and a preview for Saturday’s NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool event. For more information, visit If you wish to get in touch with Haydn, do so via twitter (see above) or via email
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