1/28 TNA Impact Wrestling taping: Full results of the taping for Thursday's television show (spoilers)

Jan 28, 2012 - 06:05 PM

TNA Impact Wrestling TV Taping
London, England
Report by Dot Net reader Chris Flynn

The opening had Bully Ray and Bobby Roode with James Storm and Sting following. Sting booked a match for Storm to face both in singles matches in the same night.

1. Magnus and Samoa Joe defeated Matt Morgan and Crimson. Joe and Magnus won the toss for the two of them to be in the ring at the same time with Morgan and Crimson having to tag in and out.

2. Austin Aries beats Mark Haskins. Haskins took a nasty bump from the Shooting Star Press. Aries wins with a brain buster. Christy Hemme looked on at Haskins and appeared to be worried about him.

3. Bobby Roode beats James Storm. Roode won thanks to Bully Ray's interference. Post match, Bully performed a Rock Bottom on Storm on the title belt.

Eric Bischoff called out Garet Bischoff, saying that his 'trainer' won't be in London to help him. Garret received an in-ring phone call to say that the 'trainer' is in the building and will call out Eric later!

4. Tara beat Gail Kim in a non-title match. Tara won with the Widow's Peak.

5. James Storm beat Bully Ray. Storm came out with taped ribs to sell the injury from earlier. During the match, Roode came out and stood at ringside shortly after Sting appeared at ringside with a taped up cricket bat.

Garret came out followed by Eric and Gunner. Garett's trainer Hulk Hogan came out, which led to a small brawl.

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