WWE News: Was John Cena at Monday's Raw? Live crowd's reaction to Paul Heyman

Posted in: WWE News
May 7, 2012 - 10:47 PM

Dot Net reader Lucas Prichard attended Monday's WWE Raw television show and sent the following report on what happened after the show went off the air.

1. John Cena defeated Kane. Cena had his arm heavily taped, and fought basically with one arm, which he sold very well. The crowd was very pro-Cena. Short, basic dark match main event with each wrestlers signature spots. Kane introduced a chair into the match, only to eat an AA immediately after for the 1-2-3.

Notes: The crowd was hot all night for the faces. Big pops for Orton, Punk, Sheamus, Cena, and even Kane. Most heels were greeted with a mixture of boos and silence. Only Vickie Guererro and Johnny Ace were soundly booed.

When Brock Lesnar's music hit, most people reacted with a surprised gasp, not expecting to see him. When Paul Heyman walked out instead, people lost their minds. It was a definite "mark out moment," at least for the adult males in my section, with a quick arena-wide "holy shit" chant breaking out momentarily.

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