9/28 Twilling's WWE Raw Live Coverage: Al Sharpton hosts the Hell in a Cell go home show, John Cena vs. Big Show, Chris Jericho, and Randy Orton in a gauntlet match

Posted in: WWE TV Reports
By By Rich Twilling
Sep 28, 2009 - 10:00 PM

WWE Raw on the USA Network
Live from Albany, N.Y.

[Q1] The opening video aired and fireworks lit up the stage. Michael Cole and Jerry “The King” Lawler welcomed us to the show promoted tonight’s main even gauntlet match...

MVP and Mark Henry, in their ring gear, were in the ring and MVP’s VIP Lounge. MVP started to welcome tonight’s guest host (and the crowd booed, which is the correct reaction for Sharpton), but JeriShow’s music hit. The tag champs came out to the ring. Jericho told MVP his introduction for Sharpton was not good enough. They argued over Sharpton’s resume.

MVP actually said Sharpton wanted equality for everybody. That’s about as true as saying Jason Powell has hair. They introduced Sharpton and all four men applauded. He came out to James Brown’s “Living in America.” Sharpton talked about an education reform project he and Newt Gingrich are working on together. He said something about “needing to close the gap.” MVP told Sharpton he should book a tag team title match tonight.

Jericho reminded Al that he and Show were already involved in a match tonight. Jericho put down the people and said they should not even be allowed to vote. Sharpton wanted to educate Jericho about empowering people. He asked the crowd if they wanted to see a title match and they cheered. Sharpton booked the match and it would take place next... [C]

Twill’s Two Cents: It’s no secret I’m not a fan of Sharpton and I imagine most people agree with me there. Nonetheless, the man can speak and looked very comfortable on the mic, so perhaps he will give us a good show tonight. On top of that, two matches with Jericho is definitely a good thing. By the way, they sort of gave it away by having all four men out in their ring gear when MVP never wears that in the Lounge, and Jericho always has a suit on.

1. Chris Jericho and Big Show defeated MVP and Mark Henry to retain the Unified Tag Team Championships in approximately 18:05. The match was already in progress coming back from commercial. MVP and Jericho exchanged some impressive nearfall combinations early. Cole made a bad comment by saying if Henry and MVP could keep Show out of the ring, they would have a great shot at winning the belts.

Henry and Show displayed some impressive power maneuvers. MVP tagged in and Show took control before bringing Jericho back in. MVP took offense from both Jericho and Big Show. The match slowed down considerably, even with Jericho and MVP in the ring together as MVP really sold the offense. Henry tagged in and showcased his immense strength... [C]

Back from commercial, Henry punished Jericho, but Show made a blind tag and speared Henry. He followed with two elbow drops and an old school splash for a two count. Show hit a nice DDT on Henry for another two count. Jericho cockily tagged in thinking he had Henry beat. Show tagged back in they hit a double closeline on each other.

[Q3] MVP and Jericho tagged in and the pace picked up considerably. MVP hit a released overhead belly to belly, but of course, Cole called it a throw. I’m tired of getting pissed about that every week. MVP hit the Ballin’ elbow for a two count. He went for the Playmaker. Show broke it up and Henry disposed of Show. Jericho got rid of Henry. MVP scored a very nearfall. Jericho whipped MVP into the ropes and Show hit a forearm to his back. Jericho hit the Codebreaker for the win...

Twill’s Two Cents: I really enjoyed that match and it reminded me how Jericho brought back the IC title earlier this year. The first few minutes were very slow, but it picked up with all four guys bringing it. Show and Henry actually hitting some wrestling moves was impressive. Jericho vs. MVP at the end of the match was a great way to end it. Very good match.

Did you know? People spend more time per visit in the WWE Universe than they do on MySpace, Twitter, or Facebook...

Backstage, Primo and Al were talking about doing things for minorities when they were interrupted by Hornswoggle being chased by Chavo Guerrero. Chavo called himself the greatest Mexican superstar of all time and introduced his partner, Chris Masters, to Sharpton. Santino Marella was there and said Horny was hit partner. Al sent them all away and finished his conversation with Primo...

Footage was shown of Randy Orton’s win last week. Josh Matthews interviewed him backstage. Orton said Cena would be lucky to survive tonight and he definitely would not survive the HIAC match on Sunday...

Twill’s Two Cents: Orton and Jeff Hardy always ended their promos in that lame way when they say “WWE Champion” or “World Heavyweight CHAMPION.” Get a catchphrase Randy.

Alicia Fox and Rosa Mendes walked through the backstage area as Mendes prepared to face Mickie James... [C]

[Q4] A commercial aired for Sharpton’s educational reform tour. It said Black and Latino students were an average three years behind their Asian and White counterparts. It blamed the educational opportunities. As an educator, I can tell you that is crap. The same opportunities are there for all students...

2. Mickie James defeated Rosa Mendes (with Alicia Fox) in a non-title match in 3:34. Botched spot early with Rosa not getting to the corner quick enough as Mickie was countering an Irish whip. Rosa recovered nicely and worked on the back and shoulders of Mickie. Rosa took a closeline on the wrong side and then she botched another move. Mickie finally ended it with that reverse kick to the head...

Twill’s Two Cents: That was ugly as all hell. I hope the match on Sunday is better than that.

Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase were shown walking and they will be in action... [C]

Twill’s Two Cents: Nice pre-commercial tease.

A commercial aired saying William Regal will be looking to become the number one contender again tomorrow night on ECW...

[Q5] A shot of a Hell in a Cell was shown over the ring. I wonder if Cena will end up working his gauntlet match in the Cell tonight...

Cody and Ted came out to the ring and had something to say. Ted said nobody thought they would win on Sunday, but they would it and it would be the biggest win of their careers. He said for those with the short attention spans, he had something for them. A video of Legacy going over on DX throughout the past several weeks was shown...

Rhodes called Triple H and Shawn Michaels two of the best of all time. He said after Sunday, Hunter could get his “cozy, corner office at Titan Towers” ready. He called HBK the best in ring performer “to ever breathe.” He said Michaels’ career would have a tragic ending. All of a sudden, you could hear Michaels shouting, “Boring!”

Michaels and Hunter started cracking jokes from one of the press boxes. Hunter started to tell Legacy what he thought of them but Shawn reminded him it was a PG show. “You guys are like butts, not really the cheeks, but the center part.” Funny. They joked about the Incredible Hulk and Bob Barker. Michaels reminded him it was Bruce Banner.

DX headed to the ring wanting to fight right now. Legacy took off. DX said they were not surprised and Triple H told Legacy to enjoy the distance between them. He put over again what they would do to them on Sunday inside of Hell in a Cell...

Twill’s Two Cents: DIdn’t they say Legacy would be in action? Anyway, that put over their match but it wasn’t anything different or special compared to what we have seen from them in the past. Good segment, but nothing overly special about it.

A graphic for Cena vs. Show, Jericho, and Orton was shown... [C]

Did you know? More people between the ages of 18-49 watched Raw last week than The Jay Leno Show on NBC. I guarantee Jason is taking a shot at me right now for being a Leno fan...

[Q6] Jack “I’m not all that bright” Swagger came out with the U.S. Championship belt around his waist. Footage was show of how he stole the belt last week...

3. Jack Swagger defeated Evan Bourne in 2:59. Swagger was impressive and intelligent early by isolating and working on Bourne’s leg. He kicked Bourne to the floor. Bourne scored a nearfall and followed up with some quickness aided moves. Swagger went for the gutwrench powerbomb and Bourne ended up on the top rope. He hit a spinning double knee for a two count. Swagger won the match when he countered a hurricarana into a powerbomb for the win...

Swagger cut a promo after the match. He said he had the look and already had the gold. He said he would become the official all American American United States Champion. The Miz came out and said he was the best draft pick Raw received this year. He said everyone knew it. Miz and Swagger brawled. As they did Kofi came down and took his belt back... [C]

Twill’s Two Cents: We get reminded yet again that Bourne is not quite in the United States Title picture. This was a good segment that helped sell their PPV match, which is the smart thing to do on a go home show. I especially liked what Miz had to say and babyface and heel status has nothing to do with three young guys wanting the championship.

[Q7] 4. Chavo Guerrero and Chris Masters defeated Hornswoggle and Santino Marella in 2:15. Didn’t Chavo give up a couple of weeks back, but nothing has changed. Chavo and Santino started the match together. Santino took a quick beating and tapped out to the Masterlock. After the match, Masters put the Masterlock on Hornswoggle. Chavo punched Masters and looked confused at what he just did as he headed to the back...

Twill’s Two Cents: Well, babyface Chavo is the most interesting thing he has done in a long time. I like this better than anything else he has done lately.

Jericho, Show, and Orton were shown talking backstage... [C]

Ben Roethlisberger of the Pittsburgh Steelers will be the guest host of Raw next week. I am guessing my name will show up in Jason’s report again. Cole and King ran down the HIAC card...

Backstage, Sharpton was heavily booed again. Jillian Hall approached him sang to him. Al sent her away. The Bella Twins said since he was the god son of James Brown, he should be able to sing and dance. Al obliged and sang “I Feel Good” and did a few dance moves...

John Cena looked very sad as he prepared for his match... [C]

[Q8] Cena made his entrance. Jericho was first out...

5. John Cena defeated Chris Jericho by disqualification in 3:22. Cole pointed out yet again that Jericho has never defeated Cena. Basic stuff early with Cena trying the AA, but Jericho reversed it into a Walls of Jericho. Cena made it to the ropes but Jericho would not release the hold. The referee called for the bell but Jericho would not relinquish the hold...

Big Show came out and Jericho did not release the hold until Show reached the ring. Jericho rolled out and the referee rang the bell for the second match...

6. John Cena defeated Big show by disqualification in 5:45. Jericho remained on the floor in Show’s corner. Show hit Cena with a series of clubbing blows as the show went to commercial... [C]

Back from commercial, Show was still dominating. Cena had one bright moment and lifted Show up for the Attitude Adjustment. Jericho interfered, causing the second straight DQ. Show applied the Colossal (Camel) Clutch...

Twill’s Two Cents: Yeah, Cena didn’t beat either guy, but neither guy could beat Cena either. Ugh. They are the tag champions.

[Overrun] Orton headed out to the ring and went face to face with Cena. Cena pointed up to the Cell and it lowered...

Twill’s Two Cents: Ray Charles saw that one coming.

7. John Cena vs. Randy Orton in a non-title Hell in a Cell match ended in a no contest. Cena tried to hold Orton down before the Cell landed. Orton almost made it out by thought twice before he almost lost a finger. They both eyed the door. Orton made a dash and Cena stopped him. Cena threw him out of the Cell. Orton climbed up to the top and Cena followed.

They exchanged a couple of punches and Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment to Orton on top of the Cell. Cena celebrated on top of the structure and Orton looked nearly dead...

Twill’s Two Cents: Cena recovered quickly from the first two matches. Ugh. Nothing new here. I hope however this is a case of Cena getting over tonight, so Orton is winning at the pay-per-view. We’ll see. Was not thrilled with the gauntlet match or the show. I thought Al Sharpton was surprisingly good.

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