A Randy Savage tribute occurred at Yankee Stadium on Sunday during the New York Yankees vs. New York Mets game. Dot Net reader Hal Dworkis of Bronx, N.Y. attended the game and passed along the following report.
"Sometime during the game, they were playing the Village People's 'Macho Man' song. During the song, Randy Savage's picture popped up on the video screens. Towards the end, Savage's picture popped up on the main big video screen which said 'In Memory Of' with his born/death years listed. It went by pretty quick so I was unfortunately not able to snap a picture, but it was a nice little tribute to him.
"Also of note is that whenever Yankees left fielder Brett Gardner gets a hit during home games, the screens say Brett "Hit Man" Gardner with a picture of Gardner in the Bret Hart sunglasses and jacket."
Powell's POV: It looks like someone who works in game ops at Yankee Stadium is a pro wrestling fan. It's great to see Savage receiving so much respect outside the wrestling world.
Randy Savage tribute at Yankee Stadium
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WWE News
May 22, 2011 - 06:00 PM
May 22, 2011 - 06:00 PM
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