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6/17 Shore's WWE No Way Out results and review: John Cena vs. Big Show in a cage match, C.M. Punk vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Kane for the WWE Championship, Sheamus vs. Dolph Ziggler for the World Hvt. Championship
Jun 17, 2012 - 06:30 PM |
By Chris Shore
Dot Net Members can look forward their exclusive audio review of WWE No Way Out pay-per-view with Jason Powell and Chris Shore after the show tonight. Join us on the ad-free version of the website by signing up right now via the Dot Net Members' Signup Page. We also encourage you to download our FREE apps on iPhone, Android, and Amazon Fire.
WWE No Way Out
Aired live on pay-per-view
East Rutherford, N.J. at Izod Center
Pre Show
Matt Striker and Scott Stanford checked in on commentary. They ran down the big three matches on the card and Triple H's return... Epico, Primo, and Rosa were arguing backstage in Spanish as AW stood looking confused. He told them to speak English. Primo complained that AW told them to wait to cash in their rematch clause, but now it had been 30 days so they had lost it.
AW said he was waiting for their moment to cash it in and all they had to do was win a fatal fourway tonight to become the number one contenders. Epico pointed out they were already the number once contenders but now they had to win a fourway to get it again. AW gave them a pep talk and they bought his mumbo jumbo. Striker and Stanford hyped the fatal fourway added to the PPV and introduced the participants: Epico and Primo, The Usos, Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel, and the Prime Time Players...
Brodus Clay made his ring entrance to a good pop. Otunga made his to no reaction...
Brodus Clay vs. David Otunga. Clay powered Otunga into the corner and clubbed him to start in control. The ref pulled him away and that allowed Otunga to hit a shot to the hurt knee. He pounded Clay down and covered him for Clay's first ever kickout since returning. Otunga worked the leg as the Funkadactyls cheered Clay on. Clay shoved Otunga away and hit his headbutt. He followed with the fall away slam and Otunga rolled to the floor. Otunga stared at Clay as the ref counted him out he backed up the ramp. Clay and the 'dactyls danced to celebrate.
Brodus Clay defeated David Otunga by countout at 5:39.
Shore's Slant: Weak match with an even weaker finish. Clay did fine selling, but Otunga has absolutely zero heat.
Triple H said his favorite Raw moment was when he returned from his quad injury in 2002... A hype video for the WWE Championship feud aired... The announce team hyped more of the No Way Out card... Josh Matthews spoke backstage to John Cena and asked him if this was the last time we see John Cena. Cena cut a promo and said the only thing they knew for sure was someone was going to get fired and it would change the WWE forever. The recap video of Vince McMahon injecting himself into the main event aired to end the preshow...
No Way Out
A short video recapped Big Show's turn and hyped his character and main event match with Cena... The opening video played, followed by the pyro, and Michael Cole, Jerry "The King" Lawler, and Booker T checked in on commentary. The set was no different from the TV shows except the extra light screens on the sides and light rig above the stage. Ring introductions occurred for the first match...
Shore's Slant:We're giving away a pair of three-month Dot Net Memberships tonight in our live coverage. Both winners will be selected randomly and the winners will be announced during our pay-per-view coverage. Cut and paste the following on your Twitter page right now: Read @Prowrestlingnet's live coverage of WWE No Way Out at prowrestling.net #wwe #NoWayOut
1. Dolph Ziggler (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship. The bell rang and Ziggler went tot he corner. He had Vickie climb to the apron and they discussed something. Vickie gave him a kiss on the cheek and he turned around and almost took a brogue kick. Ziggler rolled to the floor instead and sold being frustrated.
Shore's Slant: I almost had a stroke.
They settled into a shoulder tackle opening sequence and Ziggler locked in a sleeper. Sheamus set him on the rope and turned around. Ziggler slapped him, so Sheamus shoved him off the rope and to the floor in a nasty looking spot. They batted back in the ring for a moment, but Sheamus hit an elbow and neckbreaker for two. Sheamus tried to do something with Ziggler in the corner, but Ziggler pulled Sheamus into the post to take control.
Ziggler hit a swinging DDT off the top for two. Sheamus had a couple of hope spots, but Ziggler hit a knee lift and Sheamus started kicking out on one. Ziggler held a chin lock for sometime. Sheamus finally fought out and lifted Ziggler, but Ziggler hit a sick looking DDT for two. Sheamus sold that like a champ.
Ziggler hooked a rollup and grabbed the rope. The ref saw it before counting three. Ziggler argued and Sheamus almost rolled him up from behind. Ziggler hit the swinging neckbreaker for two. He went back to the chin lock, but Sheamus fought out. They botched a couple of lifts, and then Ziggler shoved Sheamus into the post and followed with the Fameassor for a great near fall.
Sheamus powered back and skinned the cat onto the turnbuckle. He climbed up, but Ziggler ran up and hit a face buster off the top for another great near fall. Both men sold, and Ziggler went for the Zig Zag, only to eat an Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus hit his clubbing blows on the ropes, and then countered a sleeper attempt into White Noise. Sheamus followed with the set up brogue kick for the win...
Sheamus retained the World Heavyweight Championship at 15:09.
Shore's Slant: Great, great, great match. Wrong ending. Sheamus winning is fine, but he won this like it was a TV match. He setup for the big kick and then hit it for a clean pin in the middle of the ring. Ziggler desperately needs wins. But I can't say it enough. This match was great.
Backstage, Big Johnny chased down Vince and apologized again and suggested he not go to ringside for Vince's safety. Vince didn't say anything, but walked into his office and shut Big Johnny out. Josh Matthews asked Johnny about the pressure and Ace ran him down, calling him a wanna be wrestler who now couldn't announce...
2. Santino Marella vs. Ricardo Rodriguez in a tuxedo match. They started with a pose off for who had the better tuxedo, which Santino surprisingly won. Ric Rod shoved him and it led to the first tearing of the tuxes. Ricardo took a couple of atomic drops and the crowd shit on it by chanting "Boring." Santino ht him with a new cobra strike with his foot. The crowd didn't cheer when it was over. I cried...
Santino Marella defeated Ricardo Rodriguez at 4:26.
Shore's Slant: Thank you NJ for shitting all over that. Seriously, thank you.
Matt Striker asked CM Punk about his relationship with AJ. Punk sidestepped the question and said he was concentrating on his match. AJ walked up and said she wanted to wish Punk luck. She kissed his cheek. Punk wiped his face, looked at his hand, and said "Luck is for losers." Punk left and Striker stuck the mic in AJ's face. She just looked at him so he left while she stared longingly to the way Punk walked off...
3. Cody Rhodes vs. Christian for the Intercontinental Championship.After some arrogant back and forth, Christian hit a drop kick through the ropes and tried to do something from the apron, but Cody pulled him down and took control. Christian fought back and threatened to rack Cody on the post, but Cody pulled his legs in and Christian hit the post.
Cody worked the arm, even shoving Christian off the turnbuckle onto the floor. Way to watch the first match boys. Christian came back with a running DDT off the steps. Both men had to hurry to make it back to the ring, and Christian hit a drop kick for two. The crowd is dead after the tuxedo match. Nothing is making them react. Cody rolled through a crossbody and scored a nearfall that no one in the building bought.
Christian went for the Kill Switch, but Cody reversed into an Alabama slam for two. Christian reversed a Cross Rhodes into a reverse DDT and setup for the spear. Cody went to the floor. Christian followed and hit his corner sunset flip when they climbed back in the ring. Cody reversed for a nearfall. Christian hit the Kill Switch, but Cody kicked out. He went for the frog splash, but Cody got the knees up. Christian ducked two disaster kicks and hit the spear for the win...
Christian retained the Intercontinental Championship at 11:32.
Shore's Slant: Decent match, but this crowd is pissed after the tuxedo match. It's hard to say if this match meant anything. The crowd didn't care, and there wasn't much meat on the bone before the match started. This PPV opened hot and has been all downhill since.
4. Epico and Primo (w/Rosa and AW) vs. Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel vs. The Usos vs. The Prime Time Playas in a fatal fourway to become the number once contender for the WWE Tag Team Championships. An Uso and Titus O'Neal started. You can tag in anyone in the match. The Usos scored the first big spot with a pop up Samoan drop on Gabriel. Gabriel played the babyface in trouble, but the crowd could not have possibly cared less it seemed.
Everybody ended up on the floor, except Primo and Kidd. Kidd hit a top rope ranna that spilled both he and Primo onto the crowd on the floor. Young, who was the legal man, rolled back in the ring. AW rolled Primo back in the ring. Young hit his finisher and covered Primo. Epico tried to slide in the ring to save him, but AW grabbed his foot to stop him. AW celebrated with the Prime Time Players after the match. Epico and Primo attacked AW, but the PTP attacked them back and the three men beat down the two...
The Prime Time Players became the number one contenders for the WWE Tag Team Titles at 9:29.
Shore's Slant: Ugh, no heat for that match at all, and it was an overbooked mess. Does this mean Primo and Epico are baby now? Does anyone care? I appreciate the effort to inject a story in the tag division, but I'll have to see several weeks of story before I let them trick me into caring again.
A video recapped the Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H feud. Hunter's music hit and the crowd finally woke up. Hunter cut a promo about being in a corporate job and having to deal with a bunch of legal issues because of Paul Heyman's lawsuits. Hunter said he's more of an ass kicker than a corporate person. He said he had an idea, but it was only good if one other man thought it was.
Hunter said Brock was an ass kicker too. He said his arm will be 100 percent in a few weeks, sometime in the middle of the summer. He proposed they get rid of all the "crap" and fight each other at SummerSlam. He said, "Brock Lesnar, let's do this. Brock Lesnar, let's fight." He said Brock could fight, or be the quitter he's always been.
Shore's Slant: I like the special announcement for the PPV purchasing audience, but could Hunter have done a worse job than that? It was one of the weakest promos I have ever seen Hunter give. Not a great way to make that announcement.
5. Beth Phoenix vs. Layla for the WWE Divas Championship. Beth tossed Layla around and talked junk about Layla not being able to lace Beth's boots. Layla snatched Beth's headband on and played keep away before using it to distract Beth and hit a drop kick. Beth powered back, but Layla worked speed. Beth gorilla pressed Layla, but Layla reversed into a DDT for two. She followed with the Layout for the win...
Layla retained the Divas Championship at 6:56.
Shore's Slant: Another good match for the women from a technical standpoint, but nobody cared.
Backstage, AJ wished Kane luck and kissed his cheek. Kane planted one on her lips and she kissed him back. Kane walked off and AJ looked confused...
6. Hunico (w/Camacho) vs. Sin Cara. There was some confusion with the pizza guy I had to settle so I missed most of this match. Sorry. Sin Cara won with his finisher...
The hype video for the WWE title match aired. Kane was out first, followed by Bryan, and then Punk. No AJ to start.
7. Kane vs. Daniel Bryan vs. CM Punk for the WWE Championship. Kane grabbed both men for chokeslams, so they worked together to knock Kane down. They fought over who would cover, and that led to their opening series. Punk tossed Bryan over the top and the crowd woke up finally. Kane and Punk settled into the first long run with Kane working in control. He hit the sitting dropkick for two and locked in a body scissor.
Punk fought out and Kane whipped tot he corner. He charged, but Punk hit an elbow. Kane staggered away, and Bryan hit the corner drop kick on Punk. He charged at Kane, but Kane hit a side slam. Bryan hit a drop toe hold on Kane in the corner. He went to the top rope, but Punk caught him and tried for a superplex. Kane pulled Punk off, and they took turns pulling each other away from Bryan until he hit a missile drop kick on both men.
Punk ran a series on Bryan and hit the high knee. He hit one on Kane, and tried for the bulldog, but Kane shoved him away and Punk clotheslined Bryan. Punk shoved Kane to the floor and hit a top rope elbow on Bryan for two. Punk called for GTS and lifted him. Kane hit a big boot and scored a nearfall.
Punk fought back and tried for another elbow, but on Kane. Kane moved and Punk missed. Bryan hit a top rope headbutt on Punk for two and then knocked Kane back to the floor. He kicked Punk in the head and slapped on the Yes Lock in the middle of the ring. Punk rolled back like he did in their single match for a pinfall atempt. Bryan kicked out and tried to go back to it, but Punk hit GTS. Kane pulled Bryan from the ring, punched Punk, and then hit the top rope clothesline on Punk.
Kane went for the chokeslam, but Punk reversed into a DDT for two. He hit the top rope elbow on Kane and tried to lift him for GTS, but Kane was too heavy. Kane hit a big boot and then the chokeslam, but Punk kicked out at two. Kane argued with the ref and sold frustration. Kane lifted Punk for the tombstone. Punk fought out and pushed Kane away. AJ ran out and climbed up on the apron. Kane slammed into her and distracted him. Punk hit the roundhouse kick and then GTS on Kane for the win.
CM Punk retained the WWE Championship at 18:15.
Post-match, Kane carried AJ to the back, but she looked over her shoulder at CM Punk who was celebrating in the ring...
Shore's Slant: Fantastic match that easily met the expectations. I hated that Daniel Bryan sold the GTS like he had been killed and Kane was really only out for three seconds, but it looks like the AJ storyline continues so I will give it a pass for now. I can't believe we had all these title matches and everyone retained. So odd.
8. Ryback vs. two jobbers. You all know how this went. Ryback screamed "Feed me three" before hitting his finisher on both men again.
Ryback defeated two jobbers at 1:37.
The hype video for the main event played as the cage was setup. Big Johnny was introduced first, and he sat in an office chair at ringside. Big Show was out next. Vince was out third and sat beside Big Johnny. Cena was out last...
Shore's Slant: Congrats to our first free membership winner Matt Jerr of South Windsor, Connecticut.
9. Big Show vs. John Cena. Show went right at Cena at the bell and methodically took him apart. Cena had a couple of hope moments, but they were only moments. Cena hit a surprise bulldog from the top rope and tried to flee the cage. Show caught him and they battled. Cena racked Show on the ropes, but Show hacked him down and went back on the attack.
Show hit a splash from the second rope for two. He climbed to the top rope and pulled Cena up with one hand on the throat. He tossed Cena back down and walked the rope. He jumped off for an elbow, but Cena moved. Show tried to climb out the door, but Cena grabbed his foot and dragged him back in. Cena tried to escape, but Show grabbed him. Cena made Show hit the cage and tried to leave again.
Big Johnny came over and tossed the referee down and closed the door. Vince dropped Ace and opened the door. Cena tried to leave, but Ace shoved Vince who slammed the door into Cena. Show hit a chokeslam for two. Show argued with the ref and knocked him out. Cena attacked, but Show hit the WMD on him and looked around arrogantly.
Show started to leave the door, but Brodus Clay ran out with a chair and dared Show to leave the cage. Show started to climb the cage, so Clay waved to the back. A bunch of guys who Show had knocked out ran out and tried to climb the cage. Show fought all of them off except Kofi, who kicked Show back into the ring. Cena recovered and hit the AA on Show.
Cena covered, but the ref was still out. Cena climbed the cage near the announce tables as Show went for the door. Ace tried to stop Cena with the crutch, so Clay came over and held Ace to allow Cena to escape and win. Post-match, Clay let Ace go and Ace charged at Cena. Cena scooped him up for the AA. McMahon came over and fired Ace, and Cena hit the AA on the Spanish announce table to close the show...
John Cena defeated Big Show at 19:27.
Shore's Slant: Boring. That's the word for the main event match and the finish. No real build for Ace losing his job. No nice payoff on Smackdown. He fired him on the PPV and Cena killed him for good measure. And now Big Show is the world's largest failure, just as Cena promised. Terrible finish.
This PPV had all the potential in the world and managed to accomplish nothing. No title changes. Nobody new feels special. Ziggler took another loss. Punk retained cheaply. Cena won. Again. Even though the two main title matches were great, this show is a gigantic miss for WWE. I'll have more later on the member's exclusive audio review with Jason Powell. Thanks for watching along with me tonight.
Questions? Comments? Anyone, anyone? Let me hear from you. Email me at css3238@gmail.com or tweet me @TheShoreSlant with whatever is on your mind.
And read my first work of fiction: The Following Contest is a Dark Match available exclusively on ebook for all eReaders, smartphones, tablets, and PCs for only 99 cents.
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