10/27 Shore's WWE "ECW on SyFy" Live Coverage: The Abraham Washington Show, Sheamus vs. Shelton Benjamin, and Yoshi Tatsu vs. Christian for the ECW Championship
Oct 27, 2009 - 09:00 PM |
ECW on SyFy
Taped in earlier in Rochester, N.Y.
[Q1]A video package hyped the Tatsu/Christian title bout…The opening video aired, followed by the introduction of Tony Atlas who started the Abraham Washington Show.
Shore’s Slant: Rich Twilling’s computer has the Swine Flu so you have the Smackdown reporter extraordinaire covering tonight. That’s for watching along.
You could hear a bug fart at first, but the crowd finally booed as Washington played to the crowd. Washington said he was going to do something different and shut his mouth. Atlas did his laugh and Washington said if he continued, he would be in the unemployment line again. Washington introduced his guest, ECW GM Tiffany. She came out in the sling.
Washington said he wasn’t worried about the swine flu because he had developed a case of jungle fever. He said Tiffany’s administration was under scrutiny due to no ECW influence at Bragging Rights. She pointed out all the stars that got their start on ECW. She said ECW would have a bigger part in next year’s Bragging Rights, she guaranteed it. Washington said it wasn’t the Men’s Warehouse. Good line. He asked about Sheamus leaving and she said she was letting Sheamus go since he didn’t want to be on ECW, after one more match tonight with Shelton Benjamin.
Regal’s music hit and he came out with his crew. He demanded an ECW title match. She said no. He said he was losing his patience. She said he would not get a match tonight and may never get one again. Her music hit and she left. Washington started to close the show and Regal glared at him. Washington backed away and Regal went nuts and tossed the set around…Ringside, Josh Matthews introduced the newest member of the ECW broadcast team, Byron Saxton. They played a Yoshi Tatsu hype video…[C]
Shore’s Slant: That was awful. I know I get beat up for being negative all the time, but that was really bad. Washington and Tiffany were OK, but Regal killed all of it. He looked like a bad actor trying out for the role of the Hulk in a new TV series. Some of you may disagree, but the silence of the lambs was deafening. I guess Striker will be on Smackdown with Grisham until JR returns. That’s just a guess right now as I haven’t heard from the spoilers for Smackdown.
[Q2]Back from commercial, Matthews hyped the Halloween themed WWE.com…Sheamus made his ring entrance. A video package showed the attack from Benjamin last week. Backstage, Savannah interviewed Benjamin. She asked him about his last chance at Sheamus. He said he thought maybe Sheamus was right and maybe he was wasting everyone’s time. He said then he thought no, Sheamus was nobody and he had a parting gift for him. Benjamin made his ring entrance…
1. Sheamus defeated Shelton Benjamin at 10:21. They locked up and Sheamus escaped to the floor. Sheamus climbed back in and they traded blows. Benjamin clotheslined Sheamus to the floor and stepped onto the apron. He sat on the top rope and moonsaulted onto Sheamus who laid down too early. Still a cool move. Sheamus recovered into the break…[C]
Back at 4:18, Benjamin worked Sheamus’s shoulder on the ring post. He climbed back in the ring and drove the shoulder to the corner. He stepped onto the apron to work the arm and Sheamus drove Benjamin to the post. He drove Benjamin’s back to the post and rolled him in the ring. Sheamus worked the back with a knee drop and a submission hold.
Benjamin made his feet and escaped to the ropes, but Sheamus scooped him up for a slam and a two count. He continued to work the back with strikes and rest holds. Sheamus hit the ropes and Benjamin reversed into a belly to belly toss suplex. The two men traded blows. Sheamus whipped Benjamin to the corner and he hit a springboard cross body. Benjamin worked his offense and hit a Stinger Splash. Sheamus ducked a kick and Benjamin ducked a clothesline attempt to hit a belly to back with a bridge for two. Benjamin stood him up and Sheamus hit a hangman, followed by the pump kick for the win…The announce team hyped the main event…
Shore’s Slant: The live crowed wasn’t really into this match, but I thought it was pretty good. Benjamin is so good in the ring, it’s a shame he doesn’t have the rest of the skills to be a star. Sheamus is as good as he is white. If you missed Raw last night, Sheamus was drafted to the Raw roster for some unknown reason. Michael “Ass” Cole said he was a free agent, but what the hell does he know?
[Q3][C]Back from commercial, Rosa Mendes raped Gregory Helms’s ear. The Burchills walked up and Katie Lea chased off Rosa. Paul told Helms he wanted Hurricane to meet him in the ring next week to end their feud. He walked off and Helms said, “He’ll be there,” while looking very solemn…The announce team introed a video that recapped the 14 man tag match at Bragging Rights…Backstage, Savannah interviewed Christian. She asked him about his match with Tatsu. Christian said he was looking forward to it because Yoshi had earned the match, unlike some people. He coughed and said, “William Regal.” He said Yoshi would be ECW champion, just not tonight…[C]
Shore’s Slant: It’s a shame that WWE didn’t do more to hype the Bragging Rights concept by having long running feuds between the two brands as that match could have been a ton of fun with some drama. Show’s turn, while obvious, was still surprising in how it went down. Jericho’s promo Friday night is going to be epic.
Back from commercial, Christian made his ring entrance. Yoshi Tatsu came out to 11 people cheering. No lie, you could hear them individually. Old school ring introductions let the new girl shine. Not too bad…
[Q4]2. Christian defeated Yoshi Tatsu to retain the ECW Championship. The two men shook hands to start and then locked it up. Yoshi broke clean in the corner and they locked up again. Christian broke clean in the corner and they stared down. Christian grabbed a waist lock and the men reversed a number of holds. Christian whipped out of a headlock and hit a one man flapjack, flowed by a springboard sunset flip for two. Yoshi hit a back drop and an elbow drop for one. He followed with a backslide for two. Christian tossed him from the ring, but Yoshi held the rope and slipped back in. He hit a running school boy roll up for two. Christian backed into the corner and they stared off into the break…[C]
Back at 8:09, Christian had a headlock on. Yoshi made his feet, but Christian hit a knee. He went to the top, but Yoshi knocked him to the floor. Yoshi went for a plancha, but Christian rolled into the ring and Yoshi landed awkwardly. Christian hit a plancha and rolled Yoshi in the ring for two. Christian whipped him, and Yoshi reversed into a cross body for two. Christian hit a snap mare and went back to a rest hold.
Yoshi made his feet. Christian hit a backbreaker for two and went back to a rest hold. Yoshi again made his feet and Christian worked strikes. He went for his DDT from the top rope but Yoshi pushed him off. Yoshi hit a spinning leg drop from the top rope for a near fall. Yoshi worked kicks and hit a dropkick and a big elbow for two. Christian tried for the Kill Switch but Yoshi pushed him off. Christian hit a drop toe hold and worked his choke/slap on the ropes.
Christian hit a missile dropkick and went back to the top. Yoshi caught him that time and flipped over in a jackknife pin for two. Christian stood in the corner and Yoshi hit a knee. He rolled Christian out and tried for a knee, but Christian ducked and hit a reverse DDT for two. Christian hyped the crowd and stood. He hit a springboard sunset flip that Yoshi rolled through. Yoshi hit the knee for two.
[Overrun]Yoshi tried for a kick. Christian ducked and tried again for the Kill Switch. Yoshi pushed him off to the corner and ran in. Christian hit the fulcrum kick and followed with the Kill Switch for the win. Post match, Christian checked on Yoshi. Kozlov and Zeke ran in and destroyed Christian. Yoshi tried to help and he got his ass kicked. Regal came to the ring and called the shots on Christian. He picked up the title belt and held it up over Christian to end the show…
Shore’s Slant: That match was slow up to the break. After the break…money. Excellent match with superb ring psychology. I almost marked out a few times at the near falls. Christian showed why he shouldn’t be on ECW and Yoshi showed he could be a star in the future. Kudos to both men. Regal needs that title soon to make all of his machinations with the big men worthwhile. I predict Survivor Series is the end of the Christian title run. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you Thursday for Superstars.
Questions? Comments? Anyone, anyone? Let me hear from you. Email me at css3238@gmail.com with whatever is on your mind.