TNA News: Rob Van Dam says he hasn't been utilized to the fullest in TNA, comments on his Destination X match with Jerry Lynn

Posted in: TNA News
Jul 25, 2011 - 03:00 PM

Rob Van Dam told Scott Fishman of the Miami Herald that he doesn't feel he's been utilized to his maximum potential in TNA. "I can’t say that I have been utilized to the fullest,” Van Dam said. “I’d say very much not, but I don’t want that to come off as a complaint because I really like my deal with TNA. I’m very professional and there for whatever they need me to do. Having said that, I still care about my character and my career, and I’m very easy to get along with.

“Hopefully that rubs off on a professional basis. I’m not one guy to complain that they should be doing this with me or that. I will offer some ideas up, and at the same time, give my opinion to the writer and stuff like that. It doesn’t do any good to throw out that negativity out there. Everyone has a job do. I feel like if I were to complain about, say the writing for instance in a public forum, I don’t see that as any different as ‘stooging off’ in any other place of employment."

Van Dam also spoke about his recent match with Jerry Lynn during an interview with Scott Fishman of the Miami Herald. "I was very pleased with the match as was Jerry Lynn,” Van Dam said. “We had a competitive bout as we’ve always did. That same spirit that used to drive us for our matches before definitely came out. We haven’t wrestled since 2001. It has been quite a while, but we were able to pick right up and feel that chemistry together.

“According to the reports from the office, our match was off the charts. Especially for what they wanted the focus to be on right now and what they want the young guys to pick up and learn. I was super happy with the match. Jerry and I know the more we wrestle each other, the better the match gets." To read the full interview, visit

Powell's POV: Van Dam also complained about Generation Me being among the people who didn't approach him, shake his hand, and ask for advice. He didn't mention them by name, but Matt Jackson has since responded on Twitter and said he always said hello to Van Dam. Insert your own joke here regarding Van Dam being forgetful. Van Dam also spoke about TNA also needing to do more to get the word out about their product, his own online marketing, and the C.M. Punk angle.

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